The Sadness within

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Nadia Kaster

finding talent; hidden; retired journalist
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Dragon Heartstring Core

This is Nadia Mckay, eight months ago her mother, and both her siblings were killed in a car accident. Her Aunt and Uncle have disowned her and she never sees her father. So as you can imagine she is going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment. She has started to shut herself away from others and doesn't even talk to her friends anymore. She is scared and alone and doesn't trust her magic anymore. She doesn't understand why her family couldnt be saved or why her family has broken apart. She hates her father and feels nothing but pain over the loss of her family.

So what I need from you guys is some people who will try to bring her out of her deep depression. They can be old friends of hers or even some people she hasn't met before. But they need to be patient and understanding. Even any Professors that want to help out my Princess here would be great too. This is kind of a long plot, but not too long and I am a patient person so if you can only reply like once a week, thats fine with me, though i would perfer that you could be relatively active. And someone who can post atleast a decent chapter, I hate it when I do something good and get one line in return, so those are my requirements, any takers?
I can offer Elvera up as a older student to help her. or my shop keeper Morgan Le Fey who also loves to help people out.
or of you want a few easy chats. i have briar a third year gryfindor who is always filled wit ha frantic energy.
Nadia and Elvera

Hmm, what is Elvera's patience factor? Because Briar would be a bad idea as she is full of energy which is not what Nadia needs right now. She needs someone who will be patient and not too pushy for her to say anyhting. Mostly just some to encourage her to open up and be a listening ear?
Elveras patience factor is quite high. she would be happy to just sit with Nadia, and listen to her problems, and encouraging her. or even just sitting in silence with her.
I can offer Vayne to help her. Vayne is a younger student but he had experienced the same fate as Nadia. His parents had died too, leaving him alone, but he had accepted it wholeheartedly. He looked at it as a challenge rather that a problem. Vayne is an optimistic kind of guy, so maybe his optimism can rub off a bit to Nadia? What do you think?

Heyy Teigan!
I think I can offer you Stefan Archer.
He wouldn't be the type to instantly see that Nadia was going
through something. He would take a while to even be comfortable
around her, but with his past he has reason to be. He's colourblind
so has little confidence. And his mother died when he was 2 years
old, and because his father treats him so horribly, he misses his
mother more than anything, although he has no idea what she
was even like. I have to be honest, I have no real idea as to how
it would really work. But Stefan And Nadia seem like a good pairing.
Maybe, Nadia could see more into Stefan than Stefan would see
into her. Or Stefan can just be that guy who listens more than
anything. Who doesn't judge, and just listens.
Again not so sure how this would really work, but Tell me what
you think.

Also, as to activity, I am not so active, but I can be on at least
2, 3 times a week.
I think that maybe it actually could work. Nadia really needs someone who will just listen to her right now even if she doesn't say anything, but just sits there.

Vayne might also be good. Though because he is a year younger I'm alittle worried, but Nadia may not recognise it so we can atleast try I think.

Stefan might be a nice change to Nadia. She is always used to someone trying to get it out of her as apposed to them not even knowing that something is wrong. It might be interesting to roleplay them together and see where it leads. Also the simple fact that he is in Slytherin may help her situation. She has had a bad runin with her friend who is in Slytherin and they are friends no longer. May help her realise that just because some-one is in Slytherin it doesn't make them all mean and nasty.
And dont worry about your activity, im sure we can work around it :)
Nadia Mckay said:
Stefan might be a nice change to Nadia. She is always used to someone trying to get it out of her as apposed to them not even knowing that something is wrong. It might be interesting to roleplay them together and see where it leads. Also the simple fact that he is in Slytherin may help her situation. She has had a bad runin with her friend who is in Slytherin and they are friends no longer. May help her realise that just because some-one is in Slytherin it doesn't make them all mean and nasty.
And dont worry about your activity, im sure we can work around it :)

That's what I was thinking. A change. That breath of fresh air,
that would be necessary. And he is very nice. He would not
hurt a fly. So would you like to start a topic? Or shall I?
Hiria is understanding, she listens, trys to think of a way to cheer the person up, and offers the best advice she can. And plus, Nadia knows her (Remember that topic we did ages ago? "Just sitting reading" ?)
Vayne might also be good. Though because he is a year younger I'm alittle worried, but Nadia may not recognise it so we can atleast try I think.

Vayne is kind of mature when you think of it, he had experienced a lot so maybe, he can help?
Could you please start?
that sounds good. would you like me to start a topic in the common room.
(this is Elvera by the way)
Yeah please do Mia
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