Closed The New Kid

Carter Volkov

Confident- Funny- Durmstrung- Rebel
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Rigid Fir Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Carter was never one to be too fussed with his classes, dipping out easily when he thought he could get away with it. But, as his rebellious behavior had refined his ability to pay attention, he noticed right away that there was a new girl, and one that looked especially soft and lost. That was never a good thing, especially here, so after his classes ended and it was time for lunch, he set out looking for her. She was easy enough to find, so he jogged up, a friendly smile on his face. "Hey, kiddo," He greeted, stopping near her and bending down so he was a bit more on her level. "You alright?"
Isadora was angry. Her parents had really done it, they had really sent her away. She hated it here at Durmstrang. Everything was cold and everyone had stupid accents and the food was way worse than at Hogwarts. Worse of all, she didn’t have her friends with her. Her parents hadn’t even let her say goodbye over break. She hated it so much, that she has considered running away. But she knew that Durmstrang was in the middle of nowhere, and she didn’t think she would do very well in the frozen wilderness. She had started rebelling in classes more than ever though, wondering if getting kicked out of Durmstrang would get her sent back to Hogwarts. Or at least to New Zealand. So far, it had mostly gotten her a lot of detention. Isadora was lost in thought, kicking around a random rock she had found outside. She scowled as someone came up to her, glaring up at the guy. She didn’t know who he was, but she was wary of older students. “Perfectly fine.” She snapped, sure this was part of some sort of prank.
Carter was unfazed by her crankiness. He was a Durmstrung student, after all. It was like this school dealt in crankiness. He chuckled, lowering down so he was more on her level. "Sure. I'm Carter. Mad at being transferred here?" He asked, giving her a gentle smile. "I get it. It's frigging cold, isn't it?" He offered easily. "I've noticed you sulking around." He told her. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Isadora glared at the older guy as he continued to talk. She shoved her hands in her pockets. “I’m fine.” She repeated. “I’m only three years younger than you at most, there’s no need to talk to down to me like I’m a toddler.” She added, rolling her eyes. “And no. I don’t want to talk about it. There is nothing to talk about.” She said, giving the rock a savage kick.
Carter was unfazed, chuckling softly. "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to talk down on you." He promised, smiling as she kicked the rock. "Right, I'm sure that rock just slighted you in some way." He teased her gently. "I know, kiddo, this place is massive and people around here tend to be too serious and totally jerks. I'm hoping as a transfer though, you'll be a bit more fun," He chuckled. "What do you think? I'd love to make a new friend." He offered, trying to charm her into being his buddy.
Isadora wished this guy would leave her alone. She knew he was probably nice and meant well, but she couldn’t shake the suspicion. “If you don’t want to talk down to me, maybe drop the kiddo.” She said with a roll of her eyes. She then glanced at him. “Why do you need to make friends with younger transfers? Don’t you have any?” She asked skeptically.
Carter chuckled. "Alright, alright," He agreed, holding up both hands in a sign of surrender. He ran one through his hair. "Sure I do, but its always fun to make a new friend." He told her. "Tell you what, spend one lunch with me, and if you still hate me, I'll leave you be." He promised, offering out his hand. "Deal?"
This Carter person had to be very bored. He just wasn’t giving up. Isadora frowned up at him. “I’m not fun.” She challenged. “But fine, whatever. If it will make you leave me alone.” She muttered, pointedly not taking his hand.
Carter laughed lightly. "Hey, baby steps," He teased gently, starting towards the lunch hall with his hands in his pockets. "So, tell me about yourself." He asked, trying to build a little bit of a conversation flow. He was sure he could get through her walls, given a little bit of time. He smiled softly at her, determined.

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