The Bi-Weekly Update

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

It’s been two weeks already? Oh, so it has! :p That means that it’s time for a Bi-Weekly Update! So, without further ado:


Nick's Project Revealed

HNZ now has its own gradebook system! How cool is that?
Be sure to check out the full announcement here to see what you can do if you have a student or professor character. A nice new addition is that students who are currently in the grade book have their username color-coded based on their house, so if you haven’t gotten around to adding your courses, get to it soon so you can check out Nick’s handiwork.

Character Spotlight: February 7th

Madlyn Margera was this fortnight’s spotlighted character! As you all know, spotlighted characters are chosen because their biographies are well developed and the character is well developed. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the full announcement right here. Congratulations Madz!!!

:o 40,000 Posts?!?!?!

Yup. You read that right! Nick has finally reached 40,000 posts!! And even though post count isn’t supposed to mean anything (it’s more about quality than quantity :r ), some numbers do count ^_^ *bows to greatness* Congratulations Nickles! If you’d like to offer him congratulations on this amazing feat, click this link.

Applications back on track

I'm sure you will be happy to know that all applications submitted prior to Saturday were processed by Nick! With sorting done, he was able to get back to looking at the applications you all have been so patiently awaiting replies for. Your continued patience was appreciated :) .


One of our wonderful GMs, Pattycakes, has decided to catch us all up on what’s been going on in her life.
Check out her blawg entry by clicking the link : )


The Numbers are in
After all of the sorting was said and done, the Slytherins had 30 first year students join its ranks, while the other three houses each greeted 32 new first year students :)

And, 15 students were accepted as transfers for 3rd year and above:
2 Hufflepuffs,4 Ravenclaws, 4 Gryffindors and 5 Slytherins.

All non-school areas are now closed to students

All of the following areas (Brightstone, Obsidian Harbor, Bleak Street and AATWW) have now been closed off to students :( Don't worry...Brightstone will be opened to students as soon as there is a Brightstone weekend, and the other areas will be opened again once the holidays start. So, have fun rping around the castle ^_^

Week 3 of Classes!

All classes should be entering the third week of lessons, which means *gasp* the semester is already just about half over. Keep helping your houses out by doing those lessons!! The Ravenclaws sure are doing just that :p


[ul][li] Trapped!
On Jaedan’s surprise birthday party, they get locked in a dungeon by some mysterious ghosts and it takes them 8 hours for a professor to come. Secrets are spilt, relationships crushed, love in the air! A brilliant plot to read![/li][/ul]

That's all we've got for you this fortnight. Don’t forget that you can also have your plot (s) highlighted, if you simply click the link:

[ul][li]More lessons!!</LI>[li] More fun rping (as always :p ) <LI>[li]some MESSI fun perhaps?[/li][/ul]
That’s all the news for the fortnight. Let me know what you think :cyndi:

Oh...and Happy Valentine's Day all! :wub:
~ Cyndi
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Professor Cyndi Weasley said:
Happy Valentine's Day
I didn't have a valentine. :(

But alas! So it goes.

Thanks for the update, Cyndi. ;)
Good job Cyndi! Lovely as always. Can't wait to lurk the Plot Highlight ^_^
Nicolas King said:
Professor Cyndi Weasley said:
Happy Valentine's Day
I didn't have a valentine. :(

But alas! So it goes.

Thanks for the update, Cyndi. ;)
Be my belated hipster post-Valentine Valentine, Nick? ♥

I've always enjoyed the updates. Good work. :)
I enjoyed this update, good job Cyndi! ^_^
Epic update. :lol:

Win, Nick, that is just win. :r
Well done Cyndi. The update looks fab.

I'm definitely going to be lurking that plot :D
Since everything tis closed to us, does that mean me no get a wand. :cry:

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Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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