The Scent of Flowers

Alexia Evenstar

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Having never been to the Hogwarts Gardens before Alexia and some friends decided to met there to explore. It was way more beautiful than she could have ever imagined it to be - Though it seemed everything at school was beautiful in it's own way. Roaming through rows and rows of tall trees and colorfull flowers Alexia finaly came out to a large empty space. She stood on the outskirts and looked towards the other side. It was almost a perfect circle. Spotting movement on the other side of the open space she smiled knowing - well hoping that that was one of her friends she had invited to met her here.
"Wow, it is beautiful here, right Alexia? It feels so refreshing!" Vayne said with a huge smile as he looked at everything around him. The garden was like a sanctuary that calms one's self. It gives off a comforting aura that when a student goes there, the student will feel very safe and at ease.

"I wonder where the others are." He added as he finished taking in and engraving in his mind the beauty of his surrounding.
"It really is" Alexia agreed smiling to herself, she turned to face Vayne, "It feels so..." She paused to think of a word to discribe it, "Different" She finnished unable to discribe it fully. Turning back to the other side of the open space, "I think thats them over there" She told him, pointing to where she seen movement
"Different... yes that's it... this feels so different..." Vayne said with a serene smile. The place is really indescribable for them.

Then, turning to the place that Alexia pointed he suddenly smiled.

"Maybe be you are right. Maybe that's them!" He said, full with enthusiasm.
Ciel walked into the hogwarts garden, Vayne and Alexia, who he had met on the party, had invited them there. Taking in everything around him, he searched for the two.

"Hi there everyone, how are you doing?" He said when he approached the place where he had heard some talking.
Sam walked down towards the gardens she had been unsure whether or not she would go when invited but finally deciding that it would be good for her to socialize she dragged herself outside. As she approached she slowed down a bit still unsure if it was the right decision. As she walked in the gardens she saw three people standing and stopped in her tracks thinking it's still not to late to turn back. Then shaking her head at herself she started walking again Don't be stupid she invited you it's going to be fine. As she reached the group she stopped a couple of feet away not wanting to interrupt she just smiled and quietly said "Hey."
Kate walked into the gardens its so beautiful out here Kate said in her mind she had been delayed because of homework and she hoped they would be there Kate walked into to a wide open space she then saw her friends "hey guys" she called out

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry guys theres something wrong with our computer this is the schools one
Alexia smiled brightly seeing her friends "Hey guys, I'm so glad you all came" She told them excitedly. She loved the way the garden made her feel - just so happy. "I wonder what we can find here" Alexia wondered out loud, already excited to do some exploring. Turning to Vayne "Who else are we meeting here" Alexia asked trying to remember
Vayne looked at the unfamiliar person who had just came. "hello, I believe that you do no know me yet, my name is Vayne..and you are?" He asked with a smile. He loves making new friends.

"Hi Kate, Hi Ciel!" He then greeted Kate and Ciel who had just came.

"Hmm... Sara, Willow, Roze, Shiloh? I guess, everyone who we met on the party huh? And I also invited someone whom I had met before, I'm sure she'll love to meet you guys!" He said, when Alexia asked who are ones that they had invited.

"So, what can we do here?" He then inquired to everyone.
"OH! I'm sorry, how rude of me" Alexia exclaimed shaking her head disapprovingly at herself as she took a few steps towards Sam "This is Sam, she is great" She complimented with a very bright smile, "Sam and Kate stood up for me" Alexia quickly explained. She loved introducing new people to her friends. "That sounds cool" She told Vayne when he said who he had invited "This is going to be fun" She laughed.
"oh. nice to meet you then, Sam.." Vayne said as he bowed slightly as a sign of respect.

"What does Alexia mean when she said that you stood up for her?" He then asked Kate and Sam about Alexia's previous statement.

"Anyways, I think you are right Alexia, this is going to be fun indeed!" He agreed as he turned to smile to Alexia.

OOCOut of Character:
can you fill out my relationship form? Thanks
Kate walked over and recognised Sam from a while ago "Hey Sam" she said "I've never been to this part of the castle"Kate said "We'll a while ago a girl was bullying Alexia and Sam and I stood up for her"Kate said "I can't wait till the others come "Kate said looking around to see if anymore were coming
Sam was about to introduce herself when Alexia done it for her for which she was rather grateful she got rather nervous round new people, though it might not have seemed it when they first met. She thanked Alexia under her breath as she was closest she thought she should be able to hear. "Nice to meet you to," she replied to Vayne. "Hi," she said to Kate before adding to the end of her story "it was just a stupid Slytherin girl who was totally full of herself I couldn't resist the chance to insult her after hearing what she was saying." Sam flashed smiled at Alexia as she finished. This is looking like a good idea after all she thought to herself.
"Cool, you two are really cool Kate ans Sam, that's a very heroic act!," Vayne said with a huge smile when he had heard of the story about Sam and Kate protecting Alexia from a bully.

"And Alexia, you haven't told me that...really, i'm worried..." Vayne then said as he turned to Alexia with worry, he doesn't want any of his friends to be hurt or insulted.
"Ya she had it coming"Kate said her mood changing wasn't usually like this but the girl ahd struck a nerve and it was never going to heal "Anyway its over and done with nothing we can do a bout it now lets talk about something happy"kate said sitting beside Alexia smellying the flowers as she went
Sam taking up Kate's suggestion to changing the subject turned and said "Why don't we have a game of hunt or something?" She asked them before adding "It's a muggle game in case you need me to explain it. Or just any games you can think of."
"Game of hunt? Sounds cool to me..." Vayne said enthusiastically, he wanted to play too, something that all of them will enjoy.

"Anyways... even though I said that it is cool, I don't really know how that game is played...Can you elaborate further Sam?" He added sheepishly when he realized that he doesn't know the mechanics of the said game.
"That sounds fun"Kate said eagerly "I've never heard of that came though"Kate said wondering how to play the game
Sam smiled at them as they asked how it was played "Well it's very simple really you just pick someone to be it and then they count with there eyes closed and everyone hides the aim is for them to find and tig you. Without magic."she added the last part know magic would make it extremely easy.
"Cool, so we just need to hide and wait for someone to find us? Let's play then... How are going to pick who's "it"?" Vayne said enthusiastically, he was really looking forward to play the game.
"Oh so its kinda like hide and go seek"Kate said eager to start "How about we do like last person to touch the ground has to be on or something "Kate said trying to think of other ways
Sam listened to Kate's idea and thought it was pretty good "Yeah sounds good so on 3 then," she said holding up her hand with 3 fingers raised "3...2...1" and she immediately dropped to touch the ground.
Vayne hurriedly dropped too to touch the floor when Sam had started counting to 3. He doesn't want to be the "it" since he thinks that it is more fun to hide.

"Last one to touch is "it"!" Vayne yelled while looking at the others with a huge smile.
Kate wasn't exactly listening but she heard Sam shout three and drop to the floor so she guessed the had used her idea so she dropped to touch the floor she lost her balance and fell when she touched the floor "Opps"she said steading herself
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry guy, i havnt been on in a while D:

Alexia had been bearly been listning to everyone but when she started listning again she was really confuesed to see everyone crouching and touching the ground. "Huuuuh?" She stood watching everyone "Ohhhhhh!". Alexia quickly ducked down and touched the ground before seeing if she was the last to do it.

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