That Awkward Moment When...

IC that awkward moment when every single group meeting or event that you are part of ends with you in an argument with someone, or someone in an argument with you.
IC-The awkward moment when some Hufflepuff actually think you care enough to move.
OOC: the awkward moment when you post with two different characters so you can win the game and then realize it's against the rules :r
OOC- The awkward moment when you fall in love with a dog toy at the shops and run around the shopping centre playing with it, like a two year old :r
OOC The awkward moment when your friend claims relation to you because their cousin's half-sister's brother dated and had kids to my cousins half-sister, and expected me to take in all that information on the first go of hearing it, and I'm not even sure if my cousin's half-sister has kids. :tut:

OOC- The awkward moment when you buy a poppa and then ask for a straw :r
OOC: That awkward moment when your mom banishes you from the living room so you have to take over her bedroom to watch netflix.
OOC: That awkward moment when you ask for a ham and cheese burger on a burger store and they give you a hamburger and a cheeseburger.
OOC- That awkward moment when your about to step out of the door, only to realize today wasn't the day for your appointment :tut:
The awkward moment when you are making a pie, by yourself, for the very first time, and you have no idea what you're doing and end up asking people on HNZ to rely instructions for you... and you still manage to burn yourself three times and burn the edges of your pie :unsure:
OOC: That awkward moment when one of your ex's is buddies with your day.
IC: That awkward moment when you tell people you have a kid and they don't believe you because you look too young.
that awkward moment when you are having a "count to ten before staff post" relay and you end up having to edit your post numorous times, and the counting goes 1,2,3,4,4,3,6,8,8,9,1...
OOC: That awkward moment when you wake yourself up talking to no one.
OOC: the awkward moment when you turn up to the orthadontist and you are told that you came a week too early :r
OOC: the awkward moment when you are walking down the middle of O Connells Street in Dublin doing you Christmas shopping with your family and suddenly your cousin literally leaps half ways across the street and screams so loud everyone around us actually stops because when she put money into the basket of one of those people who stand still the person who was standing still jumped and shouted. =)) I still laugh when I think of that :r
IC- The awkward moment when you re-meet a strange little part-goblin girl and she is currently looking for a rabbit, named 'Mr Bunny Rabbit'
OOC: That awkward moment when after you kill a big spider, your cat tries to eat it off of the corner of the baseboard.
IC: that awkward moment when you realise that you were flirting with a dragon keeper whilst in care of magical creatures class :r
IC- The awkward moment when you tell a friend you will crash at his place for a week tops, it's been a year and now you're inseperable.
OOC: The awkward moment when you realise that a local cafe is getting mum to make and supply cheesecakes for them....via twitter

Kinda awesome though ^_^
OOC- The awkward moment when you discover that you posted your sixth years Ancient Runes class in the fifth year lesson. To make matters worse, you then find out that Sixth years don't have that class until next IC semester, and you were super excited for Ancient Runes (prehaps a little too excited) and now have to wait :tut:
That awkward moment when you are doing the dishes (from sunday breakfast onwards to tuesday evening) and you realise that you only have 1 plate, 1 of each knife, fork and spoon. one cup, one bowl, and 2 glasses.
OOC: That awkward moment when characters don't do what you want them to do. Every. Bloody. Time.

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