The Bi-Weekly Update

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

It's been a while since I've had the chance to do the BWU, so I was pretty happy to volunteer and do this one. Lots of stuff has been happening around the site since the last BWU, so we better get to it ^_^ .


Shopping System Update: Gifts
Yes, you read that right ^_^ Just in time for the IC holidays, you can now have your character purchase a gift for another member on the site. The galleons will be taken from your account, but the item will go to the member you indicate when you make the purchase.

When you make your purchase, be sure to hit the toggle gift button to 'on' and then indicate who should be receiving the gift.

Gradebook Update
As you all know, in the last update, Nick mentioned that each profile now has a link to the gradebook entry for HNZ student characters. Now, if you go to the gradebook link with your student character, you have the option to see your student's schedule for the current semester. Pretty useful, huh? :)

Application Hibernation?
At the end of the week, applications will be closed for a time :correct: . Now, I know you're probably asking why, right? The reason is because Nick and I are both going to be fairly busy dealing with our OOC lives. Rather than leaving the applications open and having them pile up while we are unable to sit and sort through them, we thought it would be best to simply shut them off so that we can deal with what we have without fear that we are leaving applications by the wayside.

Just like last time, general requests (group changes/name changes/etc) will still be processed as normal, so no need to fear if you simply want to switch your character to a new group or change their name ^_^ .

Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie Discussion
Since the movie has been out for a bit over a month, the spoiler tag has been removed from the discussion topic, which can be found by clicking here.

We assume that most people have either seen the movie, or if they haven't, have heard about it from some other source. We'd still like all discussion about the movie to be kept to this thread. Thanks!

Pottermore Discussion
With the opportunity to get into Pottermore beta taking place this week, we know that the discussion will pick up. You all have been excellent about it so far, but please be sure to keep all discussion of Pottermore in this thread.

Congrats to everyone who has already gained entry. I'm so jealous :( .
I'm hoping to join you all some time this week ;)


Costume Contest Winners Announced

Just a couple of days ago, the winners of the Y13 costume contest were announced. There really were some great costumes this year and a lot of creativity in finding pics. We were able to come to a consensus and to see who was selected, you should click this to see the Headmaster's post. This year, we also decided to give out house points to the winners in addition to the trophy that gets placed in the Trophy room :D .

Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners!!

End of the Semester

All lessons should be posted up to this point, so if you have a professor character, please be sure that all lessons have been posted. The school is currently in its makeup week, so now is the time for the students to get those lessons done before the exam period begins next week. ^_^

In addition, if you have a student character, you should be sure that you signed up for the classes your student should be taking this semester so that there is little delay in receiving grades at the end of the semester. Check your common room to determine which classes your character should be enrolled in.

Yearbook Pictures

If you have a student or staff member in HNZ, do not forget to post their picture for the yearbook! The editors of Accio! will not have the time to look for pictures for you, so it is up to you to find and post your picture in the appropriate place(s).

Here is the link to Accio! :)


We have a bunch of plots to highlight this time around. Yay! :woot:
[ul][li] I Don't Want to Please You Forever (This plot is not always visible to students)
After years of trying to hide his feelings Tohoru comes to Sunako's rescue and admits to his feelings for her.
Other RPs in this plot:
Love & the Koshiba?:Tohoru tells his sisters Eden and Hoshi what he is planning on doing and they make plans to marry Sunako and Tohoru all while keeping it hidden from Haruhi and Koaru Koshiba.
I Promise You: After many years of thinking they would never be with the one they really want Tohoru and Sunako are married.</LI> [li]Baking Bread (This plot is not always visible to students) Lily and Sumner are at their niece, Estrella's, for a visit when Lily starts to get ill for apparently no reason at all.[/li][/ul]

It's as easy as pie to send in your plot to be highlighted. Do so by clicking the link here:


[ul][li]Exams (except for OWL and NEWTs which take place at the end of next semester)[li]Yule Ball fun![li] An OOC competition [li]Cool plottage! <LI>[li]IC Superlatives!! :woot:[/li][/ul]

I think that about covers it!

Any questions? Comments? Feel free to leave them right here. :)

Until next time,
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Well done Cyndi! Yay Pottermore and Superlatives! ^_^ :woot:
I liketh the new coding updates. :o
Dynamic class schedules... does that mean no more class schedules in signature spoilers?! * Nicolas King hopes so*
Awesome update and so many Koshiba plots at least it wasn't drama
Just on checking in and I'm thoroughly impressed with the look of the site. From seeing it at its inception this board has grown and flourished and is truly awesome!

Congrats to all for the hard work that gets put into this very special place on the web. :woot:
The Yule Ball is now open! Have fun ^_^ .

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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