The Prettiest Star

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Lesbian)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
After the lesson in Astronomy class where they all went stargazing, Amber was fascinated with the planets and stars above them. Before long, she was eager to go do it again, without the distraction of all her classmates around. So she decided to ask Ainsley, her best friend in the whole world, to come with her. It had been a while since the two of them had done anything together, and Ainsley seemed like the type of person that would appreciate stars in that way too.

"We're almost there." She said encouragingly to her friend as she led her up to the North Tower. It was starting to get late, and Amber had packed blankets to keep them warm and some cookies to eat while they were up there together. It would be a lot of fun, she was sure. "I can't wait to look up at the sky again, I loved doing it in class." She said excitedly. She was aware that she was repeating herself, having said similar things when she was convincing Ainsley and as they were heading to the tower, but excitement made her want to talk. She hoped Ainsley didn't mind much. Amber beamed as they came to the top of the stairs and arrived at the tower, she marveled at the night sky all around them.
Ainsley's bare toes tapped and curled around the stones of the floor as she followed Amber higher and higher up into the tower, fingertips tracing along the bumps and ridges of the wall as they ascended. She was excited for the cool night air and brilliant starlight, and spending an evening with Amber was always a perfect plan. Trailing up the stairs a little behind her friend, she was relieved when they started to get close to the top. "Me too. I've never had a telescope before, stars are amazing..."

Following Amber out into the top of the tower, Ainsley took a deep breath of fresh night air and looked up, exhaling slowly as the cool air chilled her cheeks and the stars filled her vision. It was breathtaking, the smattering of stars across the sky, shining bright and glorious just like how Ainsley remembered at home, no city lights polluting their view of clear blackness and shining light. It was awe inspiring, and Ainsley forgot where she was, drifting away into daydreams of other worlds and species and ways of living.
Amber could see that Ainsley's mind was starting to wander and she gently nudged her. She usually didn't mind it when her friend got like this, but she sort of wanted her to be present in this moment for now. It wasn't every day that they got to spend an entire evening together with just the two of them. "Aren't your feet cold?" Amber asked worriedly as she took in her friend's appearance. Before she even finished the sentence, she was pulling out the warm blanket she had brought. The last thing she wanted was for her friend to get ill from exposure. Why hadn't she insisted she wear shoes for once? Did Ainsley own shoes? Probably. Maybe.

"Do you want to look with our telescopes?" She asked, looking around. It almost seemed unnecessary with how bright the stars were in the sky above them. But she did want to see them more closely like they had in class.
Ainsley started a little as Amber nudged her, jolted back to the here and now. "Oh..." She said softly, looking down from the stars and glancing at her friend, taking a moment to process what she had said. "Oh, no, I'm fine, they aren't cold at all..." She looked down and pulled up her long skirt a little to glance at her wiggling toes, surprised to note they did seem a tad blue. Before she could adjust what she had said however, Amber was already ready with a blanket, and Ainsley smiled gratefully. It often amazed her just how thoughtful Amber could be, it made Ainsley wish doing considerate things came more naturally to her. She couldn't help wanting to make Amber feel taken care of the way Amber made her feel.

Glancing up at the sky again, Ainsley tried to tear her thoughts away from Amber to focus on their assignment again. "I think we probably ought to use the telescopes, oughtn't we?" She asked, pulling the sleeves of her jersey over her hands and bobbing a little on her toes. "Otherwise we might as well have just gone out on the lawn and looked up..."
Ainsley had a point. With anyone else, Amber would now have felt embarrassed and sort of silly for even suggesting not using telescopes, but Ainsley never made her feel that way.Amber smiled. "You're right. Let's look at the stars together while sitting under the blanket." She said, pulling Ainsley down gently so they could sit together with the blanket around them. She started unpacking her telescope too, excited to do this with her friend.

"Thanks for joining me."
She said after a quiet moment. "I'm so glad you're my friend."
Ainsley grinned contentedly as she cuddled up under the blanket, sitting close with Amber. She didn't really notice just how chilly the air had been until she wasn't in it anymore and gave a small, relieved shiver, cuddling up to Amber for warmth as she got her telescope out, smiling contentedly at the peaceful stillness of the night, and the warm presence of her friend next to her.

When Amber spoke again, Ainsley's smile widened, heart rushing with warmth. "I'm glad you're my friend too." She said softly, smiling earnestly at Amber, making a rare moment of eye contact. "I never had a friend before, and you're the best first friend I could have ever hoped for..."
Amber felt her cheeks heat up at Ainsley's words and she averted her gaze. It was nice, to be friends like this. It was what she had wanted to do at school, make friends. Before the year started, though, she had focused much more on how many friends she was going to make, and not so much on the kind of friendship it would be. But now that she was here, she knew she had made the best kind. It didn't matter if she didn't have too many, as long as they were good. And Ainsley was the best.

"You're my first real friend too." She admitted quietly, huddling closer under the blanket. "Let's be friends forever, Ainsley."
Ainsley felt like she was positively glowing with happiness, cuddled up cosy with her best friend on such a beautiful night, talking about their friendship. Amber's words made Ainsley so happy, and also a little bit relieved. She had never had any idea how making a friend was supposed to work, but apparently it had worked, and worked well, and Amber was just as excited as she was to be friends. It felt nice to be so certain and so on the same page.

Reaching over, Ainsley gently took Amber's hand and squeezed it, smiling reassuringly. "We'll always be best friends, the best best friends there ever were..."

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