Open Student Emergency

Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (64)
Admin ID #95018
Continued from here
Open to a nurse!!
Monty hurried down the third floor corridor with a small Hufflepuff in tow. A sick feeling came over him in waves. If something happened to her... it would be entirely his fault. Worse still, his first assumption had been that she was faking it! He'd acted promptly enough, but if those terrible seconds of hesitation had any lasting ill-effects on the girl, he would never forgive himself.

He didn't ask very many questions as they walked on account of the fact she didn't seem to be able to respond. What he did say was, "You'll be OK," and, "Don't worry," and, "Nearly there." Whether any of it helped, he couldn't tell, but the tremor in his voice probably wasn't very reassuring. At last they arrived at the hospital wing. Monty raised his hand to catch the attention of a nurse on the other side of the room. "Bit of an emergency," he said, his tone suggesting it was actually quite a big emergency. "I think she might be having an allergic reaction. I didn't - I didn't want to make it worse..."
Mary Lou stumbled behind Professor Monty as he lead the way to the Hospital Wing. Really she was so blinded by panic he could have been leading her anywhere and she'd have followed him. Her throat felt numb and she could barely feel her tongue in her mouth as the tightness in her throat persisted. She'd never felt anything like this before and it was only the shaky, but calming words of the older man that was keeping her from full blown panic. This had not been what she'd expected on her first day in the potions dungeon, which really could have used some sprucing up, she would have said if she'd been able to think clearly enough to make such a suggestion. As soon as they got into the Hospital Wing, Mary Lou watched Professor Monty grab the nurse as she struggled over to one of the chairs and leaned over it, trying to clear her throat. This was all a terrible nightmare and she just wanted it to end. She could feel her face starting to go red and she just wanted to reach down her throat and stop the unbearable itch!​
Landon was grading papers in his office when he received notification from Monty that one of his students was having a severe allergic reaction to something in their potions class. The man didn't want to sit in silence, and so in a bit of a fluster, Landon dropped everything and rushed up to the castle from the grounds. He knew Mary-Lou well, he quite liked her, and he was desperate to know if she was okay. As he made it to the hospital wing, he swung open the doors, scanning the room before immediately finding Monty and Mary-Lou and approaching them. She was leaning over the chair, looking as though she was struggling to breathe. "Merlin's Beard." he muttered under his breath as he saw the state she was in. "Mary-Lou, it's Professor Carter. I'm here to help, wherever you need." The man told her, before giving a curt nod to the other professor.
Josephine had just ushered a young student out of the Hospital Wing who she suspected was trying to skip a class by pretending to be sick, when the door opened again and Professor Pendleton came in. Josephine hurried over at the moment she saw his expression, as she knew this had to be serious. The moment he said it was an allergic reaction, Josephine's attention moved from Professor Pendleton to the girl. She vaguely noticed the other professor entering, but barely paid him any mind. "What could she be having an allergic reaction to?" Josephine asked Monty without taking her eyes off the young girl. She then grabbed a few things potions and hesitated over a bezoar. "It's not poison?" She asked Monty, to be sure. "Tell me what she has ingested, now."
Monty glanced at Landon, returning his nod before looking away. He couldn't help feeling that everybody was blaming him - a feeling compounded by Josephine's abruptness. "No - no, not poison," he stammered. "We were taking prank potions. It can't have been a mundane ingredient; it must have been... lovage, or alihotsy. Sorry, I didn't think to bring the potion. It'll be one of those, absolutely. I'm so sorry." He didn't know who he was apologising to any more. Everyone, he thought. He had let everybody down. "Is that all right? I - I've left my class." Little as he wanted to leave Mary Lou, she was in the right place, and she had Landon. There was nothing else Monty could do.
Mary Lou was vaguely aware of the sounds of people about her and she shakily moved from the chair to the bed, her throat a flame. She was no longer coughing though, which she felt was a very bad sign and her brain was much to cloudy to make and sense at all. She wasn't sure who was around her or what was happening, only that there was definitely something happening.​
Landon watched as the nurse grabbed what she needed, demanding Monty to tell her what it was Mary Lou had ingested. The Herbology professor felt sorry for the man as he struggled to answer her question, and Landon frowned a little. "It's okay Monty, the nurse is only trying to help. If you want to get back to your class, you can. I'll be fine here with Mary Lou, and I'll let you know as soon as anything changes." Landon told him reassuringly, thankful for what the potions professor had done so far.
Josephine vaguely registered that Monty seemed to react badly to her abrupt words, but she didn't have the focus to reassure him right now. Surely he would understand she could only focus on the student at this moment. She nodded quickly when he asked if it was alright, dismissing him quickly. She knew a class full of eleven year olds surrounded by cauldrons and potion ingredients was not an ideal situation, unsupervised. It was a relief to hear the professor name two potential ingredients that were the problem, and she quickly raced to a cabinet to grab a few potions. Without taking much notice of either professor, she returned to Mary Lou. "Here." She said, gently lifting her chin so she could pour both potions down her throat. She knew that the girl needed her assistance, so she made sure she swallowed both, dropping the empty vials on a nearby table. She watched the girl for signs that the reaction was fading, as the potions should both work to counter one of the ingredients the professor had mentioned. "Please tell me how you feel, if you can." She urged her quietly, after a moment.

((kind of handwaving/being a little vague as I don't actually know much about wizard medicine, surprisingly enough))
Mary Lou coughed as potions were given to her and instantly felt the burning in her throat start to cease. The urge to cough was leaving and she felt like he could slowly start to get her breath back and so she took two large gulps of air. She was sure she looked like a fish, but she didn't care, she was finally able to process what was going on in her mind and her eyes went wide as the tears formed. "My throat hurts," she said, looking around to see Professor Landon not far away. "I was in potions and I... had a potion," she said, though she wasn't sure why it had done this. She thought it would be safe because surely Professor Monty wouldn't try to hurt the students. "What happened?"
Josephine looked at the girl, taking in her reaction to the potion. Her shoulders sagged a little in relief as the girl started to breathe properly, even if she looked upset about it too. "I'll give you some tea with honey for your throat in a second." She told the girl gently. "It seems like you had an allergic reaction to the an ingredient potion Professor Pendleton gave you." She explained. "But it's alright now, you're fine." She reassured the girl. It was clear to her that the treatment had worked, and while the Hufflepuff might still be a bit upset, at least she was no longer in danger.
Tea with honey was one of her favourites if she wasn't drinking sweet tea, so Mary Lou was happy with that answer. She sat rigid as the nurse explained to her that she'd had a reaction to a potion. She frowned. How could that happen? Wasn't that something that should have been catered to? "A potion?" She asked, immediately looking around for Professor Monty but unable to find him. Her eyes landed on her head of house though, Professor Landon and she looked at him sadly. "I didn't know I had any allergies..." She hoped this wouldn't be told to her Aunt and Uncle, it wasn't like they would care anyway.​

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