The Bi-Weekly Update!

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Aleyha Snow

Parselmouth / Albino / Mother / Hostile
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 13 3/8" Core of Basilisk Fang and Venom with a special handle
It is that time of updates again, alas, I am the one presenting it to all of you HNZers! Kaitlyn here, and I hope you enjoy reading about this update as much as I enjoyed writing it out! A ton of things have been going on since Pat's version of the BWU so sit back and enjoy!


Character Spotlight!
A special congratulations to Jessame Rose Trewelly for earning the fortnight's spotlighted character! She has worked hard on her biography and it has paid off big time! Her devotion to her character has been a model to all of those who are still working on developing their characters. (Read more here...)

MESSI Writing Competition!
Surprise surprise! MESSI had a writing competition, but things didn't run as smoothly as they should have. No no, there was just one winner, and that is Mike Goulding by default! However, just because he won by default does not mean that his entry sucked or anything. To be honest, I lurved it (and that is saying a lot! :woot: )! (Read here for his marvelous entry...)

MESSI Caption Competition: Voting!
MESSI has started a new competition, one that is rather funny, let me tell you. At any rate, voting has officially closed this morning, and the winner as it appears to be is Artemis Blackmoore-Yearling! (Read more here...)

Darkorchid Flowers Have Lost A Valuable Petal
Yes, it is true, if you have noticed the lack of one moderator from the moderator and administration list at the bottom of the board. Our beloved Abby (Isabella Chaos) has stepped down from being Global Moderator. She and all of her colorful characters will be missed here in HNZ. Remember her fondly as she travels to her beloved city and starts fresh in New York City. (Read here for the entire story...)

Applications: Notice!
Please, do not PM to see if your application has been processed or not of you have waited a while. With sorting underway, applications have been delayed, but the awesome Admins have not forgotten your application and you will receive an answer soon, just be patient as with sorting, they have to look at hundreds of applications. (It might be hundreds...I am unsure. If you want to count all the first years and the thirty-some transfer applications, be my guest!) =))

Staff Site Blawg Reminder!
The site staff has posted up new blawgs about more infos and such. With new blawg posts comes fresh entertainment for the minds of the members when they see what has been going on in the minds of the purples. (Site Staff Blawg is found here...)

4000 Registered Accounts on HNZ?!
Nick has been very excited over this, as should you be! 4000 registered accounts are on HNZ, and that my friend, is a lot. Congratulations to HNZ for having so many accounts and members! :woot: See the images (provided by Nick's handy-dandy iPod) here and here.

New Elite Members!
Been on HNZ for a year or longer? Make sure to PM Nick stating that you are Elite and he will add you into the Elite group! (But I must say, I don't know which group is better - Nick's Slaves or the Elites. Hmmmm)

Updated Application System!
The Application system has been updated as some have seen through the transfers and the sorting forms! Now, all applications are slightly easier on the back side. Successful application notice page is now a bit more customizable and may be used in the future to determine how long wait times for different requests types are expected to be based on capacity. Give a round of applause for Nick for nifting up the codes! :)

Character Developments!
Character Developments have been sorted and branched off by groups instead of archives! So, if your character has been sorted now, please PM the Staff to move it to the appropriate forum. :) This is an older update, but hey, even some updates are forgotten from time to time but that does not make them any less important!

Interactive Lessons: Voice your opinion now!
We need your opinions on interactive lessons. Everyone's voice counts, and the decision to keep the lessons interactive will be the best, of course. (More information, read here...)


Accio! Yearbook of Year 9 is Released!
The Yearbook has been released once again! We thank those hard working staff of the yearbook as they continue to surprise us and dazzle us with pages of our students! We got to see the Superlatives, and congratulate those who won! And finally, we even have staff that will be working on year 10 really soon! To putting their lives on hold to do the yearbook, it is a tiring job, and their efforts are not in vain. (Read here for more information and to see the year book...)

Sorting and Transfers!
Sorting for Year 10 continues on! This will probably close when we get a week into the first semester, so you bound-to-be first years hurry and get sorted! On another note, Transfers are no longer being accepted, as first years are the main priority of the school. Congratulations for those transfers who got accepted! (Read here for more informations...)
Here is a nifty chart our Nick has provided us for the transfers (first years won't be shown yet because their sorting has not closed):

Remember to PM your HoH (Professor Styx, Professor Fletcher, Professor Spenser or Professor Sangora) for your electives if you are a third year and up to receive your supplies and the password to get into the elective classrooms.
For those who are Sixth years and up, if you wish to attend Herbology for your NEWT course, best to PM Professor Styx with your OWL grade as it is required. ;)

Year 10 Starting!
Woots! Another year is starting! Classes open up for posting tomorrow (Monday)! Remember that lessons are optional but they are a good way to develop your character! Remember that if you do not post, you still pass with an A (Acceptable) anyway. Let's get pumping for the new year! :woot: With every new year, there are new Prefects and the Head Boy and Head Girl. Let's see who all made those titles this year! :D[ul][li]Head Boy: Mike Goulding</LI>
[li]Head Girl: Zazuka Bones[/li][/ul]
The new Prefects![ul][li]Aeon Summers
[li]Taylor Mercer
[li]Liberty Barnett
[li]Sam Prince
[li]Artemis Blackmoore-Yearling
[li]Austin Devearux
[li]Theodore Snow
[li]Larissa Sedgwick[/li][/ul]
Holiday Forums: Closing!
You students better wrap up those holiday threads because they are closing! The students are to have their threads finished or at least paused to be continued. Remember you cannot use an adult character to post as your students when the forums close. You have your warning right here: (Read here for the announcement...)

New Professors!
As dear Amanda takes her leave from HNZ for a long while, we needed to hire out two new Charms professors, and also needed to hire yet another Potions professor.
Please welcome Professor Anabelle Rose who teaches Charms Years 1-3 to the Professors!
As well as Professor Jessica Peters as temporary Charms professor for Years 4-7 while Amanda is MIA.
Finally, we welcome Professor Nicolas Hensel among the professors. Professor Hensel teaches Potions Years 5-7.
Good luck to all of you new Professors and we look forward to your teachings!

A New Slytherin for 20 Minutes?!
It seems like Nick made a funny and crossed over to the dark side when he became a Slytherin as proved right here. It is ironic that Kingy is a Gryffindor alumni as well. Most epic Slytherin there was? I believe so. ;)


[ul][li]The Beautiful Consequences (Obsidian Harbor)
~ "In 'I didn't order a silver bracelet!', Effie stops in at the Poison Ater for a bite to eat and gets a bit more than she bargained for; a silver bracelet and a shy chef. Audel and Effie are smitten with each other at first sight, and the night that follows will change their life forever. In 'The Beautiful Consequences', that one night turns into two surprise packages for two prospective parents thrown in the deep end. Effie tells Audel that she is pregnant with twins, no less. If this is not enough, Noah comes to say hi to his little sister and Audel finds out just how much trouble he and his love are in. 'Will this cause a problem? Yep!' continues on with Audel's plan to get Alphonse Snow to accept him as guardian of Effie with the help of Nicolette. But there's one thing he didn't tell Effie and Alphonse is going to find out exactly what it is; and why Audel is just so determined to care for his family. (Overall summary of the plot, and the RPs leading up to the plot are as followed:)[ul][li]I didn't order a silver bracelet! (The Poison Ater)
[li]The Beautiful Consequences (Obsidian Harbor)
[li]Will this cause a problem? Yep! (Europe) [/li][/ul]
[li]First Crush (The Medley)
~ In this Plot Veronica gets her first crush on Zac who happens to be in Dumstrang as well but luck has brought these two teenagers all the way to NewZealand and made them fall in love. Zac takes Veronica to her house and they share few memories of themselves,getting to know each other better. Veronica leaves for Bella Donna manor unsure if she would ever be allowed to go back to Dumstrang and if she would ever see Zac again but her hopes are high and the new love has given her some new happiness which she never experienced before.
[li]Honey, there is something I need to tell you... (The Americas)
~ Kiera Potter has something important to tell her husband.</LI>
[li]The Family that Binds (The Silver Snake)
~ Eden goes into the Silver Snake to find out what happened to Luxen. Finding out he is gone Eden wants to know why Lolita is unsure if she can trust Eden so she makes her make the unbreakable vow which Eden does. Now Eden is tied to the Sliverback family for the rest of her life or until she is set free.
[li]What once was (Professor Styx's Office)
~ Two brothers come up with a plan to get Cecily's memories back, when it works...just in a different way
[li]Apartment of Chaotic Occurrences (New Zealand)
~ Hadan, Miriah and Alyssa meet up at their apartment to go swimming when they have a coincidental meeting with their new neighbors who happen to be Hadan's and Alyssa's lovers.
[li]..And Then There Was One (New Zealand)
~ Markus comes to find Larissa who has run away when even the mother doesn't know where she is either, and the raging Death Eater decides to play God.
[li]Reminiscing in What Was (New Zealand)
~ Arnost returns to Carrow Hall to see his daughter when he meets with someone else who he had lost to the Aurors.
[li]Waiting for Him (New Zealand)
~ Arianna and Austin plan a summer vacation together, where the Ravenclaw goes to another girl's house in Canada for the first time in his life.
[li]Blood to Blood, It Must be Repaid (The Americas)
~ A Death Eater confronts and battles an Auror, a heartbreaking battle for the brothers. A devious plan was in mind, to make sure there was no longer an Auror in the Zhefarovich Family, and two enemies must settle their differences when another Death Eater doubts his loyalty.[/li][/ul]
Remember that you can submit your own plots to be highlighted via this form. ^_^


[ul]<LI>[li]More awesome plots coming up!
[li]Quidditch makes its return!
[li]More of Nickles and his funny comments/actions. ;)
[li]Awesome competitions ;)
[li]Perhaps more of Livvy? Maybe ;)
[li]Y10 Officially starting!
<LI>[li]So much more![/li][/ul]

If anyone has any questions, concerns, or just comments, feel free to post here! :)

~Sir Kaitlyn
(On Behalf of the Site Staff)
I thought the purple titles for each update is rather snazzy. XD
Let's see heerreee...
Congratz again, JR. ;)
Congratz Mike! ^_^ Yay for entering writing competitions. :D
Congratulations, KR. :D (Stole my idea, you did.)
:( Abbyyyyy
Applications: You harass me.... I beat you.
Blawg: I had an idea for a blog post. Then I forgot. Somebody remind me what has been irking me lately. xD
4000 Members: Yay! ^_^ I :wub: it.

Accio: Tres awesome, as always. I also happen to know that Y10 will see the best yearbook yet. That's right. Get excited now, fools! :p
Sorting &c. ... the bane of my existance.
Congratz to all the new prefects, headpeople, and professors. :D

Being a Slytherin: I did that... and nobody commented on it. :( How depressed I was...

Finalement: Awesome work, Kaitlyn! ^_^
ZOMG, Nick was a Slytherin Twentieth Year?! :frantics: I cannot believe I totally missed that Epic Win moment.... *le sigh*
Totally did a jawdrop when I saw that picture and remembered seeing that Shouty message live.

As a new member, I must say that I love the Bi-Weekly Update feature and look forward to each one of them with delight. Congrats to the people to be congratulated and a very big glomp to the staff for this. :hug:
Nooo I missed Nick being a Slytherin. I demand a redo right this second. :lol: Awesome radtastic job on the update. :D Cant wait to see all the awesome stuff that happens in year ten.
Brilliant update, Kaitlyn. :cool:

.. Also, who must I punish for selecting my plot as a highlighted? :r

How did I manage to miss Nick as a Slytherin? :( A twentieth year :lol:

I wish I could comment on more but I'm so very tired =/

'Grats to those who won competitions and those who became prefects, Head Boy and Girl and Professors and Jessame for getting spotlight. ^_^
Larissa Sedgwick said:
.. Also, who must I punish for selecting my plot as a highlighted? :r
That would be me. And try to punish me, you will find yourself in a hopeless predicament too. :r

Thanks guys! ♥
Aleyha Devearux said:
A New Slytherin for 20 Minutes?!
It seems like Nick made a funny and crossed over to the dark side when he became a Slytherin as proved right here. It is ironic that Kingy is a Gryffindor alumni as well. Most epic Slytherin there was? I believe so. ;)
I was on when that happened, and I missed it! :erm:
He would have to do that little trick when I am not online. :(
Rosiee Lowart said:
What's happening to Slytherin, is not that many this year :(
1) That is only transfers.
2) Only 16 transfers were accepted.
Ravenclaw had 5
Gryffindor and Hufflepuff each had 4
Slytherin had 3

Not that big a difference. Because it was a percentage of such a small number, however, 2 makes a huge difference.

So, in short: What you are saying makes no sense to me. :)
Nice updates. Seems to me HNZ keeps on getting more and more exciting by the semester. lol
A New Slytherin for 20 Minutes?!
It seems like Nick made a funny and crossed over to the dark side when he became a Slytherin as proved right here. It is ironic that Kingy is a Gryffindor alumni as well. Most epic Slytherin there was? I believe so. ;)

I was there ! I missed it !
sweet update Kaitlyn and I love the purple highlights ;)
Nice bit of treachery to Gryffindor Nick xD glad I wasn't there to witness it - Sakura might have tossed the ring back :r
Being a Slytherin: I did that... and nobody commented on it. How depressed I was... :(
you obviously did it at the wrong time then - you sooo know you'd have gotten a comment from me ;)

Congrats to our competition winners :woot:
and Zuka and Mike!! :woot: well done on Headgirl and Headboy ;)
Livi chucked me her phone (from the other side of the room) during choir when Nick became a Slytherin 20th year! Totally disrupted choir with our laughing and what not :lol:
Professor Melodie Lowe said:
Livi chucked me her phone (from the other side of the room) during choir when Nick became a Slytherin 20th year! Totally disrupted choir with our laughing and what not :lol:
I laughed.
Holiday forums have closed for all years except first years.
Holiday forums will close for first years on Saturday (the 29th of May).

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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