Open The Great Hufflepuff Bake Off Y41

Estella Fuentes

class of y42 📓 | 'essie' 🤍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Plot ID : #111204

Estella had to admit that she was a little excited with what her and the other Hufflepuff prefects had planned. It took a lot of preparation, but eventually they had convinced two professors to help them, including their Head of House, and Essie was eager to get started with it. They had handed out some small flyers to the Hufflepuffs in the common room over the past few days and hoped to see many people there.



The prefects took over the kitchens and Estella helped decorate it to the best of her ability. A large banner hang across the ceiling that said “The Great Hufflepuff Bakeoff” and in small letters underneath said “(with a plus one)”. She had decorated it with some flowers and even some pictures of cakes and pastries that she had found which would hopefully be some sort of inspiration to anyone that was participating. The utensils that they might need and some pots and pans were stacked neatly on the table at the front, and small baking stations were lined up for each person to use. Today they were going to be baking some cakes, and hopefully, if people enjoyed it, they would be baking a whole lot more during future events.

A catch for them however was that they did not know where their ingredients were. Essie helped hide throughout the kitchen, in rather absurd places such as inside some teapots hanging on the wall and inside some flower pots sitting innocently on the bench. She hoped this twist was going to make the whole competition a lot more exciting. The list of ingredients that they needed sat on each baking station.


Once everyone had arrived, Essie was the first to speak up. "Welcome to the Great Hufflepuff Bake Off! I hope everyone has brought their assigned Hufflepuff, as you will be baking some cakes today with them. If you don't have your Hufflepuff, feel free to join someone!" She beamed around at everyone. "Today we are baking some cakes. In front of you are the list of ingredients that you will need, however, it is up to you to find them. Does anyone have any questions?" Essie was happy to answer anyone's questions if they needed, and paused to let the other prefects say anything if they wanted to. She then was happy to let everyone get started. "Have fun with it! We will be floating around if anyone needs any help."

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to The Great Hufflepuff Bake Off!

Primarily it is for Hufflepuffs, but other houses are encouraged to join too and team up with their Hufflepuff friends. Please let either myself, Tamara, Jess, Marijke, or Mia know if you have any questions. The supervising professors are Professor Elvera Le Fey and Professor Landon Carter.

Also feel free to be creative with where the ingredients are. We will be looking out for the most creative ones ^_^
The whole event had been planned meticulously. So far they had prepared weeks for the event. Asking house elves, professors and others they needed to contact. Rose was excited for the event, they had worked hard and she was sure everyone was going to like it. They had hidden the ingredients on all sort of weird places, but then again they also added a lot of places were they could hide things in the kitchens. Rose had added some plants and Estella had worked wonders on a banner and other decorations.

Rose was excited for the plus one people could bring, it was going to be busy. They needed two Professors to supervise and in the end they got Professor Carter and Professor Le Fey with them. Rose waited beside Estella to open the event and then it was time to let the Hufflepuffs start their search for the biggest and coolest cakes they could make.
Renata was really excited to hear about the bake off. It sounded like a really fun idea and a good way to bring people together. It was serendipitous that it so happened to be just as she was really starting to get better at baking. In her opinion, at least. She wasn't the best by any stretch of the imagination but Lily's advice had certainly helped her to improve. Though she usually worked off the specific recipes so she wasn't sure how she'd go with what they had. At least they were all in this together.

She gave a warm smile to the prefects as they explained things, before turning to Sky with a slightly nervous look. Renata wasn't at all competitive though she did want to try and make something that tasted really good. "Where should we start looking?" she asked, eying off a rather out of place flower pot out of the corner of her eye.

@Niamh Eriksen
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Jordie had done his best to help arrange this, and he was still nervous about how it might go. He loved that he'd been involved in putting this together, but it had taken up a lot of extra time and he was positively worn out. He wouldn't consider skipping the event, however. This was important. He'd asked Ares to come with him, almost like a date, but Jordie felt bad classifying this as a date. Still, he couldn't pass up the chance to spend more time with his favorite person in the whole world. He sat at a bench in the kitchens, waiting for Ares, smiling at the others in the room and trying to look available if anyone needed help while he waited for his Slytherin to arrive. @Ares Kuya-Tine
Sky was looking forward to the bake off. and she was ver much looking forward to at the very least spending time with renata she was surprised at how quiet the party was. She looked at the list of ingredients and thought for a minute we could make cupcakes with that. Or shortbread” she said hoping she remembered the recipes. She followed renatas gaze are you thinking flower as in blomst and flour as in Mel sound the same? She asked. She looked around the room for another hiding place. There were a couple of pictures on the wall of farm animals. And she wondered if they had some how managed to hide eggs or milk behind it inside them somehow.
Ares wasn't sure what this Great Hufflepuff Bake Off was about, but he was happy to go for Jordie. After all, it was another excuse to see his boyfriend and he was always excited to jump at that opportunity. As he entered the kitchens, he was a little taken aback at all of the effort that went into it and all of the decorations that were about. When he saw Essie was there, he knew there was no doubt that she was responsible for the majority of the pretty things, and Rose most likely all of the flowers. As he saw Jordie, Ares was quick to make his way over. "Hey, good job organising all of this." he said, gesturing around to it all.
@Jordan Harris
Jordie looked up when he heard the familiar voice, lighting up at the sight of his boyfriend. "Thanks," He gave Ares a tired smile. "Do you want to start looking? I know where everything is, but you won't get any hints," He teased with a wink. It would be no fun if he used his knowledge to their advantage. He smiled, propping his chin in his hand. @Ares Kuya-Tine
Eugene certainly hadn't read the flyer right, because he had failed to bring anyone with him. He'd been busy and just hadn't had an occasion to really go over it. Eugene had been too keen to try and just get started on it. The teen hadn't thought to bring anyone and now he had a list of ingredients he needed and was to try and figure out how to make a cake. He'd cooked before and had watched his mother and his cousin bake but he'd never really done it. Eugene was trying his best to figure it out and gather up what he needed to use and then figure out what step was first involved in making a cake. It would likely be easier with a partner.
Renata looked thoughtful for a moment. She'd never actually made shortbread before, but surely it wouldn't be that hard, would it? She'd helped her nonna make biscotti before...well, mostly watched while her nonna swatted her hands away from the kneading after a moment, but that kind of counted. Her eyes widened in recognition when Sky pointed out the flour-flower thing. "Ohh, that makes sense," she said, nodding. "I just thought it was weird there was a flowerpot there," she admitted, a little embarrassed that she hadn't quite put two and two together. She wasn't the most logically minded person. She followed Sky's gaze to the farm animal pictures, thinking for a moment. "Do you think they magically made spaces for things behind the pictures?" She didn't know how they could do that specifically, but it was certainly something that had to be possible.
Linden had been one of the guys helping to organise the bake off. But he was also attending as a baker. He was not good at baking. He was sure if given a recipie he would be able to follow it and do a half way decent job. But as for making things. Well that was chante’s domain. He was just good at eating baked goods.
he was looking forward to the bake off. Becaise he was going with cas. And they had agreed in advance that it would be a date for them. It didn’t matter what they were doing if it was a date with cas he was looking forward to it. He entered the kitchens a little late but was a little disappointed to see that there weren’t that many people. There. Maybe they should have advertised it better. He got a bench for them and a bowl and spoon and waited for cas looking around trying to remember where the ingredients were hiding. He was pretty sure there were some eggs in one of the fruit bowls and the baking powder on the beam under the table.
Cas had been thrilled when Linden had asked him to this bake off. He'd tried to dress cute but casual. He was running a little late, having got caught in a commission, but he was hopefully not too far behind everyone else. Cas hurried in, green paint smudged on his cheek, and rushed over to sit with Linden, his hair messier than he'd have liked. "Hey, sorry I'm late," He apologized with a shy smile. @Linden Cullen

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