🌹 Rose Giving Spreading The Love

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon never really ventured to the dungeons often, only when he needed to pass by the potions classroom to deliver some ingredients, and so heading down to the dungeons was quite an odd feeling for Landon. He didn't know where else to try however to find the next person on his list. He tried the common areas, however with no luck, but just didn't want to give up yet. He thought surely he would see Oskar heading to the dormitory soon as the sun was setting and he was surely tired. He walked up and down the corridor with his basket swinging beside him, hoping he would pass on by.
Oskar had not been prepared when Valentine's day came around. It wasn't a holiday that meant much to him. Of course he had seen the table for people to write their notes and send their roses but he had no idea it would be this...suffocating. All day his vision had been clouded by roses. In class, in the great hall, no inch of the castle was safe. He was done with his lessons and needed a break so he made a quick exit towards the Slytherin common room. He was almost to safety until he spotted the Herbology professor standing in the corridor like a sphinx waiting to ask him a riddle.

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