The Drage Residence 4

Kaela McIlvoy

Well-Known Member
Estrella pointed to a small house and Kaela descended down to the street. She looked around nervously as the others landed, cautiously exploring the surrounding area. "I wonder if anyone's home?" she whispered. Not wanting to get close to the house she stood across the street, merely observing for the moment.
"Psssst...are you sure this is the place??? This doesn't look like Stark Manor to me!!!", Bruin said with a mocking grin. :oy: (please don't hit me)
Ford landed hard on the pavement next to Estrella and pulled out his wand out, looking around warily. "So, we're going to jack your van?" He asked, excitement leaking through his impassive exterior.
Kale touched the ground soon after Estrella and Kaela did. He tried to memorize the layout and area of the house, for he had no clue what he was in for. Kale walked towards Ford and stood next to him, he was beginning to feel extremely giddy and more rebelious then usual, "So...where's the van?" Kale hissed almost laughing
Estrella put a finger to her lips and walked around to another side of the house, pointing at an old black van in a driveway. Kaela and Courtney followed, waiting for someone else to take charge.
Ford followed silently behind the girls, crouching slightly. He walked up to the driver's door of the van and tried it, "Locked," he muttered before pointing his wand at it, "Alohomora," he hissed and the door popped open, "Bruin, do your thing."
Bruin knew a fair bit about machinery and fortunately, this particular van wasn't very complex. Bruin pulled his Swiss Army Knife and his trusty flashlight out of his Muggle Bag and put the flashlight in his mouth to illuminate the ignition and then rammed the blade of the knife into the ignition. It would probably only start once in this manner, but he hoped this would be all they would need. He grasped the handle of his knife and gave it a quick crank, the ignition switch resisting slightly before giving way with a snapping sound. The engine roared to life. Bruin smiled a little to his friends. "I swear I've never done this before..."
Once the car started, Kaela thought she heard something and looked up at the house. A light had turned on and she saw the shadow of someone heading toward the front door. "We gotta hurry," she said quietly, jumping in the van with Courtney.
As the car made lively sounds, Kale looked around and towards Estrella, "Yes...that would be a good idea." he shook his head and jumped into the van quickly closing the door after he sat down.
Ford decided to cover their rear and jumped into the back seat and put his broom on the floor of the van, "We're hoodlums," Ford said dryly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He looked over as the window lit up, "We better get going, and fast."
((Yeah. I'll see if I can get on earlier than I did today, class, work and rehearsal is cutting back on my HNZ time. If one of you can, Godmod me if I'm not on when you guys do it! :( ))
George had touched down seconds after everyone else, standing just behind them and watching as they'd worked together to 'hijack' the van. A smirk spread across his face, and he walked around to the drivers side door and shook his head at Bruin.

"You kids never cease to amaze me" He said with a grin.

((I'll be on this evening. Godmod me if you want to, I dont mind! ^_^ ))
Estrella froze as she heard something inside the house. "He's here!" she hissed angrily. Without thinking, she pulled out her wand. Cursing seemed like a pretty good idea right now. She hated him that much. She started to move towards the door, hoping to surprise her dad.
"No!" Melissa hissed. She grabbed Estrella around the waist, pulling her back and into the van. "We need to get out of here!"
"What the hell-" Tristan growled, peering out of the blinds of his bedroom window. He at first thought that someone had pulled up into his driveway. But when he realized that his was the only van out there, and that it was running, he swore, seeing the group of kids. Believing that teenagers had wired his van and were attempting to steal it, he ran outside the house, turning the lights on as he went.

Even if they were muggles, they were going to wish that they had never touched his van. "Joke's up!" he yelled, pulling out his wand, pointing it at the driver's window. He could see the man inside, an obvious adult with flaming red hair. "Step out of the vehicle," he snarled, adding a lie, "And I won't hurt you."
"George, floor it!" Estrella yelled, ducking her head.
Ford instantly recognized the man shouting at them as the one who had taken Estrella from the Borely weeks ago. He was not about to give this guy any quarter and gave him a hand gesture that his mother would not have found fitting for one of his position at all, "Is that your Dad, Estrella?"
Kaela was not surprised to see Estrella's dad come outside, but it freaked her out all the same. She crouched down, hoping he would not see her and that George would drive away really soon. Out of the corner or her eye she saw Ford make an inappropriate gesture and hoped that wouldn't anger Estrella's dad even more than he seemed to be already.
George grinned manically, shifted the car into gear and slammed on the accelarator. After a couple of seconds of wheel spin, causing smoke from the burning rubber to flare up behind the van, the van sped foward. George gripped the steering wheel tightly and violentley jerked the van to the left out of the drive way, desperate to get away.

He cringed. "Sorry".
"That's him," Estrella snarled. He had not seen her, or she didn't think, anyways. If they were lucky, he would think they were just some muggle kids. She looked back, seeing him cursing in the driveway. "Drive as fast as you can without killing anyone."
Tristan swore loudly as the kid in the car gave him the innapropriate gesture, and he had pulled out his wand, ready to curse the kid. He had to jump aside, however, as there was a yell and the car swerved forward and to the side, nearly hitting him. Diving out of the way, he fell, quickly picking himself up as the car sped up.

"Accio Broom!" he snarled, and his Firebolt found its way out of his bedroom window. Not caring at the moment if any muggles saw him, he swung his leg over the broom and vaulted off into the air, ascending until he was well above the van. They would have to stop sometime, and when they did they would pay for it.
Ford swore as Estrella's father's broom appeared on the scene and watched as he flew up into the sky following the van, "Everybody watch out," Ford warned, his voice contained none of the excitement he was feeling, "I can't see him, but he's on a broom and looks ready to do some damage." Ford readied his wand, he tried to peer out the window of the van, but it was to close to the vertical, preventing Ford from looking straight up, "Estrella, would you mind if this window?"
Courtney had been attempting to hide the entire time that the group occupied the van. She remembered being threatened in the Ravenclaw common room and was quite terrified of what Mr. Drage was capable of. When Ford requested to open the window, she gaped at him as she drew out her wand and scrunched further into the seat. "You've lost your mind," she whispered.
Kaela was also not pleased at Ford's idea of opening the window. She drew out her wand and huddled beside Courtney, hoping she wouldn't have to use her wand.

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