Teddy Pirrip

Edward Finnigan Pirrip
Edward after his father | Finnigan after his mother

Harry Styles Hello GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden

Goes by: Teddy!
DOB: 25th December 2047

(aka a Christmas miracle :santa:)
Star sign: Capricorn
Gender: Male

Wand: Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
House: Gryffindor

"You know, before I sort you, know that you would've made a pretty decent Slytherin. Maybe in another life. Instead, it'll be... Gryffindor"

✯ ❉ ❂ ✧ ✦ ✥ ✢ ☆ ★ EMBRACE THE MISCHIEF, IGNITE THE MAGIC! ⋆ ★ ☆ ✢ ✥ ✦ ✧ ❂ ❉ ✯

❉ B A C K G R O U N D ❉

Teddy grew up in a predominantly wizarding household, although his parents often choose the 'muggle' way and there aren't many enhancements going on in his house. His parents, Edward Pirrip Senior and Niamh Pirrip (nee Finnigan), both graduated from Hogwarts and settled in Wellington to raise their family. Niamh, first generation Kiwi originally from Dublin, Ireland, and Edward Senior, Kiwi born with links all around the world, have tried to give Teddy a rounded view of the world, of both magic and muggle lifestyles.

Teddy's father, Edward Senior is an Auror with a work hard, play hard attitude. His playful nature mirrors his son's spirit with an ability to knuckle down when it matters. Having been sorted into Gryffindor during his time at Hogwarts, he wholeheartedly encourages Teddy's adventurous tendencies and delights in hearing about his latest escapades, but he also expects good grades. Niamh, also a proud Gryffindor, is a kind-hearted and astute woman. Although she may be slightly less lenient with Teddy's mischievous behaviour, she finds his antics endearing and enjoys the fun they bring to their lives. Being an only child, Teddy receives ample attention from his doting parents, and it's no secret that he is occasionally indulged and spoiled with their affection. He receives a generous allowance from his parents each month and regular care packages.

Together, Edward Senior and Niamh have created a loving and supportive childhood for Teddy, providing him with comfort and security. While this has undeniably contributed to Teddy's overall well being, growing up in such a privileged environment may have influenced his understanding of empathy. Shielded from financial hardships and other significant challenges, Teddy does not have a developed understanding of those facing adversity.

Quick Facts about Teddy
  • Teddy was a rainbow baby. He would have had an elder sister.
  • Before Hogwarts, Teddy collected Chocolate frog cards and still has his collection
  • Teddy often wonders what the Sorting Hat meant when they said he'd make a pretty decent Slytherin
  • He wants to be an Unspeakable when he grows up
  • He currently plays as Keeper for Gryffindor
  • His best friends are Amodeus Jones, Marley Pattison and Audrey Beauchamp
  • He's a straight O student and taking every elective

❂ A P P E A R A N C E ❂

Teddy is cheerful with bright green eyes. His messy brown hair gives him a perpetually tousled and carefree look. He has an infectious smile that reveals a set of slightly crooked teeth. Teddy stands at a tad under the average height for his age, with an agile and nimble build that fits his active nature. He would like to be slightly taller and feels a little sensitive about being on the shorter side. Once he's finished growing he'll be 5'9.

✧ P E R S O N A L I T Y ✧

Teddy is a blend of wit, humour, and adventure. Teddy is a prankster with a knack for turning mundane situations into something more fun. Beneath his playful exterior lies a kind hearted and loyal nature. He values friendship and is fiercely loyal to those he cares about, always ready to stand up for them and protect them when needed.

At first glance, one might assume that he doesn't take much seriously and lacks deeper concerns. His mischievous grin can get him into trouble, but he wears it proudly. He is extremely competitive in all things and like his father, has a work hard, play hard mantra. He is a wind up and can be something of an a*hole at times, but underneath it all he is mostly a good guy.

It's worth noting that Teddy carries hidden insecurities within himself, though he is good at burying them deep or disguising them with humour. This can sometimes manifest in moments of unintended rudeness or an inability to empathise with others. Additionally, Teddy's exuberance and over excitement can occasionally overshadow the needs and feelings of those around him.

✦ S K I L L S A N D A B I L I T I E S ✦

Flying a broomstick and saving goals
Wit - Teddy can think on his feet and respond quickly with wit or humour.
Intelligent and studious - work hard play hard baby!

✥ G O A L S ✥

Teddy's main goal at Hogwarts is have as much fun as possible. He made it onto the Gryffindor Quidditch team as alternative seeker, then the following year as Keeper,. Teddy wants to get straight O grades and also be behind the biggest prank Hogwarts has ever seen.

☆ C H A L L E N G E S ☆

Teddy's overconfidence can sometimes land him in trouble when he acts impulsively and doesn't think things through. He is impatient and easily bored with mundane tasks which can lead to him messing around in class. Teddy is very thick skinned and doesn't always appreciate that others may not feel the same. He can get excited and lose sight of the line between playful banter and hurtful comments sometimes, but he doesn't mean to upset anyone, most of the time.

There is a childlike note to this planetary row, and people born on the 25th of December will stay on the move, think fast, and rely mostly on their wit and intellectual strength. They need time to understand the subtle connection of the way they speak and present themselves to the world, with their most intimate desires. The second planetary row for this date is showing a challenge with authority figures, their relationship with their father, and how their personality separates from heritage and ancestral rules and structures that became obsolete over time. It is their uneasy task to learn who they are, but once they do, their spirits evolve quickly and with little limitation.

AmbitiousAnxious beneath the surface
Loyal and reliablePerfectionist
Surprisingly nurturingSelf-criticizes

I have to admit, I really love Teddy and he has the potential for lots of interesting stories. He's fun to write as he doesn't take himself seriously and nothing feels off limits. While he may have some areas for growth, these aspects contribute to his overall development as a multifaceted character and, in my opinion, those are the most interesting characters to write about.
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F I R S T ✯ Y E A R ✯ S U M M A R Y ✯

An Interview with Teddy to ask him about his first year at Hogwarts:

Interview date:
June, 2060
With: Teddy Pirrip (age 12)

Interviewer: Good morning, Teddy! We've hear you've completed your first year at Hogwarts. Can you tell us, what was your initial impression when you first arrived at the castle?

Teddy: Hello! Well, yes I did. I thought the castle was huge! I couldn't believe I was actually going to live here and will have to learn my way around. It didn't take long to feel like home though.

Interviewer: That must have been an incredible moment. Now, let's talk about your friends. We've heard you made some great ones. Can you tell us about them?

Teddy: Oh, absolutely! There's Marley who I encountered Vex the poltergeist with, Benicio, who's always up for a laugh, Audrey, the witty Ravenclaw who I enjoy winding up, and, of course, Amodeus, my bestie. Audrey doesn't like Amodeus but I think he's great. I love them all!

Interviewer: Friends make Hogwarts all the more special. You did exceptionally well academically this year. How did you manage to get straight O's?

Teddy: I wasn't expecting to. Even my parents thought I had forged my report card, but I promise, no funny business. It just turns out it's really easy to get O's if you turn up to class.

Interviewer: Impressive! Now, speaking of funny business, we've heard you had your share of pranks and adventures. Any memorable ones you'd like to share?

Teddy: Oh, there were a few here and there! My pièce de résistance was throwing a dungbomb on the bonfire at the Heta/Brotherhood party. It was all in good fun, and the [disgusted] look on everyone's faces was priceless!

Interviewer: Sounds like you had some mischievous fun! And finally, what are you looking forward to in your second year at Hogwarts?

Teddy: Quidditch tryouts, and spending time with my friends. I'm also curious to see if my parents will finally believe my grades this time!

Interviewer: Well, Teddy, it sounds like you're in for another successful year. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, and best of luck in your second year at Hogwarts!

First Year Threads:

New roomwith Amodeus Jones and Milo FroggThe new first year boys dorm but Teddy is a whole other level of tired after the long day
When two turns into threewith Amodeus Jones and Marley PattisonTeddy making friends
Just looking around, not doing anythingwith Audrey BeauchampTeddy meets and explores with his kindred spirit
When Three Becomes Fourwith Amodeus Jones, Marley Pattison and Dominic Owens-LeeTeddy hanging out with his friends and playing with bubbles
Skating is better than dancingwith Benicio Matos There is a ice rink at the Yule Ball and Teddy has a lot of fun failing to skate with Benicio
Coloring Pageswith Amodeus JonesTeddy and Moo hanging out and having fun
Teddy's table at Speedy Friendswith Gemma DelaneyTeddy has a surprisingly good chat at Speedy Friends
Was That a Ghost?with Marley Pattison and VexThe two friends have a successful ghost hunting experience
Retracing your stepswith Marnie FroggTeddy finds something that an older student has lost and doesn't want to give it back
Harmless Funwith Lucy MontagueTeddy pranks Lucy
Glumwith Benicio Matos Benicio is feeling glum and Teddy cheers him up
Wheres my moneywith Audrey BeauchampFun scheming with Audrey
Speedy Friendshipwith Gemma DelaneyTeddy makes a hot chocolate for Gemma but its definitely not a date
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S E C O N D ✯ Y E A R ✯ S U M M A R Y ✯

Psyching-yourself upwith Benicio Matos and Friday WeeksTeddy explores the forest with a friend, and Friday.
Fresh New Beginningswith Professor Matt Alcott-Ward, Aine Thompson, Amodeus Jones, Benicio Matos and Morrie AyreIt's the start of year and things start to get wild.
Not So Successful First Goowith Lucy MontagueTeddy teaches Lucy about pranking and other things
Mistletoedwith Lucy MontagueThe prank
Dancing Funwith Callie Cardoso Teddy makes a friend
Clear the airwith Audrey BeauchampTeddy shows Audrey that flying can be fun
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T H I R D ✯ Y E A R ✯ S U M M A R Y ✯
An Interview with Teddy: Third Year Reflections

Interview date: June, 2062
With: Teddy Pirrip (age 14)

Interviewer: Teddy, thanks for taking the time to chat with us today. Your third year at Hogwarts was quite eventful. Let's start with Quidditch. You made the team as Keeper, transitioning from an alternate Seeker. How do you feel about playing in your new position?

Teddy: Hello! Yes, at first I thought I might have made the wrong decision because I loved chasing the snitch as a Seeker, but I don't feel like that any more. As a Keeper, I get to be more involved throughout the entire game. Plus, I don't get hit by Bludgers nearly as much, which is definitely a bonus. I'm really happy with the switch and not being an alt means I get to play every match.

Interviewer: It sounds like you're thriving in your new position. In other big news, you won the duelling tournament. That must have been exciting, but we heard there was a particularly dramatic match against Audrey. How did that affect you?

Teddy: Winning the tournament was a huge thrill, but yeah, the match against Audrey was tough. There was a moment when things got really intense, and I worried it might affect our friendship. Thankfully, we've worked things out, and we're all good now. It's part of the rival/friendship we have.

Interviewer: It's great to hear that you and Audrey are on good terms again. Shifting gears to academics, you achieved perfect O's in your exams and became the highest point scorer in the school, even setting a new record. How does it feel to overtake the head girl, Aine?

Teddy: It's honestly surreal. Aine is a high achieving student, so surpassing her record was unexpected. I'm really proud of my academic achievements this year. Balancing Quidditch, duelling, and studies was challenging, but it paid off. I'm doing pretty well, and I'm just not sure about keeping up the momentum forever though.

Interviewer: You certainly have a lot to be proud of, Teddy. You touched briefly there on keeping up the momentum, do you have any worries or concerns as you look forward to your fourth year?

Teddy: Well, listing all my achievements makes it sound easy, but it's actually been non-stop hard work all year and I really need a break. I've barely had time to keep up with my friends, and I don't want to miss out on the fun stuff. Next year, I'd still like to get top grades and play Quidditch, but I think I'll try to chill out a bit more and enjoy the fun social stuff at Hogwarts too.

Interviewer: It sounds like you have a great attitude and a bright future ahead. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, Teddy. Best of luck in your fourth year!

Teddy: Thanks a lot! See you next year!
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