Some time away

June Davenport

The best prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hi everyone <3

I will be absent because tonight I'm gonna leave for vacation to Greece until the 19th. Very excited and in the mood to get on holiday. But also mixed feelings because we recently heard, that my mother who is very sick as I said before, will get a surgery when I'm away.

We don't know how things are gonna go, and hope for the best. When the surgery is gonna take long time that's, the best news we can get. But for someone who worries a lot this is the best distraction I can get and my parents wants me to go.

But as I get back from holiday, we know more. And that is scary to don't have any idea how and what will happen. But we keep positive and hope for the best.

See you guys later.

- Jamie
Have a great vacation Jamie! I hope everything goes well for your mom, take care! :hug:
So yesterday I returned from my holiday. It was very nice, and like an very nice dream but now also being back is reality kicking in again, since we again recieved bad news about my mother. And now we have to see what the next step is gonna be and if there is one.. .

I will pick things up on the site slowly, since I have some days off. But I'm not sure how I'm gonna feel and act.
So yesterday I returned from my holiday. It was very nice, and like an very nice dream but now also being back is reality kicking in again, since we again recieved bad news about my mother. And now we have to see what the next step is gonna be and if there is one.. .

I will pick things up on the site slowly, since I have some days off. But I'm not sure how I'm gonna feel and act.
That's totally valid, please take care of yourself! Wishing the best for your mother and your whole family <3 Good luck and take care <3 we will be waiting on the site when things settle down, your health is also important so if you need just take time to yourself and your loved ones! You got this <3

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