Starting Out

Psyche Grym

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Hi :)

I'm Psyche and I'm new, as well. I read in another post that sorting is closed until the end of July. But is there a way to start getting some other character details in place, like a last name, for example? I'm confused and not sure where to begin.

Hey there Psyche, welcome to HNZ! :)
When you decide on a last name for your character, you can submit a name change request to be your character's first and last name. We'll approve that pretty quickly then you'll be on the right path. ^_^
You can also start thinking about developing your character and joining some other unsorted roleplays.
If you haven't already, a look at the Site Documentation might prove helpful as well.

And, as always, if you have any questions or concerns you can feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to help you out.

I look forward to seeing you around the board, and seeing you sorted in a couple of weeks. :D
Thank you, Nicolas! Yep, I've started reading the Site Documentation already. I'll think about the name and submit one, soon. I appreciate the assist and look forward to the Sorting Ceremony!
Welcome to the site!

I'm Cyndi, the other admin. You've joined the site right on time because you don't have very long at all to wait until sorting opens up.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions feel free to PM me :)

See you around!
Welcome to HNZ Psyche! :woot:

I hope you stick around and enjoy yourself here, you can call me Tenile, and I hope to see you around sometime, if you ever want to chat, I'm always up for it. ^_^

Thanks! I've been just trying to find my way around...never tried to RP before. I'm working on a character history/background and details, at the moment (think it might be on my signature banner to see it)...had to change my avatar to one a bit closer to sorting age, for now.

I'm up for chatting/RPing, but I'm not terribly comfortable making threads for that, yet...however I'm attempting to wriggle my way into some and can join in on ones made by others...this actually fits my character's loner tendencies. She's not one to walk up to someone and ask if they want to be friends. She has the capacity to be an outstanding friend...she just doesn't know it yet.
How in the world do you guys write stuff under your avatars? Is that part of updating your profile? If so, which field is it? It's been driving me crazy! lol :doh:

Edit: Question answered via PM. Thanks!

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