The Bi-Weekly Update

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
This BWU was started by Abby (Isabella Chaos) and complete by me. So, we'll start with Abby's section! ^_^

Abby's share:
Oh snap! It's been so long since I did this! :o But I'm still very excited to bring you the newest edition of The Bi-Weekly Update this July 4th! And Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans! :wub: Without further ado I bringing you latest news of our beloved site:


Character Spotlight
Congratulations to Benson Thacker, aka the awesome Louise, for being this fortnights Spotlighted Character! Benson is such a cute character and well developed so the spotlight was well deserved. :) (Read the full announcement as well as Louise's Spotlight Questionnaire here...)

Caption Contest
You all have chosen a winner for MESSI's 2nd Caption Contest and it is Estrella Styx! So contrats to Estrella, aka Amanda! :) (View Amanda's winning entry here...)

Classroom Forum Icons
In case y'all hadn't noticed yet, the classroom forums now have nifty little icon markers to correspond with their subject! The majority of you all agreed that having them was a cool idea and give the site a little more personal touch and generally make it look nicer! :)

OOC Superlatives!
HNZ's annual Out-of-Character Superlatives are now open for nominations and will be open throughout July! Read all about the Superlatives and how to nominate, as well as the full list of categories here!

Guess Who's Back? :abby:
Um DUH, ME! :D That's right, with my spare time freed up, (and because I missed you guys SOMUCH!) I've rejoined HNZ and rejoined the Dark Orchids so I will be doing my best to catch up and help around the site however I can! :) So y'all better be on your best behavior because there's an extra GM around again :shifty: ) but seriously, thanks for all the welcome backs, I love you guys. :') And it's all thanks to Nick who persuaded me to join again so he should be getting all the glomps. :hug:
(Abby's Portion Ends Here)

Forums Update
Something that has needed doing since we converted to ZetaBoards has finally been done! All roleplaying forums (except for the quidditch pitch, duelling areas, and other areas where full replied is required for a code) have fast replied enabled! If you see a forum that doesn't have fast reply, that we missed, and you would like it enabled - please PM me (Nick). :)

Open/Closed Roleplays
Perhaps this experience will be familiar to you:
You open a roleplay and put *closed* in the topic description. Then, out of nowhere, somebody who isn't part of that RP posts! Talk about frustrating!
Or: You open a roleplay and mark it as *open* but then nobody joins! :( How depressing!

I recently wrote a small script to aid in both these plights.
Simply put either *open* or *closed* in your topic description (the case of the letters doesn't matter - but the asterisks do, just in case you wanted your description to be like 'Leave the door open!') and then a notice will appear beneath your topic with the appropriate notice:

Click to see the full-sized image
As you can see, the closed notice even includes who the user needs to contact to join. ^_^ Nifty, eh? I thought so.

Feedback Requested (Again)
After our massive forum re-organization, we would like to reconsider your suggestions for new roleplaying sections that you had made in the past. :) You can read more about this in the suggestions thread found here.


Site-Wide Plot
HNZ has a massive site-wide plot ongoing right now! :o The Minister for Magic has resigned and the Ministry of Magic is calling an election! The Daily Prophet is covering the story every step of the way, reporters rival over the spin to put on the story, conspiracy looms in the shadows over why it is, exactly, that the Minister resigned, and fear of Death Eater movements rise.
Your characters are needed to keep this plot moving and exciting! Do you have a Death Eater or Auror character? Check out the topics posted in your respective planning forums! Are you a Ministry official? Join the conference room thread! Do you have somebody who would consider running for the position of Minister for Magic? Get them ready! Some other type of character? Be prepared to follow the campaign trail, remark on current goings on, and just keep up in general. It should be an awesome time ahead!

Exams Upcoming!
This marks the beginning of Week 7. No classes this week, but exams begin next week! Get ready! Remember: Fifth years have OWLs and seventh years have NEWTs at the end of the year (so no exams this semester!). :)

Professor Changes
~Professor Effie Snow is our new Hufflepuff Head of House.
Professor Daisie A'Dare is HNZ's new Astronomy professor for years 5-7.

Congratulate them both. ;)


Another two weeks with very few plots submitted to highlight.
Please submit any good roleplays you read - whether they be yours or somebody elses.
If nobody, or few people, submit for the next fortnight we'll take the hint and remove this section from the Bi-Weekly Updates.

Now, your highlights:[ul][li]A Difficult Decision to Come to
Minister for Magic, Gellert Coote, calls a staff meeting with the Daily Prophet invited. He then resigns from his position and announces an upcoming election. What other craziness happens? What conspiracies are suggested? Read to find out! Or better yet: join in on the action!</LI>[li]Back from the dead...Sorta - Wizarding World
Link and Sanctuari see each other unexpectedly. Sanctuari has been gone after a while, and tells Link she's been in a coma. She forgets everyone except Link and her twin sister. <LI>[li]Sisters Need Brothers - Wizarding World
Fletcher Bennet asks Izaak and Amanda for their approval for him to marry Leah.[/li][/ul]


~ Site-Wide plot mayhem. Elections. Aurors. Death Eaters. Conspiracy. The Daily Prophet. What more could we want?
~ OOC Superlative Fun
~ Abby's insanity about the board again ( :wub: )
~ The return of some people who left us for vacations/exams/whatever ( :( )
~ The departure of one GM to "America". ( :r - yes... look forward to ;) ) jokez.
~ The Yule Ball
~ More Updates! ^_^

And that's it for another fortnight-in-a-topic. :r

See you around the board! I look forward with another amazing two weeks with you lot before another one of these appears.

Do you have questions/comments/concerns about this update? Post them here!

Happy HNZing :r ,

~Nick & Abby
(On behalf of the once-again-complete site staff.)
:frantics: ABBYYYYYYYYYYYYY :wub: I'm soooooo happy :D Nick you do indeed rock for bringing her back to us :hug:

Congrats to everyone who won something or got promoted in one way or another xD (too tired and too many to mention :p )

And Nick :glare: Yes I'm going to 'America' and that's not something to look forward too :cry:

Hahaha the GMs rock:

One has returned :wub:
One is away for two weeks :cry:
One is going to our new Hufflepuff HoH's house :frantics:
And one is going to return soon with an almightly hangover :r xD
Patricia Styx said:
And Nick :glare: Yes I'm going to 'America' and that's not something to look forward too :cry:
Then why are you going? :r

Point: Nicolas.
Nicolas King said:
Patricia Styx said:
And Nick :glare: Yes I'm going to 'America' and that's not something to look forward too :cry:
Then why are you going? :r

Point: Nicolas.
Because I've already paid for that :erm: And because I'm looking forward to it doesn't mean that you have to look for it
Patricia Styx said:
Nicolas King said:
Patricia Styx said:
And Nick :glare: Yes I'm going to 'America' and that's not something to look forward too :cry:
Then why are you going? :r

Point: Nicolas.
Because I've already paid for that :erm: And because I'm looking forward to it doesn't mean that you have to look for it
Why can't I just support you?
It makes no sense for you to discourage me from sharing your excitement for you. :r :tut:
Very nice update guys. :D
Good job guys! Always look forward to these ♥
YAY! :hug:
Congrats to everyone who's won, been promoted, etc. ^_^
Can't wait for all this site-wide plot stuff! :o :frantics:
I really have to say Nick, you continue to impress me with your skills that Open and Close thing sound really cool and helpful!

Oh and of course I'm loving the Elections right now... my reporters so out of control....
Henry Drake said:
that Open and Close thing sound really cool and helpful!
I realized that a lot of people do "-closed-" too, so I added that. Now asterisks or hyphens will work with the code. :)
Andromeda Fiorelli said:
Pats - hangover was actually not as bad as I thought xD
think we drank, sang and danced ourselves sober =))
You drank yourself sober? o_O xD It's people like you Linda that give the Irish a bad name :r :p Keed. :wub: j00
Professor A'Dare would love to get in on the action. Maybe she could hook up with one of the people that are running and cause a scene. All the more better if they have a wife. :r
Well, I'm make sure I stay away from Daisie. My wife would kill me. And I wouldn't be the first.
Conor Mathias said:
Well, I'm make sure I stay away from Daisie. My wife would kill me. And I wouldn't be the first.
I see what you did there. :abby:

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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