The Johnson Manor

Hollie shrugged. "I don't mind. I know that's not really a very helpful comment, but I really don't care. It's nice just being here - you're the host, you decide!" She knew the guest should usually decide, but she honestly couldn't think what to do.
Kate smiled and then giggled at Hollie's comment. "I know that you were both brought up in muggle familys, but do either of you know how to play chess?" She asked. Kate didn't know whether they played chess or not. If they did, she had a new board for wizard chess and it wasn't much different to the muggle game except you didn't have to move the pieces or take them off the board. The board did it itself. Waiting for their answers, she ran over to the other side of the room and picked up the board and the bag of pieces.
"yeah, my brother taught me," she replied, smiling. "it's quite a cool game, isn't it? except that it can get rather tiresome."
No sooner than she had said this, she realised how upper-class it sounded and giggled.
"I didn't realise wizard's played chess. Is it basically the same only with some kind of adaption? Like moving pieces?" She laughed at the thought, and told herself off.
moving pieces, Hollie, come on! She shouldn't, however, have been so dismissive of the suggestion.
Kate smiled at Hollie as she set it up. "Yeh, it can get rather boring if you play with James, who spends ages setting every single piece in the right way to win. I am rubbish at it but he keeps spending ages even though he would win without doing that!" She laughed at the thought of her and James last time they had played.

Kate then dropped a piece on her bed as she heard Hollie. It took her by shock Hollie's suggestion. Giggling violently, she replied, "Yes Hollie. The pieces do move themselves and they destroy each other!" She laughed again and apologised, "Sorry, it was just the way you said it. It sounded like you said it as a joke!" She explained, "Good guess though!" She said kindly as she continued setting the board up. "If dad was home, he sets this up quickly with his wand but i am not aloud. Sorry." She said for being slow.
Hollie smiled.
"My brother's like that too, don't worry. He schemes and plans, and takes it soooo seriously. I did this weird move - I think it's called castleing - and he was like, 'no, you have to move the king first' and stuff. I was like 'so what?? it's not the championships!'" she laughed. "He's really competitive. I am too, but not with chess!"

Upon hearing that the pieces moved themselves, Hollie nearly fell off the bed.
"They do?" she said, completely baffled that her suggestion was indeed correct. And it had been a joke!
"Yeah, well it was a joke! Oh my gosh how do they know where you want them to move? Do you like, tell them? Just say, 'oi, I want you to move to B7' or sumin?" She was completely amazed. Staring at Patricia, she asked,
"Did you know that?" Then she realised she didn't know Pat's blood status, and added, "by the way, are you muggleborn or what?"
Kate smiled as Hollie waffled on with stuff about her brother. "Yeh, watch this." She said as she finished setting up the board. "Pawn to A4!" She commanded to the board infront of her. Responding quickly, the pawn moved forward 2 spaces and stopped. Ready for blacks turn. Kate then moved it back so they could start again and she asked Pat, "Do you want to play?" Hollie then inquired about Pat's blood status and Kate smiled at Pat and then back at Hollie.
Kate, just so you know, if you still want a p/t job, Gambol and Japes are looking, that goes for you to Hollie. But you didn't hear it from me :r: ))

Patricia smiled when she realised that Hollie and Kate were talking about chess, she loved that game. Her brother had thought her a few years ago. She wondered why it would have been a topic of interest for three 12 year old girls. Patricia laughed with Hollie when she suggested that were moving pieces, it was indeed an absurd thought. Although to Patricia's amazement, Hollie was correct. Moving chess pieces, I have to tell Chris! she thought to herself.

Patricia watched as Kate demonstrated how to control the pieces, it was truely amazing to watch. Then out of the blue Hollie asked her a question. From Patricia small time in the Wizarding World she knew that it was a uncommon topic starter, and to some offencesive, but Patricia didn't mind. She could tell from Hollie's obliviousness about the game of Wizarding chess that they shared something in common, "I'm a muggleborn. Why? What about you?" She asked, thinking it would only be polite to return the question.

Turning to Kate Patricia waved her hand, "No thanks. I'll play winner. It's been a while since I played, I'd need to brush up on the game, so I'll watch." She said with a smile, relaxing on the bed and watched the two girls play the game.
[[thanks pat, and kate, hollie did sooooo not waffle! :p ]]

Hollie watched in amazement Kate's demonstration with the chess pieces. Wow, flippity wow! She had never seen a game of chess look more exciting!
She turned to Pat as her question was answered.
"Oh, right, same. Sorry, I didn't mean it offensively or anything - it wouldn't have changed my opinion of you, or anyone for that matter. I'm not predjudiced, I was simply just wondering if I was the only one knew to Wizard's chess. As it appears, I'm not, which I'm highly grateful for." She beamed at Pat. "I'm muggleborn to, hence my stupidity with the moving pieces." She laughed softly. "So do you play? I mean, I haven't in a while, but I'll give it a shot." She turned to Kate. "Ready to face the worst defeat ever?"
Her grin, however, gave it all away, and showed she was only joking.
[[Thanks Pat! I will imagine Hollie wins! Is that alright Hollie?]]
Kate grinned at Hollie, and replied, "Yeh well i will be out in the 1st 2 moves!" She laughed. "If that is possible?" She giggled again.
They played for a while and finally Hollie won. Shaking her hand Kate giggled and replied, "I told you so!"
[[yh sure :) ]]

Hollie smiled and shook her head. "I don't think so," she giggled, jokingly. "Not unless you knock your king over!"
She was amazed that she actually won. "Oh my gosh, those little lessons with my brother actually like, worked!" She shook Kate's hand and smiled. "Nah, it was probs a fluke. I bet you'd win next time." Turning to Pat, her smile widened. "Game on?" she said, winking.
Patricia sat back and watched Kate and Hollies game of chess. After a few moves she had gotten hang of the rules again and watched the moving pieces in amusement, it was so different but she loved it.

After a while the game was coming to an end and Hollie eventually won, Patricia give a small cheer and held her hands over her mouth to make it sound as though there was a lot of people cheering too.

Looking at the pieces Patricia hesitantly agreed, "OK, lets do this." She said with a broad grin and turned the chess board to her and set the pieces up and clearly said, "Pawn to A4." And watched the little pawn move, it was quite funny to watch. "Your turn." She said smiling at Hollie.
[[I dunno if it's possible to move a pawn to a4 on first move??? plz correct me if im wrong :p]]

Hollie grinned wickedly as Patricia took her position and commanded pawn to A4. She took a look at the board, and made a decision.


"Pawn to D3!" She commanded, and her black pawn jumped straight to it. Hollie smiled and looked back at Pat.
The game continued, and was so intense Hollie couldn't tell who would win.
(( Yep it is But a black pawn can't go to D3. Wouldn't it be cool to play a proper game online or something))

Patricia watched Hollies pawn move and considered her next move, "Knight to C3." She said, and watched it move. The game went on for an other short while. Hollie and Patricis both had a fair amount of each others pieces, it was anyones game.
[[lol yh of course soz im used to playing whites :p i meant d3 the other way, so....e3?? lol.... confusing]]

Hollie continued to play - the game was getting close. She had a feeling Pat might win, which was fine with her.

[[do you wanna win?? lol i dont mind. yh it wud be awesome to play online :p we shud suggest it :L ]]
(It's OK, I'm sure there's something, prob like MSN tho. But you could play it like this, just have a blank board in front of you and say where each piece goes, but that would take way too long :wacko: )

Patricia observed the board, she knew chess games could last a while, but it was becoming a bit boring now, she thought, she was on her summer holidays, and they must have been more to do than play chess, not that she minded though. Looking at the board her heart skipped a beat, "Queen to E7. And that," She said watching the Queen get up of her chair and smash the King, is checkmate." She said with smile and looked at Hollie, "Good game though." She said putting out her hand to shake it.
Standing up to strech her legs after been folded on the bed for so long Patricia took a little bow when Kate said well done, "Thank you, thank you." She said laughing.

"Well, what now girlies?" She asked, sitting back down on the bed.

((Very nice Kate, I should get one for Pat. Should we try and do one more activity and go to bed as this forum is closing at the end of the week??))
Hollie smiled a winning - well, losing - smile, and shook Pat's hand.
"Good game," she said, stretching, and then added, "it was very close. You should play Kate sometime." She jumped off the bed, and sat on the floor.
"I'm so tired!" she yawned, stretching her legs out infront of her. "What do you guys wanna do?"

[[yeah sure, well dun lol i think we shud go to bed... kate??
yh love ur new color - i think i need sumin better than orange lol :p]]
Hollie smiled a winning - well, losing - smile, and shook Pat's hand.
"Good game," she said, stretching, and then added, "it was very close. You should play Kate sometime." She jumped off the bed, and sat on the floor.
"I'm so tired!" she yawned, stretching her legs out infront of her. "What do you guys wanna do?"

[[yeah sure, well dun lol i think we shud go to bed... kate??
yh love ur new color - i think i need sumin better than orange lol :p]]
((If you want to change your color here is a site that shows all of the codes, it really good, I'm trying to decide on one))

"Yeah, might play when we get back to Hogwarts, what do you think Kate?" She asked her friend. Patricia hear Hollie yawn, and it made Patricia yawn to, shaking it off she said, "I'm tired too, but I don't want to go to bed. It's still really early." As she said that she heard her stomach rumble, "And now I come to think of it, I'm a bit hungry" She said.
Kate smiled and nodded at the que. "For tea we have Tomato soup and hot bread and pizza if you want it." She said remebering her mums instructions as what they would have. It was all ready and Mark would heat it up when they were ready.

Going down stairs Kate got tired of walking so slid down the banister in half the time it would take her to walk. Smiling up at Holllie and Pat, she called down to her dad that they were ready.

Kate led them both down to the kitchen table where the food was ready.
Hollie listened to what was on offer and her eyes lit up.
"yeah, I love it all," she said, happily, and followed Kate downstairs. She was rather surprised when her friend flew down on the banister, but soon recovered this shock and grinned down at Kate.
"Mind if I try?" She said, heaving her leg up so she was facing upwards. Then, she lifted her left leg of the floor and allowed herself to slide. It was sooooo fun - except she almost fell off. Not quite, but almost. At the end she reached Kate and the three girls entered the kitchen, where a delicious meal awaited them.
"Hmmm.... I love soup," she said, earnestly, as they seated themselves at the table and tucked in. "It's soooo nice, especially tomato. And hot bread and pizza.... delicious! Thank you so much!" She smiled politely at Mark, Kate's dad, and continued to spoon the hot liquid into her hungry mouth.
Kate smiled at Hollie sliding down the banister. Hollie did it in a complete different way, but that was how Kate learnt. Kate sat on the banister, and she slid down with both legs on the same side.

Tucking into the food, she was pleased that Hollie liked it and turned to Pat to see if she did.

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