The Stands

Marnie supposed she was obligated to cheer for Gryffindor today, considering Milo was on the team and all, but considering he was probably not going to see any airtime today either she figured she could get away with cheering on Michael too without anyone noticing.

She hadn't had time to go all out like she liked to do when Hufflepuff was playing, but she'd enjoyed employing plenty of glitter onto the two signs for Milo and Michael, making sure to hold them both up equally as the game got underway, likely showering everyone sitting down wind of her in a fetching combo of red and blue glitter.
Briony had never really gotten the fuss with Quidditch, brooms and flying were excellent fun so why did everyone want to waste it flying in circles and hitting balls at each other? Still, she supposed she could see something kind of romantic about the tension of catching and chasing the snitch though she thought it'd be cooler to see an actual snidget like in the old days. At the very least she got to see Lucy playing, which was cool. Lucy was cool and pretty much good at everything so Briony wasn't surprised to see her fearlessly up in the air as the game got underway. "Don't get hit!" She called to Lucy hopefully, hoping the wind might catch her voice and carrying it as the other Ravenclaw beater took a nasty looking bludger hit herself.
Callie was very excited for the chance that hufflepuff had at winning the quidditch cup. She was decked out in anything yellow that she owned and was ready for the game to get underway. She didn't necessarily think the houses were the most important thing, but she was still eager to support her team. One she was hopeful to be a part of come the next school year.
Teddy came to watch the Quidditch game mainly to cheer on Marley and enjoy the game without having to think about his own team's standing. He happened to stand next to someone he recognised immediately as the person he had been talking to at the dance, "Oh hey," He said, looking at her yellow outfit and with a smile asked, "Are you supporting the snitch today?" He teased, a grin playing on his lips.
@Callie Cardoso
Callie smiled at the boy from the dance and then laughed lightly. "I want the game to last forever," she joked back. "I don't own any black apart from like, my uniform, so, yellow it was," she then explained wanting him to not actually think she was supporting or even trying to be the snitch.
@Teddy Pirrip

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