The Most Noble House Of Black

Once Sebastien had left the room Ashleiana sighed and got to her feet picking up her rucksack as she did so. It was amazing to believe that she had actually been worried about finding a place to stay, but now that it was settled it was time to explore.
Sebastien had just finished talking to alicia. He was now the Gaurdian of Ashleiana Black. HE smiled this should be interesting. He headed back to give her the good news.
They nearly walked into each other at the door. She smiled at him having decided that he was pretty cool, "I was just going to go exploring, anything I should avoid?"

She looked at him as though reading his thoughts again then added, "She said yes then? Well Like I said before I'm a handful, but I'll try to bahave for you. I just have a knack for getting into mischive so I apologize in advance for ant wrongdoings I get into." She gave him a playful wink. ;)

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