Open Supervising Students

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Professor Adorah Zumwalt

Astronomy 1-4 💫 | Freelance Writer
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Vine Wand, 12 3/4", Dragon Heartstring Core
26 (03/2037)
Adorah stood near one of the Christmas trees, sipping on some kind of sparkling beverage in a fancy glass. She felt slightly glamorous in her new midnight blue dress robes. The older she got, the fewer reasons she felt like she had to dress up in nice clothes, which confused her because everyone seemed to be going out and getting all fancy in the muggle movies. She had set her hair in some loose waves and pushed one out of her face as she saw a student wipe out on the skating rink. Thankfully, someone else was supervising, as Adorah was no good on skates. She took another sip of her drink before noticing a ruckus nearby. "Please don't climb the tree - or throw things in the tree!" Adorah finished, scolding some students who for some reason thought it would be a good idea.
Aspen had not been to the ball before. she had heard about it, oh she had heard a lot about it and on occasion seen people afterwards or people avoiding it. last year she was still getting her head around the school but this year she was ready. She didn't really have a dress or an outfit. she doubted any would fit over her legs anyway. but she had a sort of nice top so that would have to do. She entered the great hall and was surprised by how the room had transformed. no longer home to long tables and chairs. instead it made her slightly homesick for her childhood home wth snowy trees and ice. she wandered around just admiring the dorcorations how pretty they were. She stopped next to a tree. where another lady was standing who she was fairly sure was a teacher and not a student as she did look a bit older and was telling people not to throw things at trees. "Good evening. wow this place is amazing. i never new magic could be used to do this" she said standing next to her. hoping she didn't make her jump.
Adorah was glad to see the students listened, although, they did look a tad disappointed that their attempts were thwarted. She was thinking about whether or not she should take points away when someone came up beside her. Adorah was surprised by the looming figure, one of the downsides of being shorter than many of the students, and took a moment before turning. "Good evening, Aspen," she said. She'd not really interacted with her, but it was hard not to know who she was. "It really is beautiful. It makes me miss German winters," she said, thinking about the Christmases from the first part of her life before they had moved to New Zealand.
Aspen smiled at the lady contemplating if she should lower herself to not be quite as tall next to her. but she didn't really feel like kneeling. some of it was pride, not wanting to feel like she was bowing down, and part of her wanted to wander around a bit more soon. so she kept standing. as the lady greeted her by name she realsied she didn't know hers. there were so many people at the school it washard to remember who was who. "what do i call you?" she asked, she knew she had seen this teacher around but couldnt remember what her naem was or what she taught. she was suprised when the other lady said it reminded her of her childhood in germany. "i didnt know you were from germany. it reminds me of winters at my foalhood home too" she said. trying to remember where germany was and if it was near where her herds teritory.
Adorah looked up at the centaur and realized she had been a tad rude. She tended to know people's names around the castle, but she knew that her quiet nature kept her from introducing herself to many people, especially other staff. "Adorah. I teach Astronomy," she said. "And yeah, I grew up in Germany until I was about 8 and then we moved to New Zealand. It's very different with the seasons. Where is your foalhood home?" she asked.
Aspen bowed her head in a sign of respect as the lady introduced herself as the astronomy professor. "It's an honour to meet you, Adorah Starseeker" she said. she was already thinking about her youth and, as was common in most centaur tribes, those who could read the stars were always highly regarded.
when asked where she was from aspen shook her head. "I couldn't tell you" she said. not only because even as an outcast she felt bad revelling tings about her tribe. but also because she didn't know. "I wouldn't be able to tell you, we didn't have borders or maps like you do. but is was in europeand it was a large area of forest, and got snowy in winter, but summers were nice" she said.
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