Open Skating is better than Dancing

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Benicio Matos

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Too Young to Care
The end of the semester was finally here! Benicio had only peeked into the Halloween feast, but he decided to attend this event. He'd gathered,from overhearing conversations, that he needed to dress up but he hadn't brought any real dressy clothes with him. So he wore his uniform slacks and a wrinkled gray button down he hadn't remembered packing. His mom must have.

Entering the room, Beni brightened as soon as he spotted the small rink. He beelined for it, happy there were some skates. He quickly found his size and abandoned his shoes as he began to lace up.
Teddy had never skated before in his life so naturally he was very excited to get on the ice. He grabbed a pair of skates and sat down next to Benicio to lace them up. "Hey" He said with a nod. He'd only really spoken to Benicio on the train but in Teddy's mind, that made them not complete strangers. "Have you done this before? It looks easy enough I guess!" Teddy said, glancing up at the rink. He looked down at his black dress robes and wondered if it would be practical to skate in such attire.
"Hey!" Beni enthusiastically greeted Teddy. They'd only really had a conversation on the train, but Benicio was still not very friendly with a lot of people so he wasn't going to discount any of the interactions he'd had, especially one that had felt pretty genuine. The first year nodded his head. "Yea! I used to go skating every winter when I lived in Michigan" he stated. It had only been two winters, but it was two very fun winters. Benicio took a wobbly step onto the ice; it had been a while after all. And then he turned around. "Come on!" he called out, eager to have some fun.
Teddy raised a surprised eyebrow when Benicio said he had skated before, and had lived in Michigan. "Oh, so you're a pro then!" He said, watching Benico's first steps onto the ice, he wobbled but made it look easy enough.

"Coming!" Thinking he would glide gracefully, Teddy took a confident step out onto the ice but quickly realised that it was not as easy as it looked. With arms flailing and feet slipping, he resembled a newborn fawn more than an ice skater. "How do you - oof - balance?"
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Benicio gave an uneasy smile as Teddy called him a pro. He definitely wasn't but he couldn't admit that. Instead, he watched as the Gryffindor stepped onto the ice and found himself chuckling at his attempt. " this. You have to try to keep your back straight and then do...agh" he declared as his foot slipped out from under him. Benicio landed right on his bum. After the initial shock, he began laughing at himself.
Teddy would have laughed at Benicio's fall had he not been using all his concentration keeping balanced, "Need a hand up?" he playfully offered as he himself wobbled and slipped on the ice. No sooner, Teddy's balance gave way, and he found himself falling right alongside the Hufflepuff. With a comical yelp he laughed along with him.
Beni shook his head, he was already halfway to standing. That is until Teddy fell over. Seeing the Gryffindor fall sent him into another fit of laughter and he sat back on the ice for it. Benicio wasn't sure what to expect of a ball, but this was turning out to be pretty fun. Finally coming to a stand when he stopped laughing, Beni held out his hand. "Need help?" he offered.
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