The Bi-Weekly Update

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
It's the Bi-Weekly update! Are you as excited as I am? Probably not. But that's OK, I forgive you - I know what awesome things that you can expect below and you don't yet.
You better get excited by the end, though!

Semester 2 is upon us!
Yuletide festivities a distant memory: Hogwarts begins again in semester 2! Dust off your study characters: professors, prepare your lessons and let's make sure semester two is as exciting as its predecessor.
(Also: Gryffindor better keep leading in house points. ^_^)

Holiday Forums Closing
With Semester 2 comes the inevitable end to posting in seasonal forums.
We'll give you a couple of extra days to wrap up loose ends in your roleplay, but then you'll need to wait until the break between school years to visit such forums again. Prepare!

Enrol in Courses!
If you have student characters in Hogwarts New Zealand then you need to make sure you enrol in their second semester classes via the [member]Gradebook[member]. Get on it!

Character Spotlight
Another round of congratulations to Maia whose character (Sara Moon) is this month's spotlighted character.
Read the announcement for all the awesome details.

Another game of Werewolf is underway!
If you signed up to play: check the account you signed up with for your role PM and instructions.
If you didn't get a chance to sign up: :hug: You can still be awesome and read along! Play along in your head. Who are the wolves? Who are the wolves going to eat next?
Check it out

Account Tracker
In an effort to keep people sane and on top of the characters they (and other people) own an account tracking system was added to HNZ: but it's only useful if people use it. (Shocking, huh?)
Make sure your accounts use the "OOC Name" profile field and you've set your accounts up within the system. :)
Need more information? Read the full announcement.

Applications: GET PUMPED!
Lots of news with applications!
First, if you had an application that you've been waiting on a response for for ages: We're all caught up and we're really sorry. Things got crazy for a bit, but I know I'll be trying to be far more intentional about getting apps done.
So you have a response if you've been waiting for one.
Next, applications have reopened. So if there's something you've been waiting to send in for approval of - you can do that now.
The one exception is Death Eater Applications - which will remain closed for a while longer still.

Site Calendar Update
The site calendar stops having new information after the start of Semester 2. Cyndi has said she'll fill in the rest for you some time super soon. (Or we'll put her in the re-dead group :r .)

Only got one of these for this BWU.
If you have a plot that's awesome and other people should read: share it with us! :)
[ul][li]"You're my Crankypants."
Cameron and Austiin broke up a year ago after Austiin cheated on Cameron with his friend Alexia Mckenna, subsequently getting her pregnant. Now Austiin realises that he cannot live with out his Crankypants and tracks down Cameron to attempt to get him back.

[ul][li]Quidditch returns! (It's gonna happen. Are you ready for it?)</LI>
[li]Mayhem in HalloWerewolf
[li]Learning lots in classes through Semester 2
[li]Big secret changes!
<LI>[li]An opportunity to hang out with/get to know lots of other people on the site all at once?
And that's it!
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, complaints, or something else that's on your mind and needs to come off of it - reply to this topic!
If you don't have any of those things - reply to this topic anyway!

'til next time I'm cornered into doing a BWU,

(On behalf of HNZ Site Staff)
Awh thanks Nick! ^_^ Nice update!
Eager for those surprise changes! Thanks Nick! :hug:
Lurved the update Nick! :D
Thanks for the updates Nick! :hug:
No re-dead group for me! The calendar has been updated. ^_^
Great update :D Excited for Qudditch :woot: and playing Hallo Werewolf
Rosalie Leydon said:
Woot, who doesn't love a good bwu?
Answer: The person who has to write it. :nick:
Fantastic update, Nick!

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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