The Noose and Guillotine

Sakura Gemini

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 1/4" hawthorn with essence of phoenix tears
Sakura had arrived back at the Leaky Cauldron with nothing but thoughts of Nicolas King on her mind. She was trying to decide on a decent restaurant and worse again, an outfit to wear. All she possessed were pant suits or denims for mucking about in but she wanted to look really good tonight. Wanted to impress him somehow, biting her lip she had gone silently up the stairs and using the fireplace in her room contacted her mother through the hearth to find out a decent restaurant. With that finally done, she decided to raid Isabella's wardrobe for the outfit she needed. It took her forever as though they were both the same size, Bella's colouring was completely different to hers. It was actually Yema in the end who came to her rescue and once she had freshened herself up, taking care of her freshly healed shoulder in the process she could only smile when she returned to her room to find that the house elf had cleaned and mended both jacket and blouse.

Sakura had been taught how to sew a long time ago by her mother, well sewing as in using a charmed needle and thread but it was still the same thing in their view. A muggle might not see it that way of course. Yema on the other hand must have used elf magic to have gotten the job done so effectively and efficiently. It took her some time to get her hair just right and then her make up, sliding into her outfit and slipping on the shoes she had chosen Sakura viewed herself in the full length mirror.

It was like another person staring back at her, she felt feminine and beautiful and hoped that Nicolas saw that too. Glancing at the clock on the mantle piece she saw the newspaper that had been left out for her. For nearly a month now she had been viewing various apartments and flats, even debating on sharing one as she firmly felt that it was just dead money renting a room from a tavern. She wanted her own place but so far nothing came either in her taste or her price range. Grabbing her robe she put it on, clasping it completely so that not an inch of what she was wearing could be revealed until they arrived at the restaurant.

Her mother had told her all about The Noose and Guillotine, a small restaurant set up down Charring Cross Road about three years ago. As it was situated on a very busy muggle road, it had all the appearance of an old book store that was constantly closed for refurbishment. Inside it was clean and the service was efficient and polite. The food was typically English, the seating plan was nicely spaced and always come evening time the lighting was dimmed and classical music was softly played about the establishment. For a romantic meal for two which is what Sakura was hoping for whether or not it was what Nicolas wanted, the Noose and Guillotine at evening time was perfect. She had asked her mother why the strange name for the place but she hadn't known, so Sakura promised to inquire herself if she remembered during the night.

She left her room and headed downstairs to where Nicolas would be waiting, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves as she did so.
After Sakura had left the Auror Department, Nicolas returned to his office and sat opposite Penelope after shutting the door. He spoke with her briefly with regard to her choice of actions, why she had brought Sakura on an assignment she had not been cleared for, and what the exact circumstances of her injury had been. He took notes of the specifics for a quick filing of a report, and kept a conscious eye on the time as their meeting progressed. He wanted a little bit of time to change robes before meeting Sakura, but as his discussion with Penelope concluded (with a warning to her to take greater care when training new aurors), Nicolas realized he would have very little time to do much at all. He dismissed Penelope, then rose from his chair, taking a travelling cloak off of a hook on the wall and wrapping it around himself. He flourished his wand quickly, causing the robes beneath the cloak to change into something slightly dressier than his working robes, and left his office.

Nicolas strolled happily through the Atrium of the Ministry, anxious to meet with Sakura again, and moved out on to the street before apparating to the front door of The Leaky Cauldron. He entered the tavern and took off his cloak, folding it over his arm as he approached somebody at the bar, asking for Sakura. He was instructed that she should be down any time, and so Nicolas waited, finding a seat by the bar while he did so.

As Sakura came down to the main room of The Leaky Cauldron, Nicolas rose and approached her with a smile. "Once more you look more stunningly beautiful than last I saw you." He offered with a smile, looking admiringly down at her, "I fear I didn't have time to do much myself, so you'll have to forgive my slobbish appearance this evening."
Sakura beamed at him, her smile lit up her entire face as she looked at him. Honestly he could have worn a brown paper bag and she would have thought he was dashing and ridiculously handsome. She was just glad that the effort she had gone to had paid off as she drank in his smile.
"Well I think you look extremely handsome Nicolas King" she informed him as she took care of the heels she wore and the long travelling robe that lightly trailed the floor.
"Reservations have been made at The Noose and Guillotine, I've never been myself but I hear it's supposed to be wonderful" the reservations her mother had sorted for her at her end of things and Sakura after telling her only that she was going on a date with someone very important to her, could only imagine what her mother in all her excitement would have prepared before hand. No doubt chilled champagne or even the meal paid for in advance. With a mysterious yet indulgent smile for the mother who was over protective yet delirious that her only daughter and child had finally met someone, she turned in the direction of the fireplace and took the arm that Nicolas offered her.

The powder tossed they said the name and off they went, she arrived first and he just after her. They were met by the host of the small establishment who greeted them warmly, took their names and showed them to their table. Sakura's mouth hung open, it was beautiful. The table itself was situated in the far corner of the room, surrounded by garlands of peach roses that grew on a trestle across the wall. Candles floated around the table giving it the softest glow imaginable, the seats themselves were nestled practically side by side yet still managed to be positioned in such a way that they could look directly at one another without turning. He offered to take their robes and slowly Sakura undid the tiny clasps of her travelling cloak finally revealing the outfit she had chosen to wear. A waiter came to hold their chairs for them and offered them a menu each while just as she had suspected another came with a bottle of champagne and glasses. Filling them and leaving them placed before them on the table.

Sakura finally looked at Nicolas not sure what he would think of her dress, if he found it more inappropriate than anything and she felt as if her entire night seemed to be hanging on his approval. The host and waiters had left the table to allow them time to peruse the menus and she smiled at him.
"I think my mother may have gotten a bit excited about me going on a date" she blushed, "I don't tend to go on any."
Nicolas had also never heard of the restaurant Sakura stated they had reservations at, but he didn't eat at restaurants around the world every day so his knowledge of them was quite limited to those in New Zealand, and a select few he was aware of in the United Kingdom. Despite calling the UK his home, most of his adult life had now been spent in New Zealand with only occasional visits back home with guests for holidays, or just to check in on his manor, or what have you, so it was truly only a home in the sense that it was where he felt most comfortable, and most belonging - nothing more technical would do as a definition in this instance. "I'm sure it will be splendid." Nicolas began, "Shall we, then?" He enquired, offering Sakura his arm. As she took it, they walked to the fireplace where he allowed her to go first, and was sure to follow shortly after.

Nicolas stepped out of the grate shortly after Sakura, who retook his arm, and after being greeted they were lead to the table which had been reserved for them. It was evident that this evening was more than a simple thank you for healing Sakura's shoulders, it was indeed to be romantic as the night in Poland (which had ended quite differently than its start), if not much more so. Nicolas allowed the waiter to take his cloak, quickly ensuring his wand was in his robe pocket and not still in his cloak (as he often did). He then caught a glimpse of the dress Sakura had worn for the evening, which only reaffirmed Nicolas' impression and made him smile with delight. He was seated after Sakura, thanked the waiter for their menus, and set his in front of him on the table.

The dress Sakura wore was much different than the clothing Nicolas was used to seeing her wear, and very much different from the pant suit that she had dawned on their night in Poland. "I should likely stop being surprised at how much more stunning you regularly appear to become, shouldn't I?" Nicolas enquired, appreciating the effort Sakura had obviously taken in arranging the evening. "I suppose mothers do that." Nicolas began with a nod, as he looked about them at the table and its surroundings then back at Sakura. "Though your mother outdid herself no more than you have."
If it was possible to have a colony of butterflies or whatever the class name was for them tucked inside her stomach at that point, then Sakura was certain she had them. There was no way of knowing whether her mother had simply told them to out do themselves on the romantic setting or whether or not she had given them strict orders to put things just so, she would find out herself on the morrow but for now, she was more concerned with the man beside her. The only man capable in a ten mile radius of stopping her heart, making it leap and skip at will.

His praise of her when it came caused her not to blush this time but to simply smile at him, the floating candles gave her eyes the appearance of starlit and she veritably glowed beneath the muted lights.
"Thank you but to be honest, I'm not sure if my mother had a hand in the actual decor though I'm almost certain she did with the champagne" Sakura knew full well though that when she did speak to her mother again, it would be all about the possibility of wedding bells in her future. Gently lifting her glass she gazed at him in wonderment, still not believing that he was actually here with her.
"What should we drink to then?" another smile, at this point she would be in danger of receiving lock jaw for the constant curvature of her lips that his presence induced.
Nicolas followed suit, taking up his own glass as Sakura enquired what they should drink to. "The future always deserves a toast, doesn't it?" Nicolas suggested with a smile. "To the future?" Nicolas offered, with a smile on his visage as he raised his glass with hers and then drank. In the past several days he found himself drinking many things which he didn't normally imbibe in. Normally his drink of choice was fire whiskey, but it seemed that social convention prevented him from having such a drink when out with another. He smiled at this thought as he set his glass down. At least he had somebody to blame for his lack of fire whiskey, he figured, which was much better than having nobody and no fire whiskey.

Nicolas picked up his menu and started to look it over with very little interest. He wasn't overly hungry, and would eat most anything here, he was sure, whereas he would have been much more cautious in his choice of meal in Poland, had Corinne not been there to order for him. "English food..." Nicolas mused to himself with a smile, many of the selections reminding him of meals he'd had many times before were a task to find in New Zealand at all. Nicolas then over his menu and set it back down, having decided what he would have.
She was glad that of all things he had chosen he had picked the future, as she raised her glass to it she could not help but include in her own mind 'to their future'. Carefully placing her glass down she opened up her own menu and sighed with relief while at the same time heard Nicolas saying something about 'English food'. A soft laugh escaped her.
"It would seem we've both been missing the stuff" she quickly glanced through the menu completely spoiled for choice but she knew in an instant what she wanted and what she usually craved whenever she returned to these shores. Closing the menu she put it aside just in time as the waiter returned to take their orders.

"Could I have the steak and kidney pie please?" she asked before turning to see what it was Nicolas would order. The waiter soon left and she had yet to take her eyes from her companion.
"Do you miss England much?" Sakura had every intention of discovering whatever she could about Nicolas King this night. There were so many things she wanted to know, so many questions she wanted to ask him. As hazel eyes focused intently on brown once more, "I should have asked what part of England you're actually from."
Nicolas ordered what was essentially Sunday Roast with roasted potatoes and Yorkshire pudding, but on the menu it was called simply 'Roast Dinner' as the day was not yet Sunday. He thanked the waiter kindly as he took their menus once more and left the table to place the order with the kitchen.

"I shouldn't say I miss it, there isn't much left for me here to miss, but I do call it my home." Nicolas explained, returning Sakura's gaze, "I'm from Cumbria, myself, what about you... do you miss England much?" Came Nicolas' replies and enquiries. Despite how well them seemed to get on from the start, it was apparent that they knew very little about each other's past. Nicolas had had the opportunity to peruse Sakura's file at the ministry, but he still felt it only proper of him to ask her himself.
She hadn't expected him to say that and she looked at him thoughtfully, there was no way she could imagine not missing England. The green fields, the blustery winds, the accents, the food, the weather.
"On the coast of Yorkshire about three miles from the muggle port town of Whitby is another much smaller port, much more picturesque called Clowden. It's a wizarding community and very close knit. My childhood was ideal, almost surrealistically perfect but mainly as my family were completely protective of me. I love the smell of the ocean, the green of this countryside. The wind that cuts through you as you cross the Yorkshire moors but as much as I love it and miss it, I've chosen to live my life elsewhere for now. Maybe someday I'll return I don't know. I like these flash visits but I prefer my freedom" she smiled at him and shook her head slightly, "sorry I'm running on a bit aren't I?"

Another sip of her drink and she frowned slightly at the bubbles as she lowered her glass.
"I'm not the greatest champagne drinkers I'm afraid. Alcohol just shouldn't have bubbles" she mused glancing at him once more.
"You have no family at all left?" she paused before briefly closing her eyes, "I'm sorry, that was a bit personal of me wasn't it?"
It certainly that Nicolas didn't enjoy England and miss it to some extent, however it was precisely as he had put it: there wasn't much for him to miss in England. He couldn't be attached to a location where there were no people left for him to be with, plenty of sorrowful memories to relive, and a mostly empty home for him wander in the evenings. Nicolas wasn't the most social person in the world, but he did require a lot more than it seemed England had to offer him at this time.

Nicolas smiled as Sakura talked about her home town, her childhood, and the life she seemed to enjoy. It was all a very stark contrast to the England he was familiar with, with chilly winds, some of the coldest winters imaginable, rolling green hills in the summer, and a series of small shires, all of which had some interesting history with wizard folk. One rather close to his home, in fact, was full of the most superstitious muggles he'd met in his life, and had supposedly been cursed by a witch hundreds of years prior. Whether or not this was truth or folklore Nicolas was unsure, but it was interesting to ponder, regardless.

"That's quite alright." Nicolas replied in response to her concluding remark, "Clowden sounds lovely. I can't say I've had the opportunity to see it at all." Nicolas responded as Sakura took a drink of her champagne and he caught a glimpse of the first frown on her face he'd seen in some time. "I wouldn't say it shouldn't have bubbles. Bubbles are celebratory and grand for certain occasions. It's certainly not for regular enjoyment, however." Nicolas agreed, raising his glass and taking another sip of the champagne with a teasing smile.

Just as Sakura enquired about his family, a waiter arrived with their meals. He set each down with a small nod to them before disappearing without a word. Nicolas had decided not to reply with the waiter present, but before he had the opportunity to Sakura was already apologizing. He chuckled slightly, "Quite personal." He agreed, with a wink, "But no matter, I don't mind as much as some might. You are correct, I've no family left." Nicolas swallowed at this and took another sip of champagne, though now the bubbles seemed very much distasteful.
Sakura smiled at him and nodded her head.
"It is, really. Maybe you'll get to visit it sometime, I'll be your tour guide" another smile before she picked up her glass of champagne once more and stared at it, listening to what he said about the bubbles and celebrations. She could not help but glance at him slightly abashed.
"My mother then it would seem is the one that thinks there is something to celebrate here. I really should have dated more, maybe she wouldn't be quite so enthusiastic about the first one I've had in..." Sakura glanced back at the glass in her hand trying to remember the last time she had really dated, herself and Nicolae had never really gotten past the first dinner. Her time had become so caught up with the auror training, that they barely got to see one another except for passing in the elevators. So that only left Noah back in third year. With that thought she took another sip of her drink and sighed.
"Perhaps I should be celebrating that I'm out".

With their meals placed before them, she thanked the waiter and could have kicked herself for having asked such a personal question of him but then he winked at her and she could not help but smile at him. She continued to smile until he said that he had no family left. Sakura had always moaned and groaned about her own family but she loved them dearly and could not picture her life without them in it, no matter how long apart her visits home were or theirs to see her. Reaching out she could find no words, so simply let her hand cover his giving it a gentle squeeze.
"I would quite enjoy that, sometime." Nicolas had agreed with the smile before their food arrived. He was never one to turn down a guided tour of any locale he had yet to go to, unless it was in a location simply too remote for anybody in their right mind to care about, and nowhere in England was that remote at all. He had done a bit of travelling with his parents in his youth, but was in school most of the years he could remember, then he left England at his first opportunity to do so, in the simple pursuit of escaping memories. Looking back on it, it appeared very much like he had been a very weak person to run away from his home to deal with his grief. How many people did that? Not many, he was sure.

Nicolas hazarded a slight smile as Sakura's soft hand covered his and gave it a squeeze. He'd been without his parents for over eighteen years, and it still caused such silences when about. The parts of a thirty-five year old man: still making dates awkward for him. He was sure they were having a great ol' chuckle about this one somewhere. He loved his parent,s but their sense of humour in such situations left much to be desired. "Thank you, Sakura." Nicolas began, turning his hand over and squeezing hers gently before releasing and moving toward the food. "However, I think better conversation is in order. We're both having food we've missed, and we can't leave it to get cold by bemoaning things which cannot be changed and are long-since passed." Nicolas said this with another smile, turning to his plate with hungry eyes. "So, was being an Auror always a dream of yours?" He enquired, figuring this to be politer dinner conversation. It wasn't office talk, it was simply a ponderance upon her aspirations.
Delighted that he would gladly take her up on her offer and glad that the conversation had been steered away from a topic that had begun to make the 'date' slightly awkward, Sakura decided she'd have to go and read up on the subject of dating. If Isabella didn't come back soon for her to confide in and quiz about the entire thing, then any hope for future dates with Nicolas might very well come to an end if she kept dragging the conversation down morbid road.

The food was delicious and after two bites of her pie she lowered her fork and knife and dabbed at her mouth with her napkin. How could she tell the head of the auror department that she had never in her life dreamed of becoming an auror before several months ago. She felt steeped in humiliation now and fiddled slightly with the edging of her napkin that she had returned to her lap. Looking at him, she decided to simply be truthful and honest and if he was insulted for his department in any way there was really nothing she could do about that.

"Actually... no" she bit her lower lip before taking a deep breath and ploughing onwards, "Since I was three years old I helped my mother in the kitchen, fascinated with how she brewed up potions for medicine or to help with general daily life. By the time I was six I already had begun gathering various plants, herbs and insects and bottling them for potions. I began labeling them and keeping a journal of everything and writing down various ideas for potions as well."

She took a break and glanced at him once more.It sounded silly now that all those dreams and aspirations she had growing up should resort to her being an auror instead of an alchemist.
"Of course my writing at that age wasn't exactly legible" a soft chuckle escaped her, "I have an aptitude for it I guess. It stayed with me right through school and I got an apprentice position with Master Jarousek Radomira of Bulgaria, a world renowned alchemist but ... well, my best friend had troubles. Personal problems and I returned to be with her. To see her through them. I needed a job and began to look about everywhere. That's when I heard that there were auror positions available, I seriously doubted I would get in but I did and here I am."

She wasn't sure what he would make of it all, had left out the part where two Unspeakables had tried to recruit her last year but that was before Bella's predicament and when she had thought her life was going in the direction she had wanted it too.
Nicolas listened as Sakura explained her childhood dream and the events that lead up to it nearly coming to fruition, then, of course, the events that lead to it being taken away (at least for the time being) between small bites of food from his plate. He was quite enjoying the dinner, and Yorkshire pudding was something that, though available in New Zealand, was obviously best-tasting in England, whether it was that the pudding in New Zealand was actually that much worse of just that the location made that big a difference, he didn't know, nor did he particularly care at the moment.

Nicolas didn't take offence in any way to Sakura's dream not being an Auror, or even that taking up the position seemed to be nothing more than a job to her at the moment. He acknowledged that not everybody who was in his department had the dream of risking their lives day in and day out, and that that number included some of the most talented witches and wizards he knew. He also knew that Sakura's talents and pursuit of other aspirations would serve her, and the department as a whole, quite well. Potion making was a skill often less focused on by Aurors, though they all needed to have a certain level of familiarity with it, many of them usually stopped once they achieved the required NEWT and then moved on.

Nicolas smiled kindly, having noted the uneasy expression on Sakura's face as she began her tale and desiring to reassure her in whatever capacity he was able to. "So is that something you still hope to return to, one day?" Nicolas enquired, now interested to know if the recent changes to her life would cause her to settle for a job with some application to her skills, or whether this was simply something in the interim, until she could return to her apprenticeship or start as an alchemist as her own.
She nodded her head slowly at his question, glad that he hadn't seemingly taken offense by it. She planned on going through with her auror training and doing the best she could at it. Anything she put her mind to Sakura made sure she gave it everything she had, so she knew that when she did become a fully fledged auror she would stay at it for a while. At least ten years, for some reason this was the goal she had allowed herself by which time she would be nearly thirty and with plenty of experience behind her and if she kept her potion skills up to par between now and then, she might even move between departments to the Unspeakables or even to a teaching position. Truthfully it all came down to whether or not she was going to start a family, but with one date under her belt that wasn't exactly the sort of thing you were supposed to think about.

She'd be lying of course if she hadn't thought about it a gazillion times, herself and Bella had often talked about it but as her dating life was non existent Sakura had never fully given herself up to the daydream of a husband and children. For some reason looking at Nicolas now she could almost imagine the children they'd create and had to blink herself back into reality as she ate some more of her food. Calling the waiter she asked for a jug of water, not used to drinking champagne with food at all. He left and when he did so she turned her attention to Nicolas.
"What about you? I know you taught for a while but ... is being an auror all you've ever wanted to do? Do you not miss teaching?" she was going to add that she had thought he was an excellent teacher but did not want to loudly announce just how different their ages were. It didn't bother her at all and she seriously hoped it didn't bother him either.
"Teaching had its rewards, but ultimately it was an assignment for me. My passion lies in being an Auror... now, at least." Nicolas began, trying to recollect exactly why he had chosen to become an Auror. For a long time he'd thought 'Professional Quidditch Player' following his passion for the game, or 'Experimental Charmest' following in his father's footsteps. He supposed that, ultimately, choosing to be an Auror had been a decision in the hopes of revenge, or in the hopes of preventing such things from happening to others. Of course, he would very much like it to be the latter reason most of all - but he was forced to acknowledge that at 17, and having just lost both parents, his reasoning likely fell far short of righteous at all.

Inhaling a moment, and after a few more bites of food, Nicolas determined that he could explain part of this to Sakura, but not in so many words as he had just reasoned it to himself so as to avoid getting back on a rather murky subject at dinner once more. "No, I don't suppose it's all I've ever wanted to do. I had my boyish dreams, of course, only a handful of which involved chasing down dark wizards. It was probably something akin to: 'Quidditch player on weekdays, Auror on weekends, and Minister for Magic in my spare time'" he chuckled at this thought and how very far gone those dreams actually were. "I suppose I got one of my three, at least."
She could well imagine the rewards that teaching came with, though remembering what type of student she had been in many of her subjects she hadn't envied any of those professors. When the subject of quidditch arose her eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets and the smile that creased her face was brighter than any she had probably given so far that evening.

"You too?" she chuckled, "I so wanted to be in the pro's at one time as well. Did you play at school?" Whenever the subject of quidditch arose she became animated.
"I don't even know which magic school you went too."
Sakura smiled as the waiter returned with the jug of water, thanked him politely as he laid two glasses down as well and filled them before leaving. Looking back at Nicolas she realized once more of very little of this man she actually knew but decided right then and there that she would enjoy every minute of finding it all out. The thought had never occurred to her that he would have read up her file before going out on a date with her.
"Didn't everybody?" Nicolas mused, recollecting his friends, most of whom he didn't have the slightest where they were or what they did now, all sitting around in Gryffindor Tower and talking about which team they would play for, which player they would most be like, and how it would feel to hold that World Cup with their team. The memory brought a reminiscent smile to Nicolas' face, 'To be so hopeful again.' he thought to himself, turning his focus back to Sakura and finishing with his replies.

"Yes, I played in school. I was a Gryffindor Chaser, so that'll tell you what school I went to." Normally Nicolas would question why somebody who knew he was raised in England would be curious as to which school he went to. Every good British witch or wizard was educated at Hogwarts, and had been for hundreds of years - or at least, it'd been that way when he was schooled. Now it seemed that parents shuffled their kids about from school to school with relative easy, moving them on a whim based on what the tabloids claimed to be the "safest" school this year, or the one with the highest standard of living in the school, or what have you. It seemed perfectly ridiculous, to him, at least. "What position did you play?" He enquired and, having received his answer, continued, "I understand you have quite the interesting educational history?"

As the water arrived Nicolas also thanked the waiter as a glass was poured for him. He was over halfway finished his supper and realized that the evening, or at least this part of it, would be over in due time.
Sakura heartily concurred with that statement, everyone she knew back at school had all been nuts to join a team. At least everyone except Isabella, she had hated quidditch with a passion about as much as she hated flying.

"A Gryffindor chaser? I was a Gryffindor keeper" so he had gone to Hogwarts as well, she had thought of course that he had but she had also known a few families who had insisted on sending their children to Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. Herself being one of those. She gave him a brief account of her checkered schooling, from two years at Beauxbatons to time at Hogwarts and so on. She hated telling people about it because it always seemed as if she were fickle but that wasn't the case at all.

"My family thought by sending me to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts to begin with that I'd be safe somehow. After my second year I couldn't stand it anymore and applied for a transfer. It was my own fault in fourth year for putting my name forward for the triwizard tournament. My grandfather went all the way to New Zealand to take me back... my ... my uncle had been killed in the last one by ... uhm, anyways"

she exhaled and pushed her now empty plate from her and drank some water.
"Enough about my past, there's so little of it" she chuckled lightly as the waiter returned to them not long after to clear their plates and set desert menu's before them. They perused them as they chatted some more, the talk reverting back between the differences of New Zealand to England. Sakura informed him how she seriously missed snow at Christmas time since she came to live in New Zealand and was still acclimatising herself to the scorching heat after the much milder weather of England.
Nicolas nodded as Sakura shared with him what he had read in her file, and a little bit more. If she had gone to Hogwarts New Zealand for the TriWizard tournament, however, didn't that also mean that he would have taught her - if even just for a short time? Nicolas' mind froze, that was definitely a line he'd never thought he'd cross. However, the situation was far too progressed now to change much about it, and it was nobody's fault that Sakura had just happened to attend Hogwarts in New Zealand for a few lessons before being withdrawn from the school. He hadn't even realized until now, anyway. He sighed, obviously this was something he would just have to accept, deal with, and move on.

Nicolas thanked the waiter as he cleared their plates and set the afters menus before them. He continued to enjoy his chat with Sakura, feeling more relaxed with her now and quite thankful for whatever had occurred in Poland that caused the wonderful snowball of events to follow. He picked up a dessert menu and started to glance it over, not seeing Cauldron Cakes on the menu at first glance he didn't much care what he had and set the menu back down, determining he would likely just order whatever Sakura got, or considering the idea of splitting a dessert as they'd done in Poland, through no accord of their own.
Sakura glanced over the menu and wasn't sure if she even wanted any dessert now, she was quite happy just having a coffee or something a glass of brandy, a habit her grandfather had gotten her into the habit of as soon as she turned 17. She didn't partake of one very often but when she went home for visits. About to say as much as the waiter returned to take their order he also told them about the house specials. Dragon roley poley, mystic meringues and cauldron cakes. She opened her mouth to say she would definitely have some cauldron cake but knew there wasn't anymore room inside her. The pie had been ridiculously filling.

"I'll just have a glass of port please" she smiled waiting for Nicolas to make his own selection. It wasn't that she was watching her figure or anything, she had never had to. She exercised regularly and ate fairly well most of the time but nerves regarding the evening had probably filled her up as much as the pie had. As Nicolas spoke to the waiter two rather burly outspoken men sat about 3 metres away. They were already in the depths of a conversation as they sat down and for some reason insisted on everyone else about them knowing their business as well. So caught up in their own verbosity that they seemed to care less who was listening to them. Their tirade was directed at the ministry of magic, Sakura could only imagine it was the English branch but still did not like what they had to say. Their main beef it seemed was with the aurors and magical defense department in general and the complete sham they were making of even the simplest of tasks. Sakura looked hastily at Nicolas wondering how he coped with this type of thing because she knew that when her temper got the better of her, she'd be up off of her chair in a second and setting the rotund gents to rights.

It was not surprising that they seemed to get louder when it appeared they were aware they now had an audience and the topic changed slightly to the abuse of power that abounded within the auror department. Again Sakura could feel the flush of indignant anger tinge her cheeks and discovered she was actually squeezing the edges of the napkin tightly just to keep herself from leaping from her chair and hexing the fools. Of course that in itself would only prove the pair correct.
"Ever been tempted in these situations to just let them have it?" she asked Nicolas hoping he had some pearl of wisdom he would pass on to her.
Nicolas smiled as the waiter mentioned Cauldron Cake, though it hadn't been on the menu, this was a pleasant surprise. "I'll have your Cauldron Cakes, please." Nicolas began after Sakura ordered her dessert wine. Needless to say, Nicolas had had his drink for the evening and wouldn't be having another one. Handing back his dessert menu he thanked the waiter for his services once more before trying to turn his attention back to his date. Unfortunately, this was made quite the task as two men came in to the restaurant.

The men looked oafish, absurdly so, and their speech itself was a testament to just how idiotic they were. Overhearing bits of their conversation, Nicolas rolled his eyes. Spewing political opinions were not what most people came in to such a restaurant for, however it seemed that these two men were here for solely that reason. Nicolas returned a glance at Sakura and feigned an attempt to hold back his smile. "Dinner and a show, I see." he commented, now looking on again back to the men.

When their first topic of discussion got a bit sore and people started to grumble they kindly changed it to focus simple on England's Auror department. Nicolas looked to Sakura again and saw now that she was fairly upset by the words of the men, or their intrusion on the evening and the restraint, or both things at once. Regardless, Nicolas shook his head, not going to allow two men who were entirely strangers to ruin his evening out. Drawing his wand, he flicked it under the table and muffled the men's conversation so they could be perfectly and horridly loud at their own table, and nobody would hear them. Of course, that may be a problem for them when calling a waiter - but it served them right.

"Pardon?" Nicolas asked, slipping his wand back in to his pocket and returning his focus to Sakura. "No, no. Things like that don't anger me much. I try not to overreact. I'm sure there is some warrant to their opinions... just not enough for them to ruin our evening."
She smiled when he ordered the Cauldron Cakes wondering if he like herself had a weakness for them. She didn't usually go in for the store brought ones or even those in restaurants much but her mothers were mouth watering. Having been promised the recipe a long time ago, Sakura wondered just when her mother would ever get around to giving it to her. With the evening progressing nicely it had been a shame that the two loud mouthed gents had entered at all but with his usual panache Nicolas righted the situation in no time at all.

She could only look at him bedazzled, wondering why the staff had not considered doing just that or herself for that matter. The more time she spent with him the more she came to admire him, respect him and if she was not careful, knew she was in danger of falling in love with him. As early days as this was in their relationship if that's what it could be called, she believed she had a head start on him in the emotions department. Having liked him and admired him from afar since she had joined the ministry.

Thinking about what he said she could not help but think that they were possibly right in some cases. She had thought it often herself but wondered now if relaying these thoughts aloud to Nicolas of all people would hinder their evening. Sakura was not one to hold her tongue for long though and as she looked at him once more she picked up pretty much from where the two men had left off.
"Do you think think it's wrong that aurors use too much force? That we are allowed to use the unforgiveables when it is illegal for others to do so?" a slight frown creased her otherwise perfect brow, "Do you not think we've put ourselves above the law?"
Nicolas pondered Sakura's question a moment, it was obviously a sensitive nerve with him, this type of question, especially as of late with the death of Thorine just less than a week prior. The look on Nicolas' face was pensive as he considered how he should reply to Sakura's question, and whether or not it'd be good enough. He knew full well that the taking of a life could seldom, if ever, truly be justified - whether it be by an Auror or Death Eater or something in between. Taking a drink from his water, he spoke to reply.

"That's a rather general question. I do think that some Aurors might abuse power they're given, but this is true when any set of people are given any position of power. Somebody will abuse something." Nicolas paused at this, it was the easy part, the part Sakura would be forced to agree with, so he started with that, figuring if they agreed upon the foundation that the rest of his explanation might also be easier to agree to (though, for somebody as strong-willed as Sakura, he knew that if she disagreed with him, he'd know it quite soon). "As to the curses, remember that we can only use the killing curse, and only when absolutely necessary to save our lives or the life of a civilian. That's it. We have no permission, and no reason to, impruse somebody, for instance." This was just fact, another part which was easy to agree with, and Nicolas took another gulp of his water here - for next came the tougher part to reason.

"By allowing Aurors to use the killing curse, we are not putting ourselves above the law, we are putting the safety of the people that are under the law, above the law. This situation is not unprecedented and is quite common about the world in both Wizard and Muggle societies." Nicolas now decided to draw analogy from what little he knew of muggles from his NEWT course on them. Surely showing that another race of equally intelligible people decided to do similar things would prove something? "Muggles have 'police forces' which are allowed to use 'hand guns' (a handgun, to my understanding, is similar to the killing curse but with a projectile that causes much more suffering than the killing curse) on criminals. Now, generally in Muggle society, hand guns are outlawed. Criminals often use them, and police are given them to even the playing field and ensure security. Some police abuse this, obviously, but ultimately it is considered to be for the greater good." Nicolas concluded, watching Sakura's reaction to his words closely.

"It is difficult to justify the killing of another person, but using the killing curse to do it comes with a price for the caster, as well, recall. I should hope that anybody willing to pay that price is using the curse for what is inevitable and the most just." The last line was said with the gravest sincerity and concern, Nicolas' mind wandering to the price he had paid in killing Thorine, and wondering if what he did was seen as justifiable in the eyes of others. Nicolas had reasoned both that it was and that it was not to himself countless times, but the decision was already made and he had to live with it.
She felt she had put him on the spot and felt bad about that but there was little she could do about it now. Her face was intent on his every word as he began to speak and she found that so far she could agree with him.

"With great power comes great responcibility" she inclined her head as he continued and found she could not fault anything he said but wondered at herself. Was she looking for a flaw in his arguement? And then as he continued to speak she lifted her gaze once more to his. Conflicted completely. She had grown up to the sounds of her grandfather screaming for his son, her uncle Cedric in his sleep as the nightmares of how he had died came back to haunt him again and again. Harry Potter had told them what had happened and it was typical of the human mind to elaborate on the details of course but to a young girl who adored her grandfather, hearing those cries of pain was heartbreaking. The article concerning Thorine Dolohov's death flipped across her mind as well, she was survived by three children it had stated. Three children, Sakura could not have even begun to imagine how such a vile and evil woman could create life when she had spent the most of her own life destroying and taking others. And yet she had met Thorine twice unbenownst of her death eater status of course and would never have thought her capable of all the things her file and the newspapers had said about her.

"Those that live by the sword die by the sword" she whispered to his arguement, "violence of that magnitude only begets more of the same."
With each word he spoke she felt as if he himself were in pain and wondered at this until she remembered just who had been the castor of the killing curse that night. A slight gasp escaped her. She had read the report and had wondered if another way could have been found but knowing that it had been Nicolas that had cast it had brought no further arguement. She felt it as keenly as her heart beat solidly within her that he had been justified in his actions. His actions though meant for the killing of one life, no matter how evil, he had rent his soul in two. It pained her to know this, pained her that he was the type of man that would beat himself up over his actions again and again. The urge to put her arms about him was strong, to tell him he was in possession of her soul as it was but she did none of these things. Not knowing how he would react, she did not want him to think she was pitying him in anyway. She didn't; the decision he had taken to use the killing curse had been thought out, he had used other spells before it again and again until the death eater had used the curse upon them. He had no other choice. She could not very well ask him how many he had killed in the course of his time as an auror though she did want too. How many times had he torn himself apart because duty dictated it?

"It is a heavy price to pay and one ... that should not be taken lightly. A person's soul may be invisible to the naked eye but we still believe in it's existence. Though there are those in our society and in the muggle worlds that have no qualms about committing murder and I know there are enforcers of the law that would not think twice about apprehending these people by any means necessary, I am glad there are also those... who" she paused trying to find the right words, to confey to him exactly what she felt, "who consider every alternative first and only ... when all else fails use extreme force and these are the very ones who will feel immense guilt for a long, long time because of their actions, their ... justifiable actions".

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