The DaniDame Wedding

Damien Gates

Fashionista- Dramatic- Loving- Daddy
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight as a Bendy Straw
Curly Eight Inch slightly springy Rosewood with a unicorn hair core
9/26/2030 (29)
Time: June 6, 2050
Venue: Markovina Vineyard Estate, New Zealand
Season: Winter

Damien had been pacing back and forth all day, nerves racking at his gut. This was it. He was getting married. He stood at the venue now, fidgeting nervously with his sleeves. This was it. Everything he had worked for. Everything he had wanted. The wedding was about to start. He waited impatiently, almost wishing he could just scoop Dani up in his arms and just whisk her away on their honeymoon. He wanted everything. A home, a family, a life built with her. There was so much to plan, so much to do still. He wished she was here with him right now. He sighed, readjusting his jacket for the hundredth time.
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As best man, Cooper was honored to be here. He chuckled as Damien kept fidgeting, turning and readjusting Damien’s jacket back to where it had been. “Stop worrying,” He chided his brother gently. “She’ll be here before you know it. Then she’ll be yours. And you can whisk her away to your special surprise,” He teased gently, patting his brother on the chest.
Kira was a little tired of being the flower girl at every wedding she was involved with. She had already arrived with her family, helping Tyra and Jason get settled with the triplets. She turned to her own fiancee as he arrived, relieved he had managed to get away for this. She stood on tiptoe, giving him a quick kiss. “I missed you,” She murmured softly to him, rubbing her hands lightly against his chest before stepping closer and laying her head on his shoulder.
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Ember was eager for the ceremony to be over so they could start to play. Amaya was off sulking in the back, and Jasper was reading in a corner. She readjusted the dress she was wearing. It was a bit more… feminine than what she normally wore. But today, this was most likely the last time she would ever see Morwen. And the thought of it just about broke her heart. Well, if that was how it was going to be, she was going to make the most of today. She was going to look gorgeous, mature, someone he wouldn’t easily forget. She scanned the crowd again to see if he had arrived.
Sapphire was relieved when Frankie agreed to come with her to this. She was never good at social events. She stuck close to him as they came into the hall. “Ugh, look at this place,” She stuck her tongue out a bit and wrinkled her nose. “It’s all so… over the top.” She shook her head, flashing him a grin. “I say we ditch the second no one’s looking, what do you think?”
James had taken extra care with his own appearance today. Going to a wedding reminded him just how badly he yearned for one of his own. And going with Colin reminded him of just how much he yearned for a deeper relationship with the writer. He herded the kids into their seats, choosing to ignore that Jordie was hunched over a gameboy. He shifted a bit, wanting to wrap his arm around the back of Colin’s chair but holding himself in check. He did lean a little bit closer. “Are you alright? You don’t seem to like crowds much.” He inquired, looking to Colin with a soft smile and concern in his eyes.
Kami walked into the wedding, holding Ian’s hand. The children were all there. Arthur and Emily snuck off into the very back to hide with a horror novel and Ava had been wandering especially far away from them. Probably because Ian had enlisted Vader to help with the photography for the wedding. She could sense it was a clumsy attempt to both help the boy and get him and Avaria speaking again, but she knew it wouldn’t work. As much as she wanted to see the children speaking to each other again, she knew that there would be no use in trying to force them together. They would solve it on their own time. She leaned a bit into Ian, motioning to what she thought could be a good pair of seats.
Onyx was honestly kinda excited for this. He loved weddings. They were just so pretty and special, and he loved the romanticism of it. He reached out for Chrys's hand as they all came into the hall. "Wow," He breathed, smiling widely as he took it all in. "This place really is beautiful," He murmured softly to his date, turning to look at Chrys as they made their way to their seats with Uncle James and the others. "Did I tell you how gorgeous you are today, boo?"
Their day was beginning to be perfect. Everyone was dress up, their hair done and Teagan's make-up was done by a hired make up stylist. It was going great but the mayhem started when she can't find her running shoes she's supposed to have brought. It was winter and she prefer to drive them all to the venue with the car they rented at the airport. Yes, her and Caelan were intelligent enough to use their apparition but both hadn't done side apparition with anyone. And with Philip in tow with them, she didn't hesitate to book a plane ticket for the three.

When she can't find the shoes, she abandoned the search and put on her heels instead. Teagan looked at her companions, faces seems not agreeing to her.
"Oh you'll live another day." She joked while getting on her winter coat. It was strange for her to attend a winter wedding, it could have been a beach wedding and she'll be fine. Invitation in hand, Teagan, Caelan and Philip went down to the lobby. Their rental car ready. Their valet handed the keys to the eldest.

The drive was slick and slippery. She took a few wrong turns but eventually got to the right destination.
"I told you all .. We almost got lost but hey, life happens." Teagan smiled at the two boys as she parked the car near the entrance of a gorgeous vineyard. The surroundings were wet and yet it sparkled. Inside was the groom. Her heart pounder hard, she had held Philip's arm tight. Must be the stress, she thought and walked toward Damien. Turning behind her to see if Caelan was still there, she rolled her eyes when he was not. "Hey, Mister Groom, Congratulations in advance. You look gorgeous." Their was a hint of dryness there but the blonde cleared her throat.
He knew the day he travels with his niece is the day something comes up. A pair of running shoes this time and when they couldn't find it, Teagan wore something else not driving appropriate. Just to keep moving, him and Philip didn't said anything and just went with it. Their day got even worst when they almost got lost. Finally a vineyard looking place came into view and all of his stress released. Caelan did almost kiss the ground as they parked and came out of the vehicle. Following his relatives, he didn't wait for them to come inside, instead he found his fiancee with her sister, brother-in-law and their three kids.

Caelan had thought how many kids would they be having, he wanted a big one. Like theirs, the Maxwell but less of a royal.
"Didn't really left that long, babe." He played, dipping another kiss for her. Besides of him spending time with Kira, he was also picking Universities to study at. On top of that, Caelan has to work charity duties the family has. Studying law wasn't a joke financially and he wanted to do this for him and Kira's future. Caelan hugged her tight, smelling her flowery scented hair. "After this wedding it'll be you next." He teased her.
Kira hummed lightly as Caelan kissed her again, settling against his chest with a content sigh as he hugged her. He was warm. She chuckled at the wedding comment. "As long as I'm not the flower girl again," she teased back, squeezing him before pulling back.

She pouted a bit, thinking back to his first comment. "You weren't gone long this time," She straightened his jacket needlessly, running her hands down the folds of his shirt. She was staring at the fabric, chewing on her lip. "But... I go back to school soon. And you... you won't be." She glanced up at him from under her lashes. "Two years is a really long time," She worried softly, standing closer than she really needed to be.
Damien sighed as Cooper reassured him. "Thanks, Coop." He ruffled his little brother's hair, turning as someone spoke to him. "Teagan, hi," He greeted, surprised to see her. "Thank you," He hesitated a moment before leaning forward and catching her in a quick hug. "Good to see you," He gave her a wary smile, turning to the boy with her. "And who's this?" He held out his hand to the boy.
Chrys didn't really know why he was attending a wedding, he didn't know either of the people getting married, but Onyx had almost gotten on his knees to beg him and as much as Chrys would have liked to just watch that, he wasn't that mean, so he'd agreed, for a price of course, because Chrys did nothing for free. Now that his siblings were all being homeschooled, except for Aleks who was probably going to be dropping out of school (he didn't tell that to his Dad) he really only had Onyx that he could tell his deepest, darkest secrets to - not that he wanted to really do that either, since there were just things he needed to keep to himself. Walking beside Onyx, but not really dressed for a wedding, Chrys casually shrugged, not finding the decorations all that impressive, he'd seen better. He was only here because of Onyx. "You did, but you're absolutely welcome to tell me again." He grinned, leaning over to kiss Onyx's neck.​
Onyx hummed softly, shutting his eyes and tilting his neck to give Chrys better access. He took the other boys hand, turning and leaning in closer to whisper in his ear. "You know, boo, they don't technically need me until it's time for the party. We came, we saw, I waved, maybe you and me, we can skip the ceremony? Let's just slip off somewhere." He kissed Chrys's cheek, stepping in a little closer to let someone by him. He smiled at the stranger as they scooted past before turning to give Chrys an impish grin.
Amy hadn't had time to get changed into her proper dress as she entered. It really was a beautiful place that they'd decided on. Though she figured she would never get married, she had to admire how beautiful this place was, she would definitely like to get married here, should that ever become an option for her of course. With Crispin and Lucian in tow, Amy quickly deposited the boys on one of the chairs. "Stay here, Mama's gotta change and then the two of you are staying put. Don't be messing with any of the ties either, I'll know, I'm watching you." She was sure it would be safe to leave them here with Danielle's family, since they all seemed like nice people from what she'd seen of them. Of course she hardly knew any of them. She still found it hard to believe that of all people it had been Danielle who'd managed to track her down and get her to, not only attend her wedding, but be her maid of honour, crazy. She shook her head at the thought before heading out to find a place to get changed before she went to see to Danielle.​
Crispin pouted with Lucian on his lap as his mother left them do go do some lady thing. He would have much rathered to stay with Janette than come to this wedding, he didn't know these people. He didn't particularly want to hang around either, but he wasn't sure what else he was supposed to do, seeing as he knew no one and he couldn't exactly get on a bus and head away, where would he go? This wasn't anywhere near where they lived. He was pretty sure they had a job to do, but to be honest he just wanted to go home, there weren't that many people and the place was so quiet. Janette would always have the music up high for he and Lucian to dance around, but his three year old brother wasn't really for dancing today it seemed, curled up on his lap as he was. He didn't think he would be moving much until his mother came back from doing whatever she had to do.​
Lucian wanted sleep. He was a three year old savagely ripped from the comfort of his wand and star sheets. He curled up on his big brother's lap as his mum left them for something he hadn't been listening to, but hoped Crispin understood. He still needed his sleep, five minutes wasn't enough, he needed at least ten.​
The man hurried into the wedding venue. He could already see Ember from the distance. Morwen straightened his tie as he approached the woman and gave her an apologetic smile. He had already placed his gift on the gift corner. "Hi. Am I late?", he inquired. He left the house a bit later because he wanted to drag Atkin with him. His cousin seemed different and did not want to join the wedding. Morie had given up and hoping Cassi and Lucca be able to convince him.
Avarian let out a sigh as he and Kami arrived at the wedding. All his kids were there but he was more worried for Ava. He had sent a post to Vader to help with photography despite knowing that the two were not in speaking terms. Squeezing Kami's hand, he led her to a seat that the woman motioned to him. "Where's Ava?", he asked about her first born.
Cassi arrived shortly after Morwen. Her brother hurried toward the band while she waited at the front for @Lucca DeNiro. Atkin had not budged from his bed at the manor that she gave up. Hopefully the man had more luck than her. She smoothed out her dress before checking her phone for any message from the former Slytherin. On the last minute, she sent a text message. Where are you? Is Atkin coming? As much as he wanted her cousin to be there, she felt a little relieved because he would pester them again as to what their status was. The woman could not bring herself to tell him who happened to be Luc's best friend too.
Dominic straightened his suit the moment he and @Rowan Coltsfoot arrived at the wedding reception. He must admit that their organizer had done a great job pulling it off. Turning to his date, he grinned. "Should we do our wedding like this?", he asked teasingly. He may be joking but he was already considering the idea. He had never thought of getting married until he met Damien, his sister's husband, well in a few minutes, and when he met this beauty beside him. They went inside and he ushered her to two vacant seats behind another couple, one who seemed to be in charge of the photographs.
Kira left Caelan with more worries than she had before, but now was not the time to worry about it. She set the ushers to herding everyone into their seats. Once everyone was in position and Damien was upfront looking nervous, she signaled the lights to shift and the music to start. She grinned as Ember began to sing. That was Dani's cue. She turned, watching as the wedding officially began.
Dani was all ready to make her entrance. Domenico Corelli was by her side, also ready to walk her down the aisle. She knew the man was sad that his only daughter would be getting married, even the second one to get married among the siblings. "Papà, stai bene?", she asked in their native language. The woman who was used to speaking English, only used Italian when she spoke to her adoring father. "Sto bene, bambina mia.", the old man replied, stroking her cheek before fixing a lock of hair. Underneath the tough demeanor was a kindhearted father who just wanted what was best for his family. "Sei felice, Danielle? Damien ti rende felice", he asked in a serious tone. Chuckling, she squeezed his hand. "Si papà. Sono felice. Lui mi rende felice.", she nodded brightly. "Non preoccuparti, papà.", she assured him. At that moment, they could hear Ember started singing. Dani took a deep breath before holding onto her father's arm. The song brought a smile to her face since it was also the same song that was sung on their first date. With a nod to her father, they started down the aisle, slowly making their way in the middle of the aisle, surrounded by their friends and families. Dani, focusing on her steps, had her eyes only on the man standing at the end, who would be sharing a new chapter of her life. The smile was there on her face the whole time despite the fast beating of her heart.
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Damien's heart nearly stopped when the lights dimmed, turning as Ember began to sing. "Coop," He struggled to breathe, feeling himself start to panic. What if he was wrong? What if Dani deserved better? What if he messed up? A million worries slammed into him and he started to shake, but then he saw Dani start down the aisle, the entire world seemed to shift and all he could see was the angel walking towards him.

His hands stilled and his heart started beating faster, pounding in his chest. He couldn't help but smile, amazed at how beautiful she looked. He could feel the tears starting to well up in his eyes, and he didn't bother trying to blink them away. She was so perfect, so wonderful, and she was going to be his, they were going to be together for the rest of their lives. He stepped forward, unable to take his eyes off of her, offering his hand as she drew near.
If Danielle had her way, she would forego the formalities and just get away with Damien. Damien had been so wonderful to her, so wonderful that he was so involved in the preparations. He kept her sane. The moment their eyes met, she could not help but squeeze her father's arm. He was so handsome, her heart would explode. She smiled at him, wanting to walk quickly. His hand was outstretched, eager to hold hers and be with her from that day on. After a kiss from her father, she went over to Damien''s side, taking his hand. "Oh, darling..", she cooed, reaching out to wipe his tears. Her own were welling with tears.

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