Closed The Macaws Win!

Yukiko Edogawa

energetic; tengu beater; protective
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Yukiko Edogawa winced as she made her way across the pitch towards the medical tent, the dull ache in her side a stark reminder of the brutal game against the Moutohora Macaws. The Toyohashi Tengu's had given their all, but the Macaws were relentless, and Yukiko had taken more than one hard hit from the bludgers during the match. The sun was beginning to set over the New Zealand Quidditch pitch, casting long shadows across the grounds. The air was still charged with the energy of the game, the distant cheers of the remaining spectators echoing in Yukiko's ears. Despite the pain, there was a sense of satisfaction in her chest—they had fought well, and though they hadn't won, they had held their ground admirably. The loss was minimal, after all, and they had lost only because the other teams seeker was better. She remembered he had been pretty good back in school (I hope you don't mind Rowan that I've kind of borrowed Blake!)

As she approached the medical tent, Yukiko could see the tell-tale signs of a busy evening. Healers hurried back and forth, attending to various players from both teams. The scent of antiseptic mixed with the earthy smell of freshly cut grass wafted through the air. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself before stepping inside. Just as she reached for the flap of the tent, Yukiko collided with someone, the impact causing her to stagger slightly. She looked up, her dark eyes meeting those of a girl who seemed equally surprised by the encounter.

"Oh, sorry about that!" Yukiko exclaimed, her voice laced with a mixture of apology and amusement. She quickly regained her balance, though the ache in her side protested the sudden movement.
"I didn't see you there. Are you alright?"
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Having spent the last few years working in a field in which Agnes truly felt she belonged, it was this passion that meant she was able to see the universe with new eyes. For too long she'd spent running or hiding, afraid to be herself to the majority of those around her. Almost seven years ago she'd decided to hide amongst the muggles, retraining in their ways and doing what she could with no more than her knowledge and experience to get by, but it was only in the last twelve months that she was confident enough to come back to the wizarding world.
As rewarding as being a paramedic was, she knew that something was missing. That there were others out there that muggles couldn't help, that needed her as much as those she treated on a daily basis. For all her training, Agnes couldn't ignore the pull that out there, were witches and wizards who needed her almost as much as the muggles did.
Returning to this world, the one she'd spent so much time uncertain of, had taken a few weeks and a hefty amount of courage. Everything she'd grown up with was tied to these places, memories of things she'd have rather forgotten, or kept out of her mind in confidence that the pictures in her head weren't going to pop up at the most inopportune moments. Agnes knew the reasons why she did what she did, who it was she wanted to be proud of her. Whatever she did, Agnes just had to keep going.
"Woah," Agnes' eyes widened as she stepped outside the healer's tent, face to face with a girl. No, a player. Returning to the wizarding world meant that Agnes had the chance to combine what she knew, to enter the medical field and travel wherever she was needed, healing those that no muggles would ever get the chance to. It had been a few weeks since Agnes had been home, and today's match between Tengu's and the Macaws had been another stark reminder that her choice to return had been a good one. "Ms Edogawa," Agnes said after a moment, swallowing the sudden nervousness in her throat. It was part of the job to know who the players were, in case of such incidents after a match when you didn't want to be rushing around a tent to learn of your patients.
She'd thrown out her arms to the girl as she'd lost her balance, thankful she hadn't been carrying anything at the time. It was only then Agnes realized she had asked a question, as though she wasn't the one who'd just been smacked multiple times by a bludger. Quidditch had never really been something Agnes had wanted to participate in herself, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy watching the games, even if it did mean she could witness her patient's wounds first hand. "I'm, fine," Agnes brushed off the question with a small smile, averting her gaze from the face of the Quidditch player before she made any more of a fool of herself. "Here," she motioned behind her, opening the flap of the tent for Yukiko to come through, "hell of beating you took out there." Agnes didn't only mean the team's loss, although thought better than to mention that. "I can check your ribs for you, if you like?" she found herself offering as though it wasn't the sole reason she was supposed to be here in the first place. After the things she'd witnessed in the air, she was surprised Yukiko was still standing at all.
Yuki couldn't say she was ever going to get used to people just sort of knowing her name. The fact it was on the back of her uniform didn't really seem to make any difference. There weren't many places she could go without someone knowing her name, and more to the point, knowing her family - the fact her mother played Beater for years before finally retiring a couple of years back or the fact that half of the team was probably an Edogawa. Conan of course knocking about as Seeker and even though she loved her brother, he hadn't managed to beat Blake. She wasn't really very surprised though since he had been very good from what little she could remember of him before she'd transferred out. She had done as was suggested though and kept practicing until she'd made it onto one of the teams at Mohotoukoro - and then of course she'd been picked up by the Tengu's. Sometimes she still caught herself wondering if her mother might have gotten her - all of them really - onto the team. But she felt it was better not to speak about that.

Or to think about it really.

Yuki nodded tightly and stepped carefully around the woman, the caution more from the pain she was experiencing than from anything else. She'd taken three bludgers to the side before the game was ended and she might not have been an expert, as a healer might be, but she was pretty damn sure that she'd at best cracked a rib. At worst it was probably a full on break. They tended to have a mind of their own and even a beater's bat could not always cover them. Her usual play style was to take a hit for her team if she deemed it necessary and she was hardly going to allow the Macaws to take Conan out with their Beaters. She had a reputation for never allowing her Seeker to be taken out of play and she was going to stand by that if it meant she had to break every bone in her body. Her mother had taught her well after all and one of the reasons she suspected her mother retired was that her father grew tired of the bruises and breaks.

Bit different with his kids though. She supposed she was glad for it, and she also didn't mind it because she wasn't about to retire any time soon anyway.

"That's the game, isn't it?" she asked, a grin on her face. It was one of the things she'd always loved, not just the wind in her face and the feeling of freedom, but the fact that there was also a thrill, of getting hit, of missing a perfectly timed aim, of losing her seat - it all kind of leant itself to the thrill. "I've been flying since before I was born, this is nothing," she said, trying to put on a much braver face than she really had and wincing as she moved her arm way too fast. She sucked in a hiss and grimaced. "If you could... that would be great." They were at the medical tent after all, and this woman was a healer, right?

@Agnes Baros

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