The Costello Family

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Robyn Whitlock

Active Member
OOC First Name
The Costello family have just moved to a different part of New Zealand. Closer to town. What they all need are friends. Some of them haven't been made yet and some belong to other people, not to mention some of the family don't belong to any one yet.

If you wish to be a part of the family then post here or PM me. You can either take one of the characters already in the family or we could find a way to fit your character into the family.

Also, the existing people need people to role play with, either friends, annoyances or anything you can think of. The people already made are:

Robyn Whitlock
Robyn is a calm woman, not easily angered or annoyed. She is the mother of two and happily married. She loves the idea of a large family. Hopefully she'll be accepted as a shopkeeper. She is very friendly and willing to give any person a chance, however she isn't stupid and can tell when someone is trying to use her.

Noemi Costello
Noemi is Robyn's little sister. She is almost the complete opposite to Robyn. She likes to have fun and doesn't want to settle down for a long time now. Noemi goes by Mimi and hates her name. She doesn't want anything serious and is happy to flirt around with pretty much everyone, though she favours bad boys. She isn't good at defending herself but her closest friend is her big brother (Not made yet) who is willing to beat people up if she asks for no reason other than her word.

If you want to know who the rest of the family they are listed in Robyn's development. Most of them have been claimed already but if you are interested in one I can see if that person is available.

Hoping for replies
Summer ♥
Hey there, another person has arrived in the family. Well, he's been made anyway.

Kari Whitlock
Kari is Robyns' brother in law (Her husbands little brother). He is the same age as Noemi (18) but has a different attitude. He does what he feels like, like Noemi does, but it tends to be less exciting. Kari flirts but has never had a girlfriend or even his first kiss yet, he plays guitar and skateboards in his free time. He attended Durmstrang so, in theory, he should have a few friends from there. Kari doesn't fight at all and has never had a reason too, he doesn't annoy people on purpose, if he gets annoyed he will just walk away.

He needs friends mainly. Maybe his first girlfriend.
I have several characters who could be friends or enemies, depending on the situation. :) How old are Robin and Kari?
I've got Estrella, who's nearly 21, has two children, is married and works in the Ministry. I can see her being friends with Robyn. :D
She sounds good. How old are her children?
One of her daughters is almost two, and the other is a few months old :lol:
Doesn't matter to me! Do you have any preference for a location?
Thank you! I'll reply as soon as possible :)
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