The HNZ Wheelbarrow Race!

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Roman Ivo

Active Member
While the Headmistress was currently away with family business, Roman Ivo was back in the school, ruling with a cold stare and a quiet attitude. His aged gray eyes gazed over the lawns of the school, and everything was transformed into a mini carnival with food stands, a carousel and rides of every sort. Music was in the air, blessing the grounds with a good musical feeling yet Roman was not here to enjoy things such as this, even if it was free. His wrinkled hand grasped his cane as he made his way down the lawns and toward the sectioned off part of the lawn for this event.

Roman raised his head up a bit, his gaze landing on the joyous students that were participating in this event. With a wave of his hand, he motioned the students to come to the starting line to get ready for the event. They needed to be here or else they would not be participating at all. Once they were all lined up, Roman Ivo flourished his wand with his hand and he pointed it at his throat, his voice magnified so that every ear could hear him speak. By now, they all should know that the headmaster's voice was the most important voice in the school, "Welcome to Hogwarts New Zealand's Wheelbarrow Race! To get the race underway, I will grace you all without a speech. Racers, take your positions on at the starting line."

He took his wand off his throat and he smirked slightly as he said loudly, "On your marks, get set... Go!" Roman Ivo used his wand to point it high in the sky and it shot red sparks off which exploded into fireworks, signalling the teams to get going toward the finish line. Roman would watch silently in the background, his arms resting limp by his sides and seeing just how this event turned out.

OOCOut of Character:
If you wish to join in the race with a partner, be sure to post and put an OOC note on who your partner is. Roleplay racing, and have fun with each other! When there is a post saying the words "Finish Line", the first team to post going over the finish line is the winner!
OOCOut of Character:
My partner is the wonderful-ever-so-delightful Christopher Wright.

Willow made her way down to the Great Lawn, today was the anticipated Wheelbarrow Race.
By now, she overheard some of the other participants have sorted a strategy on winning the Race, the strategy that Chris and Willow formed together turned out to be a whole lot of nothing. Zilch. no strategy - going to wing it.
Pah...We're so going to win.... Willow thought as she made her way through the mini carnival, eying the carousel lovingly, thinking that she'll take a spin on it after the race.

"Welcome to Hogwarts New Zealand's Wheelbarrow Race! To get the race underway, I will grace you all without a speech. Racers, take your positions on at the starting line." Noticing the headmasters voice, she sprinted to get to the start line, noticing a few other contestants such as the Moon Sisters, Waving them a good luck, she took her place in the line up.

As usual, Chris was no where to be found.
Story of my life....grahghahhhah.
Running on the spot, she waited for Chris, knowing that he'll be late. or. early. or even maybe lost.
It was a waiting game now, the race was about to start...
OOCOut of Character:
Like said, Chris' partner is Willow Autumn.

Grin in place, Christopher looked into the mirror of the boy's bathroom on the fourth floor. He fixed his hair a little self-conciously, knowing Willow would be waiting. The bathroom was empty; Chris cracked up laughing at the effort he was going to, not really sure why he was even bothering.
And then he spotted the time.
Inhaling sharply, Chris sprinted out of the bathroom, down the corridor, stairs, more stairs, stairs that moved, another corridor, stairs.. making it to the Entrance Hall where he had thought Willow would be. She wasn't. Typical.. why did I bother with my hair? he mentally scolded himself. Shaking his head the young Gryffindor ran through a bunch of older Slytherin- another mistake- and towards the Great Lawn, now getting very puffed and slightly light-headed. He felt as if he'd been chasing his own tail- not that he actually had one. Chris groaned irritably, noting the other contestants beginning already, and Willow looking cu- flustered by the starting line. "WILLOW I'M SORRYI'MSORRYITHOUGHTYOUWEREINTHEENTRANCEHALL" he called in an audible panic, crossing the thankfully empty path of a few contestants and reaching his best friend. The boy was late- but the race had yet to begin. Chris blinked tightly, then looked up at Willow trying to control his breathing and asked: "How you doing then?"
Willow Scoffed at the sight of Chris running through the crowd.
She started bouncing at the sight of him and waved him over in a 'hurry the hell up!' gesture.

She smiled broadly at his explanation, oblivious to the fact that the other students were climbing into the barrows to get ready for the race,
"WELLTHATSOKAYIKINDAFORGOTTHATIWASSUPPOSEDTOMEETYOUTHEREINTHEFIRSTPLACE" she replied in the same mock-panicked voice. She giggled and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and noticed something different about chris;
...He's done something with his's tidy. Willow looked away, trying to avoid him noticing the pinkish tint in her cheeks.

"On your marks, get set... Go!" The headmaster yelled.
Willow blinked and noticed the rush of students forming their barrows and doing a crawling sprint towards the finish line, feeling embarrassed she motioned Chris; "I'll push you, hurry up!" she laughed nervously. So much for being first across the line.
...damn, he has good hair.
OOCOut of Character:
I should have been a little more precise when it came to the wheelbarrow racing. The races do not have these but rather you must do something like this. Please edit your posts accordingly, and apologies for not making that clear.
Damian Metzger was looking forward to this. After Ostensia's approval, he had signed them up for the wheelbarrow race, something that he had never done before. Though who could really blame him? After rummaging through the festival that was going on with Ostensia by his side, he had a swirled stick of cotton candy that he was sharing with her, before the races had begun. They had gotten here nice and early too, so it was something. Damian beamed and he glanced over at Ostensia and he said, "Ready for this?" He loved those blue eyes of hers, and they reminded him of Alyssa's. But there was just something about this second year Puff's. They had already spoken of who was going to be holding the other by the ankles, and Damian so happily said that he would be the wheelbarrow. Once they had gotten to the starting line, Damian had a friend of his hold the half eaten stick of cotton candy. Instantly, he flipped onto his hands, and he waited for Ostensia to take hold of his ankles, before they would be off to win this thing. Damian was fast with his hands, and he had some upper body strength, so hopefully he wouldn't end up stepping on a bug. But to him, the whole point of this was for fun.
OOCOut of Character:
Riley's partner is the adorablez Dimitri Blaze ^_^
To be perfectly honest Riley hadn't really felt like signing herself up for the wheelbarrow race when she heard the Hogwarts would be holding one, mostly because she couldn't think who would be her partner. She hadn't seen Sam since they had called it quits, and she hadn't seen Arianna in a long while either. So all but three days before the race was set to be held, Riley had found herself sitting alone in the Hufflepuff Common room, reading the newest issue of the Hogwarts Monthly, when she found a young 'Puff boy standing before her, looking rather sheepish, and the first year appeared to be telling her she was pretty and asking her to be his partner for the wheelbarrow race. The sixth year had been so flattered that she could hardly refuse. So the pair, she and Dimitri (she had discovered his name was) had put their names down to be in the race, and both were determined to win.

It hadn't taken the bonny seventeen year old long to make it to the Great Lawn from the Quidditch pitch the morning of the race, the seeker even had a little time to get out of her Quidditch gear and into some shorts, trainers and her Hufflepuff sweatshirt. Riley immediately noticed as she skipped onto the great lawn that Dimitri was already there, bright and early. She flashed a sweet smile towards the boy who offered to get her some candyfloss, and the happy young woman simply couldn't resist, and once she was done with it, and had admired the beauty of the transformed great lawn, Riley had placed a friendly peck on the first year's cheek, completely oblivious to the fact that she might have been leading him on. As they lined up at the starting line, Riley noticed that she seemed to be the oldest one in the race, and she wished her twin sister could have been her partner. But Dimitri seemed sweet, so taking his ankles in her sturdy hands she winked at him. "Lets do this thing!"
OOCOut of Character:
As was said, Dimitri's partner is Riley Alexandra

Dimitri had nearly forgotten that he was meant to be in the wheelbarrow race today, so he had had a rushed breakfast, and then headed straight down to the little mini carnival that had been set up for the day. He hadn't even expected to be in it, but a few days beforehand he had quickly decided he wanted to ask this girl that he found really pretty randomly when he saw her in the common room one day, and she had looked really flattered and had said yes! Dimitri had been really excited for this for the last two days, he might even make friends with this new girl and he would be happy to have someone like her as a friend. Dimitri couldn't wait for the race to begin, and having been walking around waiting for Riley, which she had later said was her name, for a little while now he smiled when she got there.

"Would you like some candyfloss?" Dimitri asked, realising now that he kind of had a crush on her, and she kinda seemed to like him back, but he couldn't be sure. Dimitri got her the candyfloss when she said she wanted some, and he blushed when she pecked him on the cheek. He could feel his cheeks going red. Together, Dimitri and Riley headed over to where they would start the race, and Dimitri waited for her to take his ankles in her hands, and then watching her wink at him. He blushed again. Dimitri smiled though, "Yes, lets! It should be fun." He said, realising he kind of wasn't speaking properly. Sighing, he waited for the race to start and when it did he started to crawl across the lawn with Riley pushing him from behind.
Georgiana jumped in excitment, the school hadn't had many competitive things going on lately. But a wheelbarrow race would be completly exciting. She stood near the starting line looking aorund for her partner Logan. Preparing for when he came she got on her hands and knees down on the ground and looked at their competition. She had the advantage over the two other first gryffindors who were together by having a bigger third year partner but she knew he was exactly the strongest but they would work well together.

OOCOut of Character:
Georgiana is partners with Logan :)
Chris let out a nervous smile, uncertain as to why he felt this nervous by his best friend. He never got nervous. Never ever. "WELLTHATSOKAYIKINDAFORGOTTHATIWASSUPPOSEDTOMEETYOUTHEREINTHEFIRSTPLACE" Willow blurted, and Christopher's cheeks mirrored the pink tinge on hers.

"On your marks, get set... Go!" Chris heard, panicked for a second as he realised what the pair's flustered moment had cost them. "Quick! We-" Willow exclaimed her instructions leaving Chris stumbling for words to finish his sentence. He attacked the ground with his knees and let Willow pick him up.

..she's cute. Wait, what the hell am I thinking?!

OOCOut of Character:
I had wondered... aren't we literal.
OOCOut of Character:
Osa's Partner is Damian Metzger

Ostensia was having a pretty interesting day hanging out with Damian. He had signed the two of them up to participate in the Wheelbarrow race and she figured that it was going to have a really interesting outcome, she had never done one before. Hopefully neither her nor Damian ended up getting hurt because of this. Peeling a piece of the cotton Candy off the bunch that Damian was holding she smiled at him when they arrived at the starting line. "Yeah, I'm sooo excited too! It's kind of cool that your trusting me to to hold you up and stuff. Let me know if you start to get uncomfortable or anything kay?" Osa grinned as she took a hold of his ankles and let her blue eyes scan the area for a moment. She and Damian were mostly doing this for fun so she wasn't too worried about them possibly losing or not. In all honesty the only thing she was worried about was accidentally hurting Damian or something. He had more upper body strength it seemed to they both agree that he would be better as the one being the wheelbarrow. A soft smile once again taking form onto her face she mentally prepared herself to do this thing.
OOCOut of Character:
Riley's partner is Jerrod Green

Riley hung her hair up in a high ponytail, both nervous and excited for the wheelbarrow race. It wasn't so much about the race that she was concerned about, more the fact of who she would be racing with. She glanced around the lawn watching the other competitors with a small smile on her face. Riley knew that no matter if she won or came dead last, she was sure to have a good time. Especially if she was racing with Jerrod. Waiting around for Jerrod, Riley decided to stretch her arms and legs. She wasn't too sure if she'd be able to hold Jerrod up, and so hoped he had a ton of upper body strength. Though she was sure he was. Riley watched as each couple paired up with the other, and nervously glanced over her shoulder looking for Jerrod.
Willow flustered, "Yeah. Ah...!" Willow rushed behind Chris, trying to grab his ankles amongst the panicked rush. She could hear the screams and yells of the other students around her and the yelling of instructions between the other contestants.

Gripping Chris's ankles she heaved upwards so he'll be upright on his hands;
"FORCRYINGOUTLOUDCHRIS!" She yelled amongst the clamor, struggling to hold chris's ankles, Although Willow had upper arm strength - thanks to her almost-religious-almost-four-hours-a-day-violin practice, she couldn't hold onto Chris as...much as she wanted to, and before long she lost grip and watched her friend face plant to the ground.

" so sorry." Willow spoke, but the expression on her face didn't match those of her words - a huge grin was on her face and she knew that they have definitely lost the race, she was having fun...even though the pair haven't exactly crossed the start line..yet.
Damian had half the mind to stand on his hands and start walking, but then again, he really was not the type to show as much as he was to just make a complete goof of himself. Damian could feel each blade of grass between his fingers and he smiled at the other competitors. He could not wait to get this underway! He did not know the others really, just some by name, especially those that were in his house. His teal eyes managed to catch a first year end up face planting into the ground and Damian made sure not to laugh because not only was that rude, but he did did not need to be distracted. It was a hidden quality of his, but he was rather competitive, probably the reason why he was a pretty good Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. Damian heard the explosion from above to go, and Damian's arms started to crawl ahead, only hoping that Ostensia would be able to keep up and keep a hold of him. "Don't let fear of me getting hurt bother you, remember, I take nose dives for fun on the pitch!" Damian called out to Ostensia about that little incident not too long ago. That was something to remember, and he would never forget it either. Damian struggled to keep his balance while crawling on his hands. Wow, this was a lot harder than it looked!
OOCOut of Character:
My partner is Riley Sparkles

Jerrod walked out onto the lawn and smiled. He could see Riley stood there waiting for him and walked over to her with a smile. "Hey. Ready for the race??" Jerrod was the kind of person that always wanted to win b he didn't care this time. He was about to have a great time with his best friend. This was something he'd never done because his best friend had always been his sister. No matter how much he loved Lily, he needed a best friend who wasn't his sister.

Jerrod listened to the headmaster as he made his speech then walked to the line and got onto his hands ready for Riley to grab his legs. They had agreed on going his way because Jerry had more arm strength than Riley. They heard the word go and Jerrod made his arms run as fast as he could with Riley behind him.
Riley saw Jerrod and blushed profusely. She uncharacteristically patted her hair down, and smoothed her clothes as he approached her. A huge smile grew on Riley's face when Jerrod greeted her. "Hey! Yeah! Ready! Totally ready! Ready as a ready person!" She exclaimed, and pumped her fist. Riley inwardly cringed at what she had said. Every time Riley met up with Jerrod, her words came out all wrong; she always made a fool of herself. He always got her heat fluttering and her brain always took a while to calm down after she sees him. Riley awkwardly laughed but was spared most embarrassment as the Headmaster spoke. Riley followed Jerrod to the starting point and picked up his legs with a bit of a struggle and nervous laughter. However, when she heard the word go, she started to run forwards, forgetting about any nervousness; laughter ran through her as she pushed Jerrod onwards, and encouraged him to keep going.
When Ostensia heard the explosion from above to go she went into a competitive zen mode, where every other thought she had but what she needed to do in this race was cast aside for a moment. Her grip on Damian's ankle was strong as she helped support him as he went, she was surprised with how much stronger he was than she originally thought. He seemed to be trouble holding his balance a little but that didn't stop her from holding onto his legs as if her life depended on it. "Come on Damian! You can do it!" She made sure to encourage him a little as she encouraged herself to keep going as well. He was only a little heavy but it wasn't enough to bother her very much. They seemed to be doing pretty well too. All Osa wanted was to finish the race without injuries and stuff now, because this was waaay harder than it looked.
Logan had a huge grin on his face as he quickly walked to the wheelbarrow race. This had been one of the first competitions which he had attended and he was so excited about this one. He did not really care if he won or not as he wasn't competitive like that. besides he was just happy to be spending time with Georgiana. As he reached the start line he took a look at the other students here. Some faces he knew and others he didn't. Logan walked towards Georgie and smiled at her. "Hey there." He said kneeling down next to her. "Are you excited?" He asked already knowing the answer. He giggled slightly as he looked around again wondering who was most likely to win. He guessed it would be one of the older students as they were faster and stronger than the younger ones. Still he didn't care, he was with his amazing girl friend and that was what mattered most to him
OOCOut of Character:
Is with Georgiana Night
OOCOut of Character:
Dakota Cinellison and Joceline Richarde

The atmosphere was beautiful and Dakota was keen to join in the fun by entering the wheelbarrow race. However, there was a slight problem with that, and that was the simple fact that Dakota had not found anyone to partner her. She would have asked her sister, but in recent years, the twins had become distant and generally didn't speak. Even when they were at home, Dakota found herself hiding away in her room to study, or going down the local park to sit alone and read. Outside of Hogwarts, Dakota hud herself away, but at Hogwarts, she was very confident and outgoing. She just generally felt more comfortable in the wizarding community, knowing that she could do magic, she could study and she would not get any trouble.

Sighing inwardly, she stood not far from the starting line, watching the line up of students as they talked among themselves, joked and laughed. If she hadn't been born the way she had, Dakota would have probably been partnered up with some boy she fancied. The headmaster was even at the event. Well, even if she couldn't participate in the race, she could at least try to enjoy herself. A smile floated on to her face in a dazed fashion. She glanced around hopefully. Perhaps if she wished hard enough, something would turn up to make her day better. Or even someone.
OOCOut of Character:
Victor Crimson with Jeremy Thorne is its okay?

Victor wore his favorite muggel jersey with the cardinal symbol on it and some pairs of sweat pants to make this easy on him when he had to run. His partner, at the very last minute end up being Jeremy Thorne. The kid who was in ravenclaw and also a fellow sports club member too. Kicking on his favorite shoes and running down the steps as fast as he can, he must admit he would've love to had apparate there already, but his lessons weren't strong enough for him to perform right away. Plus he had several steps to go till his broad smile met the open fresh air of the school grounds and his partner Jeremy already waiting for him.

"I'm here, I'm here don't worry about it J.T not gonna let you down bro" the race haven't started yet was assembling right away. Victor stood at the starting line and Jeremy was the smallest one so he had to get ready to crawl. "Worry about your direction man, everything else will be okay.." Victor coach a little, rubbing his elbow than hands to get them ready to pick up weight. Jeremy being small made it easy for Victor to move around, though he predicted it would be more of a challenge, cause let's face it both were boys. Boys tend to have more muscle and weight on them as to oppose to girls, who are lot easier to move around with. Yet it didn't let him down at all.
OOCOut of Character:
As stated Jeremy Thorne partnering with Victor Crimson

Jeremy had been waiting off to the side for his partner, Victor, to arrive and he was a bit relieved when he saw him as if he hadn't been sure the older boy would show up. Jeremy had been surprised when the guy had asked him to partner with him, but now that he saw the rest of the teams, it made sense. Victor was one of the older guys in the school and strong, and Jeremy was smaller and lankier which meant they had a good chance of moving fast. If Jeremy could get the hang of it. Moving on his hands wasn't something he did every day.

"Hey Victor" Jeremy said goodnaturedly as he looked to the headmaster who was beginning to speak. The young Ravenclaw thought that he would have time to prepare while the man gave his speech, but the headmaster seemed to not want to give a big one and get straight to the fun. With a broad grin, Jeremy turned to Victor. "You ever been in a race like this before?" he asked as he got himself ready to have his legs picked up so they could be off.
OOCOut of Character:
Kate is with Sara Moon

Kate went down to the wheelbarrow race she was entering with her sister.At her muggle school they had had wheelbarrow races at the sports day every year and she had always won but she knew she probably wouldn't win this one as she was only a first year.

When she got down to the starting line and couldn't find Sara anywhere she got a bit nervous as the race was about to start but she knew her sister would get here in time.
OOCOut of Character:
Sara Moon is partners with Kate Moon

"Kaaate!" Sara yelled, running down the lawn toward the race track, her feet barely touching the ground as she ran. Her hair was flying behind her, and she was wearing jeans, a long-sleeved, yet light top, jeans and runners. She saw some older students looking at her as she ran, and she winked at them. "What up?" she smiled at them, quickly disappearing from sight. She looked around, turning her head violently and her hair whipping around her face from the force of her heads movement.

Suddenly she caught sight of a flash of dark hair and Sara ran toward it, there was her sister, large as life. "I'm so sorry I'm late, but my alarm...and the stairs...moving....crowds...wasn't!" Sara panted, taking large gulps of air in between. She had really run a long way to find her sister. She gave her a big hug and grinned, flashing her pearly whites. "So, who's holding the legs and who's running, crawling, hand-standing-almost?" Sara asked, laughing. She was light-hearted and happy today, but she stood up by the starting line, ready to go.
Kate turned when she heard the familier voice of her sister call her name she turned around and was taken by surprise when.she was hugged by her sister who she swore was not there two seconds ago "Hey Sara why are you panting"She asked puzzled as to why her sister was panting but she quickly recovered "Okay I'll go on the ground"She said walking over towards the starting line.Kate had very good upper body strength a)because of her violin and b)because when she was younger she used to swing from trees and her climbing frame which helped.She lay down on the ground and waited for her sister to grab her legs
"No never, but I figure it would go easy with these" Victor handed a set of gloves with grips on them, the ones, muggels baseball player use for batting, except they had been cut off at the tip to make it easy for them to either crawl or hold. Seeing Jeremy get ready to crawl on the ground, Victor held his hands out to catch his ankle eagerly waiting for the race to get started. "hurry up, man before we start late already.." he grin, though it may seem like he were rushing, really he just wanted to run. Its been months since he been out like this, warm weather and all. "still have fun with it!" he call out at Jeremy, the boy happy really to be having a bit of fun!
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