Sorting Reactions

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Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
This is HNZ's 15[sup]th[/sup] sorting ceremony!
So, whether this is your first time having a student sorted, or your fiftieth, what was your expectation for your character? Did your character get where you expected?

Share your reactions with us. ^_^
To be honest I was secretly hoping for Slytherin. xD So it's not that it went the way I thought it would necessarily, because had no idea where she'd be placed, but it did go the way I hoped it would. ^___^

-bows to the mighty hat-
Well at least he's not it Slytherin. I was thinking maybe a Gryffindor but oh well Hufflepuff is good too. The hat knows best.
I had no idea where he would be placed, so I was excited to see where he went. Hufflepuff is cool. :3
I was really excited to see where my new characters (Heath and Syncere) would go. I was hoping for them not to be in Hufflepuff because I already have two (JazzyMae and Angie). I think their results will work for the better though. :)
Syncere Arai said:
I was really excited to see where my new characters (Heath and Syncere) would go. I was hoping for them not to be in Hufflepuff because I already have two (JazzyMae and Angie). I think their results will work for the better though. :)
Oh dear, they're both Hufflepuffs, aren't they? xD
Well, I was hoping I'd get a different house for one of my characters this year. I was thinking maybe it's time for me to make an evil character which is Jessica. I was hoping Casey would go to Gryffindor in which she did. I was quite shocked with Jess since I really made her this ambitious and mean girl which I thought might match the Slytherins (no offense). So, overall my first year characters (Casey and Jess) are both in Gryffindor and now that I think about it Andrea's in Gryffindor as well and if Collin will get accepted into Hogwarts he'll also be a Gryffindor. They're my only active accounts now so overall, all of my accounts are in Gryffindor. Oh well, Gryffindor still rocks.
Jessica Cambridge said:
Oh well, Gryffindor still rocks.
The face you're making is like: :correct:
However, it should be like: :woot:

The best characters are the Gryffindor characters. :r
Well, out of my ten students :r six are Gryffindors ^_^
I'm quite happy with Jeremiah, he's in the same house as his half sister! xD but I had no idea where he'd go, because I never know, when I'm sure they'll go into a house, they go into some other house xD just like my last bunch of students, they all went into houses I didn,'t chose, but it's for the better, the surprise is the best bit because you learn to grow your character in an environment you may have never intended to out them in :p
Im all over the place
I was quite surprised when both my characters (Conan and Ai) where put in the same house. Really didn't expect them to since I made them with some same characteristics but others are opposites,

Thanks by the way..

A Slytherin! 4 Hufflepuffs and a Slytherin for me. I am very happy that I did not get another Hufflepuff.
Missy Todd said:
A Slytherin! 4 Hufflepuffs and a Slytherin for me. I am very happy that I did not get another Hufflepuff.
Oh, #slytherinlove! (let's just say this is twitter :r ).
I had a feeling Nadine would make it into Gryffindor but I thought Hufflepuff would've been a viable option too. ^_^
Nadine Poirier said:
I had a feeling Nadine would make it into Gryffindor but I thought Hufflepuff would've been a viable option too. ^_^
She was going to be a Hufflepuff, I heard the sorting hat took a risk and went Gryffindor. :p
Nicolas King said:
Nadine Poirier said:
I had a feeling Nadine would make it into Gryffindor but I thought Hufflepuff would've been a viable option too. ^_^
She was going to be a Hufflepuff, I heard the sorting hat took a risk and went Gryffindor. :p
He better be right. :p
You're tellin' me!
Gryffindor pride is on the line! D:
Nicolas King said:
You're tellin' me!
Gryffindor pride is on the line! D:
I know, right? Nadine could shame the name of Gryffindor for decades to come!

Oh well... It's a good thing I'm a Slytherin, eh?
I'm excited that Hannah's a Ravenclaw! I thought Hufflepuff would have been a viable option as well, but thinking about it I'm glad she's in the House she's in. It suits her well, methinks. ^_^
I have gone through sorting twice and I must say that is always a riot interacting with the famed sorting hat, so much so I wish I could carry him around in my pocket. I am thrilled that once again one of my characters has been allowed to wear the green and silver uniform with pride. I look forward to an interesting few years as a student of THE best house at Hogwarts.
Liir Goodwitch said:
I look forward to an interesting few years as a student of THE best house at Hogwarts.
Who had the most house points at the end of the year? :r

I love the fact that Deme is in Ravenclaw, though I'm not sure if he is wise, but I won't go against the hat, since I only have one other Ravenclaw, I'm just glad he's not in Gryffindor! I have far too many Gryffindors :p
Truthfully I didn't really have any house in mind as I filled in the form. This is only my second Slytherin though so we'll see how it goes! :D
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