Closed Sympathy And Support

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Being back at school Chloë was excited for a lot of things but the main two had to be seeing her friends again and getting ready for the quidditch season. Fortunately, those two were delicately intertwined as quite a few of her friends were on the team with her already. She had always liked quidditch, often watched it with her dad and her brother but she had to admit playing herself had made her enjoy it so much more. Her friends obviously played a big part in that as well and she felt like playing quidditch with a couple of them had made them even better friends, especially their little self-named chaser squad. Even if the quidditch season hadn't officially started yet and there were still tryouts to go through before official training would even start Chloë figured it wouldn't hurt to head over to the pitch and fly a few laps, get back into the swing of things. So, after having postponed her self-planned training session by getting in some jumps on the trampoline in their common room she was now making her way towards the pitch. With her broom tightly secured in her hands she crossed the lawn, eyes on her target. She noticed a couple of students around the area of the pitch but there didn't seem anyone in the sky, which was favourable if she wanted to get in some solid laps. Once she had pretty much reached the pitch there was one student she immediately recognized as one of her friends, happily waving at him from a distance. As she got closer to him though something seemed off, he seemed.. sad and she quickly picked up her pace untill she'd reached him. "Hey.." Chloë's brows furrowed when she came to a stop in front of him, looking at him slightly worried "Noel, what's up? You okay?"
Noel had walked way from Minnie, and had heard what she had said and she seemed sad as well. So ofcourse it was not easy for her as well, but why did she ended things when it hurted her so much as well? Noel was really angry right now, but also sad. And he had to find some calm somewhere before he would do stupid things. But he remembered he was an prefect, and example and he would not do stupid things. He was not like that. When he walked into the direction of finding some place to sit he saw someone waving at him. He could not see that well who it was but when she got closer he noticed Chloe. He had tears in his eyes and he could just not bring up an smile to meet her. '' Chloe..'' He said soft and looked at her. He was in some way glad she saw her, because he had an feeling he didn't had to act tough and just could use her help. '' I.. I'm not.'' He said and went sitting on the ground with his head burried in his knees. And started to cry, he could not hold his emotions back. Minnie had been so important to him and he never have felt this pain before. It was like his heart was broken in two literally.
Chloë's happiness to have spotted her friend instantly changed into worry when she noticed something was off. Even from a little distance she had noticed it and it became far more obvious once she had reached Noel and noticed the tears in his eyes. She found it hard to tell whether he was sad or angry, or both, but whatever it was he was not doing well at the moment. It took her by surprise that he seemed to completely break down after her question, although she appreciated that he seemed to feel safe or comfortable enough around her to do so rather than to try and act like nothing was wrong when something obviously was, to try and act tough. Chloë sat down right next to him when he did though, wrapping her arms around him from the side and resting her chin on his shoulder. She didn't really know what to say or what to ask. Wasn't even sure whether she should say anything just yet. Instead she decided not to, to keep quiet for now and just sit there, giving him the opportunity to let it all out whilst simultaneously hoping her being there, hugging him, would offer him some sort of comfort.. "What happened?" She decided to break the silence after a little while, speaking a little softer than she normally would and letting go of him so he could sit up straighter to talk to her if he wanted to.
When he looked up out of his emotions and Chloe asked him what happend he tried to get it together. This was so unmanly, but he just could not resist it. It hurted him so much. '' Minnie broke up with me..'' He than said and made an fist for an moment to just hold back his anger. It wasn't Chloe her fault, she was just here to help. He dried his tears for an moment. '' It's all so messed up. She didn't became prefect, and her parents are angry. And she see's me as an distraction. But what if she did became prefect, would we still be together?'' He than explained Chloe and was glad that she hugged him. Chloe was an true friend. '' I love her so much. And it breaks my heart.'' Noel than said and sighted.
Chloë still didn't know what had happened to make Noel break down like this but knowing her friend she was sure it must've been something that had truly hurt him. She didn't think he'd just break down in public like that if it was anything but. It took him a moment to finally speak to her and she had to admit she was a little surprised by his words. She wasn't extremely familiar on the idea of relationships but Minnie and Noel had always looked like they were having fun together, which she figured was important. Chloë quietly waited as Noel still seemed to regain his composure for a second, before he continued on with his explanation. She could understand he wondered what might've happened if Minnie had been selected as a prefect, wondered if she would've broken up with him then as well, but she didn't feel like she knew the other girl well enough to give any kind of opinion on that matter. "I'm sorry.. That sucks." She eventually said, putting her hand back on his shoulder as she tried to figure out what else there was for her to say because she didn't think 'it'll be okay' was going to cut it at this moment.

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