Start of the Year Feast

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley sat at the staff table with the other staff members, truly refreshed from those few precious months that she'd had at home with her husband. The end of the previous year had been tough, but it was now time for another year. Standing up, Cyndi smiled at the newly sorted first years and the other students. "Welcome to another year"" she began," I've got a few announcements and then I'll turn the floor over to Headmaster Lloyd. First, the forbidden forest is forbidden. Many of you would be wise to remember that.". She looked sternly around and then brightened once more.

"We are also pleased to welcome several new professors: Professor Stratis will be teaching flying, Professor Emmerich will be taking over the Potions post, Professor Slick will be taking over OWL and NEWT level Charms and Professor Le Fey will be teaching Divination." Professor Kingsley clapped for each person. Turning back to the students, she added, "I hope you all have a good year. Dont get into too much trouble"she grinned, before sitting down to watch the feast appear before them.
This year had barely begun and it was already starting out to be awesome. Ostensia was shocked that she had been given Prefect status this year. Sure she worked hard to get the grades that she did and everything, but she was surprised that Professor Snow had noticed her at all. Other than the meeting that Ostensia attended or the occasional hellos they exchanged. Ostensia may have been shocked but she was proud at the same time. Isabella had gotten Prefect too but that was expected because Isabella was an enormous overachiever to begin with. The 'P' badge that was settled on her Hufflepuff robes practically made Ostensia gleam with authority. She felt so special and privileged this year. 'I just hope I do a good job at it.' Ostensia thought to herself as she occasionally tuned in to listen to the students being sorted. The ones she honestly cared about were the ones that got into her house or when her younger brother was up to be sorted. When Sergios was called up to be sorted Ostensia bit her lip in anticipation. So far no two Romanes had been sorted into the same house. Isabella was a Slytherin, she was a Hufflepuff, Isaia was a Ravenclaw, so what would Sergios be? The wait was practically killing her. But then the hat announced that he was a Gryffindor, Osa grinned and clapped happily. Now they had one in every single house! She waved happily for her brother and watched as he headed over to the Gryffindor table. He would definitely make a good lion, he looked good in red too. As the feast appeared and plates of food adorned the table in front of her, Ostensia immediately went in search of carrots. She was on a total carrot craze right now.

Turning to see if she could see her boyfriend, she wanted to let him know to meet up with her later. Ostensia had already told him that she had gotten Prefect, but she wanted to show her badge off and then thank him for the gift he had gotten her. He was such a good boyfriend. He didn't get Head Boy but Ostensia certainly thought that he deserved it. A moment passed and when she caught his eye she winked at him. They would probably go hang out at the Quidditch Pitch before they had to go back to their Common Rooms. This was going to be an amazing year!​
Makaylah was astonish to be back, everything felt great again. Not like how last year ended, everything felt magical. She was into her fifth year and she was a bit proud of at how much she accomplished. Now back and ready to tackle another year, she watched everyone around her chatter amongst themselves. The sorting went by quick, and a few first year joined the Ravenclaw table. As newly appointed perfect, she clap and cheered for the first years. She wanted them to feel welcome and even told a few of them if they ever needed help she was there for them.
- - - - -Once sorting was out of the way the feast began. She ate with her fellow house mate, looking around for Collin but he wasn't no where near her. Oh well, they can catch up later. She miss her boyfriend like crazy, he was so amazing in the fifteen year old girl eyes, she can't wait to tell him how her vacation went. She like to know how his went too, she hope for stories. In the meantime, she drank some cocoa nut juice and ate rice with her fellow housemate.
Professor Elvera Le Fey entered the great hall, she had arrived at the castle the previous day and it felt good to be back.since she had arrived she had been busy planning classes, and unpacking. but tonight she had headed down from her tower to the start of year feast. she had dressed in a nice top and skirt trying to look like a professor and not one of the students as she was only a couple of tears older than some of the seventh years. she walked along the hall and almost stopped at her old house table before the looks of both the students there and the professors reminded her that the seat was not with the staff. "welcome back" she said pausing so as to cover her mistake before continuing on and taking her seat with the staff. she recognised most of the staff from her time at she school but there were some that were new to her.
she watched the sorting and clapped for every student who got placed onto a house. they seemed so young.lining up like they were to be sorted. she remembered when she had been sorted pretty clearly it was pretty scary, and from the looks on their faces it hadn't changed. she wouldn't be seeing these students for another three years, most likely five. but she tried to remember their names none the less. once sorting was over she listened to the head people talk. when she was introduced she bowed her head and smiled in acknowledgement when the feast appeared she saw some of her favourite foods in front of her. she helped herself and started eating, glad that she had received the job.
Icarus was just settling down into his new office, preparing for his future lessons. The young professor had much planning to do. He wanted to make his students embrace his subject and find out the magic that was holding.
It was time though for a short break from his unpacking and he descended for the ground floor to attend at the start of the year feast. He had already taken the time to tour around the castle. He could say that it was competing in magnificence the school he used to study a year ago. Entering inside the great hall, he was glad that the feast hadn't begun yet. Students and staff were taking their seats, looking forward for the hearty meal to follow. He quickly made his way to the staff table, lowering his head a bit as his height was reaching the lowest candles that were levitating in the hall. He greeted several of his new collegues and he had a seat.

He started searching among the excited students for his little cousin, who was now going to be a second year. He abandoned his attempt as soon as the sorting ceremony began. He founded interesting the process. It was different yet so similar with the shorting ceremony in his country. Quite amusing to watch those frightened first year faces waiting for their turn and then, after wearing the hat, turning into expressions of relief,rushing to their new house's table. He applaused at each one of them being sorted to raise their spirits. It wasn't more than seven years after all when he was in a similar situation like them. Then the head of gryffindor started her speech as soon as the ceremony was over. He listened carefully, casting glances at her audience for their reactions as she was sending definately some warnings to some of her students. He flashed a charming smile and nodded to thank her for his introduction to the students and for the audience's applause. It was too much for him. He was still trying to get used to the title of professor. When the professor finished her nice speech, the feast appeared before him. Only when he saw the variety of dishes, loaded on the long tables he realised that he was starving. He filled his plate with his favourite chicken with herbs and mashed potatoes and embraced a talk with his collegues.
The great hall was at a buzz, everywhere his eyes flicker everyone was in a chatter. The sorting went a long smoothly and a few bunch of first years join the Hufflepuff table. He smile feeling utterly relax in the school atmosphere. He didn't know what it was or what it did to make him relax, when he was nothing but silence in between a crowd of his babbling house mates. The feast was appetizing, it never fail to leave him starving. He would pile up his plate, since he was a growing boy, he ate a lot that day. Mostly veggies, a lot veggies actually. He grab a few drum sticks and let take space right on his plate. He ate very little of the meat, but a lot of rice and warm honey bread. Everything was good.
---------He enjoyed the feast with a belly full, it was great to be back. Great to be away from his uncle and his force of trying to control Dymetris. When he was in school, he could never disturb him in the peace. Unless his uncle went crazy and broke into the school itself. Dymetris doubt he would want to ruin his reputation as a writer, which concluded his worry thoughts of that ever happening.
Minoas was finding strange the fact that he was going to watch the sorting ceremony from the gryffindor's table and not from that crunching, old stool. He had missed Hogwarts although his holidays were refreshing and relaxing. Meeting again with old friends and seeing familiar faces gave him a beaming smile. He had missed the noisy great hall with the floating candles and the enchanted ceiling, holding the night sky. As he was chatting lively with another first year, he caught a glimpse of his cousin Icarus. He knew that he had got the flying professor's position but he hadn't manage to congratulate him yet. He smirked as he realised that his older cousin was searching for him but he didn't make an attempt to reveal his whereabouts. The sorting ceremony began finally. As he was studying the anxiety on the first years faces, he couldn't believe how silly he was back then when he was in their position. He was absolutely horrified, believing that he had to pull out of that hat a bunny or another animal to prove that he was worth studying in this school.

He clapped at every house announcement the shabby, dusty hat was making, congratulating several first years that were coming to have a seat at gryffindor's table. Time ran pleasantly and when the last student was sorted, professor Kingsley stood up to make some announcements. Minoas felt his ears getting warm, probably blushing, when the head of his house referred to the forbidden forest. He had the impression that professor Kingsley casted a few glances at his direction, probably having in her mind, his reckless encounter with large, hairy spiders a year ago. He was glad that she changed her reference to the new professors. He gave a welcoming applause to each one of the new staff, a slightly louder one when his cousin's name was introduced. He felt again quite uncomfortable when professor Kingsley advised them to stay out of trouble but then the loaded tables, made for the long wait. Except from a couple of chocolate frogs that he had in Hogwarts Express, Minoas hadn't eaten anything else, so he filled his plate leaving no empty space on ti.
Briar entered the great hall. she had forgotten how warm and friendly the atmosphere in the castle could get. she walked down the table to find a seat as far from her sister as she could she knew that Madlyn would be annoyed at her and would ask her too many questions. tonight she just wanted to sit and celebrate the start of a new school year like a normal student. whilst the sorting was taking place her mind wandered a little however she did clap for each of the new gryffindors. when professor Kingsley gave her speech she listened half heartedly, impatient for the food. at the mention of the forest she knew what was being referred to. the events of the last few weeks of the previous year meant that the forest was not safe for anyone, not even her, but if she played right she was still considering going in she had to catch up with Aspen, her sister when she was younger. when she heard the new professors being introduced she looked around. Stratis, that couldn't be a coincidence. she tried to find Minoas a boy who she had gotten to know quite well ready to ask if he was a relative, however when she found him she saw he was half way down the table. she would ask some other time.
then cam the moment she had been waiting for. the food appeared spreading along the table inviting her in with its warm smell. she helped herself to a large steak cooled medium rare, she had grown a liking for steak or the holidays, she knew why but she didn't dare tell anyone. she also tucked put some fresh vegetables on her plate. they were much better looking than the vegetables she had cooked when she was camping, but that was no surprise as she had been in the mountains and not much grew there. it all looked better than the hospital food she had been living off for the last fortnight. the overly mass produced stuff had been tasteless. she wolfed it down and then helped herself to seconds and even some thirds. glad to be filled with good hot well cooked food.
"Food!" Warren thought. He was tapping his foot as fast as he can as he impatiently waited for the professor at the front of the room to stop talking. "Ya, ya, ya. New Professor's whatever." He whispered just loud enough so that only the nearest seats would hear him.

Or at least that's what Warren thought. He often spoke much louder than he intended. And some of the gawking looks he received suggested that he may have spoken too loudly.

"When is the food gonna magic its way up?" Warren thought. "Come on!"

Despite being silent. He was still quite the distraction. And the moment the food was transported to the dinner table, Warren lunged across it nabbing as much of the buffet feast as possible.

He did his best not to get his robes dipped into the cranberry sauce, nabbed a three drumsticks, one per hand and one held in air with his teeth. He started to nab scalloped potatoes, and honey bread, and pumpkin pie, and.... well lets face it he took quite a bit of everything.

Warren had quite the appetite. Food at Hogwarts was always... okay. However, during the feast they really stepped it up a notch. Making some of the most delicious foods Warren could imagine. It was actually quite a show, to watch Warren eat this much food. It was enough to double his wait. And soon his stomach would be so full it looked like he would be pregnant.

"I shall call my food baby.... George." He thought to himself as he went for the last cauldron cake on the nearby plate. "Sorry!" Warren said as he noticed the hand which was reaching for it. "Split it?"

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