The Scent of Flowers

Vayne never had the time to react when he saw Kate dashing to his hiding place. "Going to be the bait again? No way... gee" He murmured with a soft smile, trying to think of a way to divert the attention from him. Unluckily though, before he even had the chance to stand and ran, Sam was already at his position and had tag him. "No way..." He said, laughing as he saw Sam dash and run to where Kata had headed to.

"Run Kate! Run!" Vayne said, watching his surrounding so as to see where Alexia was hiding.
Kate caught some of her breath and was running again she was glad she was a good runner "Sorry Vayne"she shouted while running she needed to find a distraction she looked back at Sam and noticed she was slowing down she was also wincing like she was in pain it must be her knee Kate slowed down as small bit so she was at a more comfortable pace she was dodging bushes and jumping over benches she had almost reached the other side of the garden when something caught her eye she thought she saw someone look out through two big rocks she ran towards them hoping Sam would see Alexia and go for her instead

OOCOut of Character:
I feel so mean trying to get everyone caught...Sorry Vayne!!!
Sam saw Kate in the ahead of her the pain in her knee getting worse though she tried to ignore it. She noticed Kate appeared to be slowing down a bit before noticing she had done the same. She decided this was her chance and gritting her teeth she sped back up ignoring the protests from her knee, she had ran with worse doing cross country contests. She had been in a running club back in the muggle world before she got her letter and did admit she hadn't been keeping it up when she got here. Her whole first year she had barely ran the length of a corridor, now in her second year she would run now and then down by the lake or in the forest a few times depending on her mood but still wasn't quite back up to standards. The running helped her here though as she closed the gap between her and Kate. She saw some movement as she passed by the rocks she had inspected earlier but ignored it as she focused on closing the last meter between her and Kate.
Vayne was worried when he saw Sam slowing down a bit. "Must be her knee....You alright Sam?" He shouted, checking if the older girl is fine. "No worries Kate! Apology's a game..." He added when he heard Kate shouted out an apology for him. He doesn't really mind being the "it", there's always a first time for everything after all.

Vayne sat down on the grass as he watched Sam go after Kate despite the seemingly painful feeling in her knee, he quite admire the older girl's determination. He was deep in thought when he notice some movement on two big rocks and he concluded that it might be Alexia, since she's the only one missing. Having a genuine smile grace his face, Vayne shouted some encouragement to the three. "Do you best guys!"
OOCOut of Character:
Don't worry Kate, it's alright.. it's more exciting that way... :)
"Sugar"Kate said under her breath Sam obiously was ignoring Alexia she was getting a bit tired but she refused to give up Sam was starting to limp now and Kate knew she couldn't last longer even though Sam was injured she was gaining on Kate.She took a sharp right and kept running speeding up her breath was coming ragged but she pushed on giving up was not one of her qualities her parents had always given out to her because of her stubbernes. The gap between Kate and Sam had became bigger. "Just give up Sam"Kate said trying to encourage her to give up she doubted it would help but she tried anyway
Sam realized that she was unlikely to catch up with Kate on speed but perhaps could keep it up longer as she could face the pain which dulled when she ran at a more steady pace. So the gap between them got slightly bigger but she kept running and watched as Kate's breath appeared to get heavier. Stamina was the only thing not effected by her knee so she intended to use that "Not today Kate," she said with a smile continuing to run.
Kate knew she was not going to last for much longer she like Sam she steadied her pace and her breathing became more normal and she got some of her energy back she decided that she would keep running until she fell over with exaustion.She looked back and saw that Sams limp was bigger "You should really sit down and rest your knee it could get worse if you continu to run"Kate shouted back the gap got bigger and bigger Maybe she should just give up Kate said in her mind Sam would probably not give up for a while Kate decided the only way to distract Sam was to get Alexia out as well she ran back to Alexia's hiding place and called for Alexia the gap between her and Sam was still quite big "Come out Alexia"Kate said loud enough for Sam to hear she felt really mean but she wanted to get caught last and she would do all she could to make sure that happened she wanted to make sure Sam saw the hiding place and Alexia would have to run because Sam knew where her hiding place was
Sam continued to run after Kate as she shouted back "It's just a cut," she answered her when she told her to sit and rest. Kate once again ran past the two big rocks this time revealing it was Alexia's hide out. As Sam reached the rocks she decided she might as well just catch Alexia so stopped at the entrance not looking in but leaning on the rock for a minute to catch her breath saying "You might as well come out you have no where to run and I really would rather not squeeze in that gap, 'case I hit my knee y'know." she said to Alexia watching Kate run on. "You really are evil," she shouted after her laughing.
Kate looked back and she saw Sam stop beside the rock and talk to Alexia yes she said in her head she laughed when she heard Sam "Its a part of me I try to hide"Kate said still laughing running further and further away she went into the bushes and hide herself from veiw she would run next time but slowly it must be boring waiting for the two girls to be caught
Vayne decided to approach Sam which is situated near the rocks. He was really enjoying the game but it's actually sad to be the first one caught, you cannot join the fun in the latter part of the game. "Are you alright Sam? It's not hurting again is it?" He asked when he had finally reached Sam. Then he looked at the gap between the rocks. He had tried to suppressed a smile but had failed in doing so. "Now Alexia, you got no where to run, what will you do?" He asked softly, smiling as he saw Kate ran off to find another hiding place.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the this being so late ): forgive me everyone!!! :)

Alexia had been silently crounching when she seen Kate run past giving away her amazing hidding spot. She laughed knowing she was caught and was going to have to give in. She looked arround and tried gard to reach the top of the two rocks, She latched her fingers arround the top of one but let go. If she really wanted to Alexia could have climbed over the top, even though it would have been hard. She put on a fake sad face and stuck out her bottom lip as she crawled out of her spot.
Sam stood watching as Alexia crawled out of her hiding spot with a sad face. "Tig," she said leaning down and tapping her on the shoulder before adding "Sorry but it was Kate's fault she got Vayne caught as well so you weren't first." She smiled before turning to look and see where Kate had ended up having not stopped when she did. "Oh and Alex great hiding place, do you mind if I call you Alex for short?" She asked her realizing she might not want her name shortened as many people never.
Kate saw Alexia come out of her hiding place I t was a good hiding place she had to admit "You can't catch me"She shouted out to the others

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