Vanity Mettlestone

🪞Girly | Middle Child | Thief | Judgmental 👛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
9/2047 (15)
OOCOut of Character:
This thread is open for reactions after Morrie and June both respond and the prank has been pulled off

Today was the day. Finally, Vanity was going to get back at June. She had been trying tot hink fo ways to get to the girl for months now, trying to think of a plan together with Morrie. Eventually, they had both realized subtle plans just weren't for them. Nothing seemed likely to work, or if it did, it wasn't bad enough for June. So they had finally given in to their instincts and settled on something bold, something June could not ignore or rise above Vanity knew they might get caught and face house points or other punishments, but she didn’t care. Besides, getting house points taken from Slytherin would annoy June more than it would annoy Vanity.

They had gotten up early to fill the balloons with paint in the arts room. It had been trickier than she expected, and she knew and she knew she’d be scrubbing paint out from under her nails for weeks. But eventually they had managed to fill quite a few balloons with paint. Vanity had tried to fill as many as possible with bright orange or lime green. June would hate being covered in paint in general, but Vanity felt like those colors would annoy her even more. She had carefully placed the balloons in a bag and had taken them over to the entrance hall with Morrie. They were now somewhat hidden at the top of the stairs, looking down through the balustrade. Vanity could feel a storm of nervous butterflies fluttering in her stomach, while her leg were starting to complain from the awkward crouching position. She was both impatient and nervous. They could see students entering and leaving the Great Hall. Vanity hissed to Morrie. "Do you see her yet?"
Morrie huffed dramatically, she'd wanted to stuff the balloons with rocks too, but Vanity had appointed herself the fun police for the day and insisted on just paint. "So unfair," Morrie grumbled as she viciously squeezed paint into the balloons, her favourite colour being red. She might have been a bit too aggressive with it because a glob of paint splattered onto her robes too but she didn't care. As she tied off the last balloon, she held it up to admire the handiwork, it wobbled as if filled with water, but paint was worse so that was good. Perfect prefect June would never see it coming.

Morrie followed Vanity into position and crouched beside her. "No, not yet," she whispered back, her eyes scanning the crowd below like a hawk searching for its prey. Morrie paused, squinting as a blonde girl passed by. "Is that... no, false alarm," she muttered, her patience fraying at the edges. Patience, Morrie reminded herself. The moment had to be perfect.
(so sorry it's late!)

The blonde was up early to do an study session. She firstly wanted to focus on her own like she usually did. It was her before everyone else. But for the second semester she got an idea to see if there were still worthy people in Slytherin and to show the headmaster and professors she was doing something 'social' and host study sessions for Slytherins. Also to help Castillo in getting the Slytherin house cup again. Being a good role model, like a prefect should be. And she was aiming for something higher now she achieved that. She got some breakfast in the great hall and brought along the stuff needed in her bag to go the library afterwards. It was nice and quiet at the Slytherin table and she got a good cup of coffee to wake up and get ready for the day.

When she finished she took her bag with her and made her way out of the great hall. Feeling her wand in her pocket, she brought it along always. As she made her way out of the great hall she noticed a familliar face who seemed to make his way into the great hall, when she was leaving. She moved towards him and waved over to Fraser as she walked into the entrance hall, he was still a bit far but she could notice his red-ish hair.

@Fraser Fergusson
Vanity was starting to feel a little silly, crouching here. The waiting was also letting her think a bit more on what they were doing, which was a bad idea. She knew that if she thought about it for too long she might chicken out. She hadn't let herself linger on the consequences that might happen, telling herself they'd get away with it. But... who knew if that was true and what would happen if they were caught.

But right as she wondered if she should voice her doubts to Morrie, though she knew it'd be a bad idea, she spotted her. "There." She hissed, poking Morrie sharply. "She's coming closer." She added breathlessly. She waited, gripping the balloons. When June came close enough, she hissed. "Now!" And then dropped the balloons she had been carrying down, reaching for more without looking if they had hit June. They had to throw down as many as they could before she realized what was happening.
Morrie's attention started to waver until Vanity poked her. Morrie snapped back, stifling a snort as she whispered, "Finally. I was starting to think we'd missed her." As Vanity gave the signal, Morrie didn't hesitate. She hurled her first balloon down at June, watching it splatter with an oddly satisfying splat then grabbed the rest and threw them down without even aiming properly. Once she was out, Morrie glanced down at the huge mess they had made in the entrance hall and whispered, "Quick, let’s get out of here!” Morrie was struggling to keep the laughter in check as she prepared to run for it.
As June made her way further in the entrance hall and to Fraser. '' He..'' she started to greet him. But than out of nowhere, but obviously from up high she felt something at her head. And before she knew it splashes of coloured orange and lime green splashed on her, around her. Letting out an quick scream. Some where falling far away from her, and June's first instict was to take her wand. And cast an shield charm, to protect her from whatever was around her. But it was too late, most of the whatever it was, was already on her. It was horrible! Who would do something so stupid and childish? They were not smart for sure, and wanting to put attention on themselves. Which were usually Gryffindors. If this was another stupid Gryffindor joke, they should lose all of their housepoints for sure. June felt her blood boiling. Her face was full of hate. And she wanted to do a lot of things right now, but breath in and out and looked over to Fraser shortly. Knowing very well she was not alone here. She had to keep her emotions inside, but June could do that very well, learned that. Her anger for many years, nothing was bigger than her anger towards Landon and Lauren. And she had to face him every year until her fourth. The patience she needed to have. But that didn't ment that she was very, very grumpy at this moment.

She took some steps back quickly to look up to where this all came from. She looked around to see if any professor was near. And June looked up again making sure she could see. As a few things seemed to fall down still, she looked up a saw someone with red hair and next to that someone she knew very well. It was almost hilarious to June, if she wasn't so grumpy. How dumb they actually were, they suprised her every time. '' You two, face me now if you dare.'' June said loud enough to let them hear. She was a prefect so she could say this and in her way. Nobody did something like this without consequences. They were gonna lose housepoints, which was perhaps the most stupid thing for June, although she hated being covered in what to be seemed paint. But they didn't even cared about housepoints she knew. But she needed to make use of this as well, and they finally had made an stupid move, desperate for sure to do something. And she was gonna tell her bestie Professor Castillo all about it. And wouldn't forget, making sure she would return a favor one day.
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Vanity let out a whoop of joy when one of the balloons hit June's head and made her scream, she paused her throwing ot watch her and couldn't help grinning. It wasn't a big surprise when June looked up and saw them. Vanity honestly wasn't sure if she had really believed they might get away with it, and she found right now that she didn't care. She laughed as June started demanding them to come down. She looked hilarious covered in paint, her hair was green and orange and she looked awful. Vanity got up from her crouch, leaning over the railing. If she was going to be caught for this, why would she keep hiding? "Nah!" She called, throwing another balloon straight at June's face.
Morrie quickly realised that running wasn’t going to save them now and her respect for Vanity skyrocketed as she boldly stood her ground and launched another balloon at June. Inspired, Morrie followed suit, hurling a remaining balloon and enjoying the opportunity to make the most of the moment. Morrie stood beside Vanity at the banister, feeling powerful from this height. "Oh, June, darling!" she taunted, "You've got a little something, er everywhere!" she laughed maniacally. The paint now coated everything from walls, floors, even a poor portrait nearby that seemed to be sputtering in outrage. However the real treat was the sight of a furious June covered in paint right in the middle of it all. She raised a hand to offer Vanity a high five for pulling it off.
As June looked up at the two people who were the idiots behind this childish move, she gave them a death stare. If looks could kill, they would be death by now. But she wasn't gonna let them have a laugh more about this. And had already an plan to get revenge on them, without having to make her hands dirty. She was gonna use this so hard. She felt dirty in this, covered in paint. She really wanted to learn a cleaning spell now, and would ask Misha for it for sure. Rolling her eyes and noticed Vanity tossing something down, but this time June was quick and observant and casted an impedimenta on the balloon, causing it to slow down. And was easily dodged after by June. She gave Morrie an look and rolled her eyes. Casting the same spell as Morrie tried to threw something down. It was very tempting to send the balloon back to them, but it was no use fo June. She wanted to keep her hands clean in this story. June wondered what would happen if she made her way up. Would they run away like chickens? They were nothing compared to her, and they knew that. This was all out of jealousy, they were obsessed with her. Her angry face turned into her judgmental look and smirk on her face and looked up to them.
'' Was that all you got?'' She said. They were gonna see who laughed the last, and it wouldn't be them. They all knew it was gonna be June. '' Disappointing ..'' the blonde said. '' But I didn't expect anything else.'' She said softer, but for them to hear well enough as she slowly made her way up the stairs, watching them in the eye. She knew they would be annoyed if she acted this way, and ofcourse she hated and felt dirty. But she was not gonna give them that satisfaction. Nobody could hurt her any more than she already had been in the past. Holding her wand tight, very sure she wouldn't fire any dumb spell on them. But she could let them think she was.
It was fun to throw things at June, and Vanity enjoyed the sight of her all covered in paint, but it was a little annoying how she wasn't exploding with anger. If anyone had thrown paint at Vanity she would have flown into a rage, but June somehow still seemed pretty calm. Vanity scowled when the girl slowed down her balloon and avoided it. As June walked up the stairs, Vanity threw every single balloon she had left at the girl, at least trying to aim for the stairs in front of her feet so she had to walk through the paint. She also stuck out her tongue at her for good measure. "We should run soon." She hissed at Morrie, wondering if there was still any chance they wouldn't be caught at this point. Probably not. It had been worth it.

OOCOut of Character:
If anyone wants to join in/react now, you're free to!
Audrey was feeling a bit antsy, the end of semester often seemed to have that effect on her. Exams were coming up and she had placed a lot of pressure on herself to do well, but equally she found herself moping about going home and how dull it often was. She was hankering for a bit of excitement to boost her mood, and as such had one of her glitterbombs carefully wrapped in her pocket, in case the opportunity to use it came up. Fortunately, the opportunity presented itself almost immediately, as she stopped in the entrance hall to see paint splattered all over the ground (and a little bit on June), thanks to Morrie and Vanity. June was cool and impressive, certainly, but it was pretty funny to see her like this. Audrey had even found the poltergeist pranking her pretty funny - fair was fair if a prank was well executed.

Audrey paused to take it in for a second, biting her tongue and holding back a few snorts of laughter. At least until she could bowl the glitterbomb into the splash zone, adding an explosion of sparkles onto the paint. She didn't think it would hit anyone (though maybe June could have used some sparkles to rock the paint better) and then found herself quite unable to hold back her laughter anymore, breaking into hysterics. "Has the...has the poltergeist taken to...redecorating?" she managed to get out between wheezes, poorly pretending she hadn't just made the blast zone a bit worse.
Teddy saw the mess in the entrance hall and quickly moved on from the scene.
Morrie couldn’t stop laughing at June, who was even funnier glaring like she could set them both on fire. Morrie struggled to take June seriously even when she wasn’t dripping with paint. Now it was impossible. She nudged Vanity between fits of laughter, "I can’t believe she’s actually walking up here like that. It's too much."

Then Audrey sent glitter exploding everywhere. Morrie wiped tears from her eyes, still grinning as an idea came to her head after Vanity suggested they run, "Maybe we can pin this on the Ravenclaw instead. They could stand to lose some house points." She caught June’s death stare again and snorted back another laugh.
Matt had been peacefully making his way to the great hall when he heard a commotion. He frowned as he headed into the entrance hall, then stopped in his tracks. Near the stairs there were a ton of paint splashes in different colors, there were also sparkles that made it clear to him one of his sister's favorite creations had been used as well. He saw June Davenport completely covered in paint, heading up the stairs with an expression on her face that honestly worried him, and then there were two girls at the top of the stairs suspiciously close to where the paint splatter was below. His mind was quickly putting the pieces together, though he wasn't sure what to make of the Ravenclaw girl nearby. He cleared his throat and said in his most intimidating voice. "What is going on here?! June?" He called, approaching the stairs. "Are you alright?"
As June slowly walked up the stairs she watched the two girls. Vanity seemed to be scared since she threw more balloons, and June knew there was gonna be someone a professor or anyone who would walk by. It was the most stupid place to pull this, since it was so crowded and they wouldn't get away with it. When suddenly behind here an explosion of glitter or something was added. June saw the Ravenclaw girl and really were people just losing their minds here at this place? June looked back at her goal, her aim the two slytherin girls. When suddenly an voice she remembered before she could make it upstairs to the girls she heard her name and smirked shortly with her back facing the headmaster who called her. This was perfect. June turned around her face turned back to normal but with some discomfort. And looked at the headmaster who came to her. It was the most stupid question ever, ofcourse she was'nt ok. She was covered in paint! But June kept her face in line. '' Headmaster!'' June said like it was a relief. '' I have been better..'' She than turned and pointed at Morrie and Vanity and gave them a ice cold stare. '' They made this mess. And threw paint balloons at me.'' June than replied and turned her face back to the headmaster. '' I was about to take away some housepoints. Which is a shame, since other Slytherins work very hard for them.'' June said in her most June-ish way meaning herself obviously.

@Professor Matt Alcott-Ward
Matt was impressed by June's composure, though he wouldn't have faulted her for being more upset. He listened as she spoke and explained who had made the mess, though it wasn't a big surprise. "And miss Beauchamp? Was she involved?" He asked June quietly, though he thought not, as June hadn't mentioned her.

"Miss Mettlestone and Miss Ayre, come down here now." He called after listening to June's story. As the two girls appeared and came down the stairs, Matt suddenly had no issue being strict. "What on earth were you two doing? What possessed you to bully another student like this, and to make such a mess? In all my years as headmaster I've never seen anything like this." He said, his voice rising in anger. "What do you have to say for yourselves?"

((godmod approved))
@June Davenport @Morrie Ayre
If looks could kill, the one Morrie shot paint covered June moments before she followed Professor Alcott-Ward down the stairs would put a dagger straight through the heart. Morrie's eyes then swept over the mess they’d made, and for a fleeting moment, she felt proud of it. But the pride quickly soured, replaced by the simmering anger at being called a bully. Morrie had never bullied anyone in her life. If anything, she was the victim of June.

Her initial reaction was to argue back, but when she looked at the headmaster, she felt intimidated to argue with that level of authority. She'd only ever seen him addressing the entire school, always calm, always composed and never angry until today. Rumour had it he was even soft when it came to discipline so hopefully this wouldn't be bad. Squaring her shoulders, she said, "It wasn't meant like that, sir, it was just meant to be a prank" her tone was polite for Morrie, but certainly not apologetic. Morrie wasn’t about to beg for forgiveness when she didn't feel remotely remorseful, she just wanted to get off as easy as possible. She looked to Vanity to see if she'd corroborate or not.
Vanity dragged her feet slightly as she and Morrie headed over to the headmaster. She didn't think there was any way they were going to get out of this, though she might be able to drag Audrey down with her. Would there be any point in that, though? She shrugged a little at Morrie's response. It wasn't the best response, but she supposed outright denial wouldn't work. She nodded. "Just a lighthearted prank between friends, I didn't know she would be this upset." She said with another shrug. "We're not bullies."
(sorry i'm so late)

When the headmaster spoke to her and mentioned an ravenclaw girl she didn't cared about, she figured she was gonna help out Slytherin in this to make sure an Ravenclaw was getting punished too. '' She added some glitter to the paint I believe.'' the blonde said dryly. Not seeing where the ravenclaw was now. Since she focused on the two slytherins and the headmaster now. June wanted to clean up quickly, and was an bit annoyed that the professor didn't used an spell yet, but she didn't let him see that at her face. She knew some cleaning spells, but not enough for this herself. But she put her arms over eachother as the professor spoke to Morrie and Vanity, she was gonna enjoy this. June was so gonna play the victim in this. Which in this case she was, not that she behaved like that to the girls not giving them the satisfaction. But with the headmaster now here, she would.

She rolled her eyes as Morrie answered, she was so stupid. If June ever would do this to anyone, which was never since she wasn't that dumb. She would not be at the scene of the crime. She would at least come with an better response. June watched the headmaster after Vanity spoke. She looked at Vanity with an judgefull look. '' I'm not laughing. It's childish.'' June said as an response with an serious face. She actually was inside but more to how stupid these girls were if they thought this was doing anything to her. Ok getting dirty was terrible, but they were actually helping her now by getting closer to the headmaste and they were the one in the end who got punished. She turned to the headmaster for how he would now punish these girls.
June didn't had to add anything to this.
Matt was glad the girls wasted no time denying it, but he frowned at their excuse. He looked from the paint-drenched June to the two girls, his eyebrows raising slowly as both girls insisted this had been meant as a lighthearted prank. "I don't see how this is lighthearted in the slightest." He said slowly. "I will take twenty points from you both, you will clean this paint without magic under supervision of the caretaker and you will also serve a separate detention under his supervision. I also expect an apology note to June from both of you on my desk by the end of the day, and if it's not sincere you will have to answer to me. Do you understand me?" He asked, his voice cold and entirely unlike him. If there was one thing Matt couldn't stand it was bullying. "And I will contact your parents to let them know about this incident."

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