Closed The Nervous Feeling

Issac Jacobs

'56 graduate 🎓 | procrastinator | athletic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Whippy Poplar Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
25 (08/2038)
Issac always had this idea that he was going to try out for the Quidditch team for his house. However, his nervousness would get the best of him and he would end up not trying out. At all. Maybe this year was the year? He honestly wasn't sure. Any even if he did try out, what position would he want to try out? He honestly wasn't sure. Issac slowly made his way to the Quidditch pitch, like he did every morning before classes started. Though, at the moment, classes hadn't started for another couple of days or so. The Gryffindor boy liked to take in the view each morning. Taking in the smell of the grass that lingered around the pitch. It smelled familiar, like home. Issac stood on the edge of the Quidditch pitch. Not caring about the world around him. It was just him, and the Quidditch pitch.
One of the things that got Chloë excited to be back at school again was that it'd only be a little time before practice was called and she'd be right up in the air, be playing quidditch again. She knew there were tryouts first and she was curious to see who would show up, but practice always felt like a more official start to the season. A season they were probably all even more determined to win after losing twice in a row. Deciding it would be nice to get her fair share of fresh air now that she didn't have classes to worry about just yet Chloë had been strolling around the grounds, unable not to take a little detour around the pitch. It was one of the places around the castle she spend the most time at, after all. She smiled when she got closer and noticed a familiar figure looking out over the pitch. "Hey! Jacobs!" She called out in as she walked up to him, somehow hoping that would startle him less than if she would've just quietly walked up to stand next to him. "Don't tell me you finally hear it calling." She joked when she reached him, looking out over the pitch before turning to face her friend with a grin.
Issac turns around when he hears his name being called and see's its Chloe. "Thompson!" Issac calls back jokingly, returning back of calling her by her last name. The Gryffindor boy laughs a little at Chloe's joke, before looking out onto the pitch again. The boy had thought about it. But again, his nervousness inside him bottled up again. "I've been thinking about it actually," Issac says with a small nod towards the pitch, as he turns to the girl, before turning back to the pitch again. "I guess the nervousness is catching up to me," Issac says with a laugh. The boy always had a passion for the sport, but trying out as well as performing the game in front of everyone made him a little nervous really.
Chloë laughed when Issac returned her way of greeting, not sure everyone had ever called her by just her last name. She nodded when her friend mentioned her had been thinking about it though. That definitely piqued her interest. She could remember talking about quidditch with Issac before and talking about him trying out but she couldn't exactly remember his opinion on the matter. Although she knew he hadn't been at tryouts last year, so she guessed that said enough. "I feel like you've been stuck on 'thinking about it' for a while now though." Chloë smiled at him, curious as to what it was that was holding him back from trying out. When he mentioned nerves she gave him a little nudge with her shoulder. "Everyone's nervous." She chuckled. "It'd be weird if the idea of tryouts didn't make you nervous. Or playing a game for that matter."
Issac laughs a little when she mentions that he had been stuck on thinking about it. It was true though. The boy had always been 'thinking about it' more, way longer than he thought he would be. Issac nods when Chloe had mentioned about the nerves. "Are you sure?" Issac says with a small laugh. The Gryffindor boy had always thought that everyone on the Quidditch team was always confident in themselves. They always played well. "I guess you're right," Issac says with a nod, before looking back out to the Quidditch pitch.
Chloë looked at Issac amused when he asked her is she was sure. "From my personal experience: yes, pretty sure." She laughed. It seemed highly unlikely for anyone trying out not to be nervous, even people who were bursting with confidence had to feel something. She figured the same goes for their games. It's all about looking and feeling confident beforehand, but she was sure they all still felt some nerves as they walked up the pitch. "That's more like it." She gave him a pat on the shoulder when he said she was probably right. "I think you should just go for it." Chloë said determinedly. "I mean I know there's very few spots available but if you don't make it then at least you did it? Like you won't be looking back in a couple of years regretting that you never tried out whilst at school."
"You think so?" Issac had asked her, a still wee bit hesitant to try out for the team. Maybe he could try out this year. It not too late right? The Gryffindor boy nods when she explains the positions and stuff. Again, Issac knew she was right. About regretting not trying out and whatnot. "Hate to say it, but again, you're right," Issac says with a laugh to Chloe. He guessed that he somewhat felt a bit better now with the whole Quidditch thing. "What position do you think I should play? Huh?" Issac says jokingly. He had ideas, but he honestly wasn't that picky with what positions he could play.
Chloë nudged Issac with her shoulder when he asked her if she was sure. Again. "Yes, c'mon!" She laughed. She was pleased when he said she was right once again though, glad she somehow seemed to be getting through to him. Mainly because they had conversations about trying out before and she just didn't want him to regret not doing him if they graduated in a couple of years. She knew that was a long stretch, but if he tried out he could at least be sure that that wasn't something he'd regret not doing. "Hmm, do you have good focus?" She asked, trying to imagine what position she could picture him playing and which positions were open. Which weren't a lot.
"Okay, okay," Issac says with a slight laugh and a grin. Issac was kinda glad that the girl was knocking some sense into him. Again, the boy had tried to work up the courage to try out for the Quidditch team, but the boy had seemed nervous to try. The boy knew that there weren't many spots left available, but he guessed it was worth the try to try out for it, at least. "I reckon. Yeah," Issac said with a small nod when she had asked about having a good focus. There were times where the boy would somehow lose focus, but the boy defiantly thought that most of the time he was good focusing.
Chloë was starting to wonder if she would finally be succesful in getting Issac to at least show up at tryouts for the first time. For her, that would be a victory in itself. "Right, so you could always go for seeker." She responded with a little shrug. She wasn't entirely sure whether that would fit him though, but he'd be better at figuring out what position would fit his own skills better than she could. "Or like, keeper. I could see you being a keeper." She chuckled, not even sure what kind of reasoning there was behind that. "You know just hanging back a little but still keeping an eye on the chaser's untill you feel like they're coming too close for comfort."

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