🌹 Rose Giving still unwilling

Jonah Edogawa

chaser • tiny steps everyday • struggling • 2nd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 9 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
As soon as Jonah saw the list of deliveries he had to make for the Rose Giving event, he immediately regretted his decision. They told him rose giving was supposed to be fun and that he could meet or talk to new people. He was given three classmates, the president of his club, two professors he didn't like, and a girl he was pretty sure hated his cousin. So yeah, all around great. He didn't want to deliver most of the roses alone if he could help it, and going up to one of the professors alone made him want to turn tail and run. He tried to think of who he could ask to accompany him. Lumos frequently reminded him that he could ask for help if he needed to, and Jonah was pretty sure this was one such case. Which was how he'd ended up grabbing the back of Elijah's robe and almost pleading with him to accompany him to the Staff Table so he could deliver his roses. When Elijah finally agreed, he decided to deal with the lesser evil first and walked up to @Professor Landon Carter, sleeve of Elijah's robe in one hand and a pink rose in the other.
Eli was trying not to say not to Jonah this semester, because he didn't want to break whatever fragile thing they had going on between them, so for the moment, if Jonah asked him anything, he would get it, which was how he ended up being dragged along to help with Jonah's deliveries. He had his own to do to, but they had all day, so he didn't think it was too much of a problem. He stood beside his brother as he approached Professor Carter, and let him keep his robes in his hand if he felt like it was supporting him. He didn't say anything because he didn't think he needed to, but he was there just in case.​
Landon had a busy day ahead of him delivering roses and was sitting in the great hall attempting to eat some breakfast so that he could give himself the energy to walk around the castle all day. He reached for the butter when he noticed Jonah approaching him, tentatively, and holding on to his brother. He saw he had a pink rose, however didn't want to assume anything. "Are you okay, Jonah?" he asked softly.

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