🌹 Rose Giving The Loveliest One of Them All

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon had been having a great day delivering all of his roses to his students. He loved being able to make people's day and share the love. He had one rose that he was quite excited to give, and that was for June. He knew June would love to receive something sweet, so he couldn't wait to give it to her. He did have some trouble trying to find her however, and just as the sun was about to set, Landon beamed as he spotted her on the great lawn. "June!" he exclaimed as he walked over, waving his basket around. "How are you?" He genuinely did want to know how she was getting on and if she had received any other roses.
June wasn't an outdoor person, but she ofcourse knew she needed some fresh air for her brains to work the best. Being locked indoors wasn't the best way to handle her studies all day. But whenever June started she couldn't easily get away from the books. But as she spend some time outside, since she was done delivering her own roses she wondered how much she would get. She was sure she would get some. Although she didn't need an rose to feel more special and all. She didn't even liked boys so if someone would send her she would feel weird.

When she heard her name getting called she turned around. Looking very surpised when it was Landon. June calculated most parts, but this was not planned. Was he now suddenly feeling guilty or something for ruining her life? June kept her face in line and put on an fake smile. '' Hi Professor.'' She said with an sugar sweet smile. There were multiple thoughts right now about this man in front of her, and she dreamed of him being in an locked away instead of her father. '' I'm good. Getting some fresh air. '' The blonde answered. But figured she would ask straight away what he needed. '' Can I help you with anything?'' The blonde said. Perhaps it was about Camille, June than thought.
Landon smiled as June seemed to be enjoying her time outdoors. "That's excellent! It's such a nice day today too, so hanging out here is a great idea!" he exclaimed, almost wishing he could join her. At her question, Landon shrugged. "Nope, however I do have something for you." He rummaged in his basket and pulled out a bright red rose with a note hanging off its stem. "Happy Valentine's Day!" He held it out to her.

I hope the rose thorn cuts your finger.
- Morrie
It was just annoying to look at Landon, he always seemed to be so over excited and all. And June hated it. How could he be so happy and could live with himself knowing what he had done to her and her family. But ofcourse they saw it all differently. '' Indeed.'' June said with an forced smile. He didn't need something from her, so what was he now on about than? And than he hold out an red rose for her. June looked at it with an frown. She delivered roses herself and knew each one had an meaning. And she didn't want an red one. She took it, carefully at the bottom and took the note. Watching back at Landon. '' Well.. thanks.'' June than replied back. She had no idea why an professor would help out, but it seemed like an Landon thing to do. June couldn't hold back the curiousity and opened the note. As she finished she couldn't help but grin. '' Well that's not nice.'' June played like an victim. But she thought it was hilarious that Morrie tried so hard and June had succeeded in getting under her skin it seemed.
Landon watched with anticipation as June opened the note. She smiled, but then stated that it wasn't nice, and this made Landon a little confused. "Is everything okay, June?" he asked, hoping he hadn't delivered a bad rose. Surely the notes had been read over so that they were all appropriate? The last thing he wanted to do was to be delivering unkind messages.
When Landon turned to her in a way June figured he would, it irritated her also but she could make use of it too. '' Yeah. It's just an girl who send this rose, and hoped it cut my finger.'' June explained. '' But that didn't happen.'' She than added to it with an small smile. June herself had been sending some roses with an less nice note to it herself, but not that she was gonna tell someone that. They could figure out for themselves or not. She was not that stupid to put her name underneath it.

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