Vanity Mettlestone

🪞Girly | Middle Child | Thief | Judgmental 👛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
9/2047 (13)
OOCOut of Character:
This thread is open for reactions after Morrie and June both respond and the prank has been pulled off

Today was the day. Finally, Vanity was going to get back at June. She had been trying tot hink fo ways to get to the girl for months now, trying to think of a plan together with Morrie. Eventually, they had both realized subtle plans just weren't for them. Nothing seemed likely to work, or if it did, it wasn't bad enough for June. So they had finally given in to their instincts and settled on something bold, something June could not ignore or rise above Vanity knew they might get caught and face house points or other punishments, but she didn’t care. Besides, getting house points taken from Slytherin would annoy June more than it would annoy Vanity.

They had gotten up early to fill the balloons with paint in the arts room. It had been trickier than she expected, and she knew and she knew she’d be scrubbing paint out from under her nails for weeks. But eventually they had managed to fill quite a few balloons with paint. Vanity had tried to fill as many as possible with bright orange or lime green. June would hate being covered in paint in general, but Vanity felt like those colors would annoy her even more. She had carefully placed the balloons in a bag and had taken them over to the entrance hall with Morrie. They were now somewhat hidden at the top of the stairs, looking down through the balustrade. Vanity could feel a storm of nervous butterflies fluttering in her stomach, while her leg were starting to complain from the awkward crouching position. She was both impatient and nervous. They could see students entering and leaving the Great Hall. Vanity hissed to Morrie. "Do you see her yet?"
Morrie huffed dramatically, she'd wanted to stuff the balloons with rocks too, but Vanity had appointed herself the fun police for the day and insisted on just paint. "So unfair," Morrie grumbled as she viciously squeezed paint into the balloons, her favourite colour being red. She might have been a bit too aggressive with it because a glob of paint splattered onto her robes too but she didn't care. As she tied off the last balloon, she held it up to admire the handiwork, it wobbled as if filled with water, but paint was worse so that was good. Perfect prefect June would never see it coming.

Morrie followed Vanity into position and crouched beside her. "No, not yet," she whispered back, her eyes scanning the crowd below like a hawk searching for its prey. Morrie paused, squinting as a blonde girl passed by. "Is that... no, false alarm," she muttered, her patience fraying at the edges. Patience, Morrie reminded herself. The moment had to be perfect.
(so sorry it's late!)

The blonde was up early to do an study session. She firstly wanted to focus on her own like she usually did. It was her before everyone else. But for the second semester she got an idea to see if there were still worthy people in Slytherin and to show the headmaster and professors she was doing something 'social' and host study sessions for Slytherins. Also to help Castillo in getting the Slytherin house cup again. Being a good role model, like a prefect should be. And she was aiming for something higher now she achieved that. She got some breakfast in the great hall and brought along the stuff needed in her bag to go the library afterwards. It was nice and quiet at the Slytherin table and she got a good cup of coffee to wake up and get ready for the day.

When she finished she took her bag with her and made her way out of the great hall. Feeling her wand in her pocket, she brought it along always. As she made her way out of the great hall she noticed a familliar face who seemed to make his way into the great hall, when she was leaving. She moved towards him and waved over to Fraser as she walked into the entrance hall, he was still a bit far but she could notice his red-ish hair.

@Fraser Fergusson
Vanity was starting to feel a little silly, crouching here. The waiting was also letting her think a bit more on what they were doing, which was a bad idea. She knew that if she thought about it for too long she might chicken out. She hadn't let herself linger on the consequences that might happen, telling herself they'd get away with it. But... who knew if that was true and what would happen if they were caught.

But right as she wondered if she should voice her doubts to Morrie, though she knew it'd be a bad idea, she spotted her. "There." She hissed, poking Morrie sharply. "She's coming closer." She added breathlessly. She waited, gripping the balloons. When June came close enough, she hissed. "Now!" And then dropped the balloons she had been carrying down, reaching for more without looking if they had hit June. They had to throw down as many as they could before she realized what was happening.
Morrie's attention started to waver until Vanity poked her. Morrie snapped back, stifling a snort as she whispered, "Finally. I was starting to think we'd missed her." As Vanity gave the signal, Morrie didn't hesitate. She hurled her first balloon down at June, watching it splatter with an oddly satisfying splat then grabbed the rest and threw them down without even aiming properly. Once she was out, Morrie glanced down at the huge mess they had made in the entrance hall and whispered, "Quick, let’s get out of here!” Morrie was struggling to keep the laughter in check as she prepared to run for it.

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