Thorine allowed Christian to crawl on to the bed as she watched Arnost with their baby. He looked magnificent standing there holding that new life that they had created. She had been convinced that all her feelings would return to normal once she had pushed the baby out but looking at him now she was tempted to even admit that she loved this man, truly loved him. Was that even possible for her? She had thought it once with Tristan but soon discovered that he fell very short of the expectations she had and what she had considered love was merely lust. This though was different, she could feel it in her very core. Not sure what to do with this new realization she looked down at her son and smiled.
"Do you like your baby sister?" he smiled of course and nodded his head yawning and falling back to sleep. She caught sight of Estrella standing there and actually smiled at her as well.
"Goia take Christian back to his room and show Estrella to the guest room near Christians. It is late now" she turned her gaze on the girl once more, "I am sorry you had to stay, but please continue you at least you can be on your way more refreshed after a good nights rest. I know your brother would be delighted to see you in the morning".
"Do you like your baby sister?" he smiled of course and nodded his head yawning and falling back to sleep. She caught sight of Estrella standing there and actually smiled at her as well.
"Goia take Christian back to his room and show Estrella to the guest room near Christians. It is late now" she turned her gaze on the girl once more, "I am sorry you had to stay, but please continue you at least you can be on your way more refreshed after a good nights rest. I know your brother would be delighted to see you in the morning".