Some Things just don't go as planned.

Sakura Gemini

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 1/4" hawthorn with essence of phoenix tears
The weeks had passed into one another as easily as thread through the eye of a needle, the closer and closer the wedding day came Sakura knew that she could not go through with it. It was all a farce and nothing more. She loved her parents dearly but the circus they wanted to put on under the guise of her wedding was too much for even Sakura a stalwart Gryffindor to bear. Nicolas had been wonderful of course and it was a testament to how he would cope with her interfering parents throughout their lives together. But as much as her beloved wanted to just get on and get it all over with even to the point of suggesting an elopement, Sakura could not and would not take another step closer to the matrimonial aisle until this charade finished.

She had called a meeting on the Monday with her parents and while Nicolas had been caught up in work, they had met up on the Tuesday. The meeting had been excruciatingly painful and she could only compare it to the time she had been whacked from her broom in one of her very first games as a keeper. The beater had whacked the bludger so hard that it had sent her careening up against the frame of the hoop where she had slammed so hard, Sakura had broken a rib and fractured two more. From there she had gone spiralling downwards at such a rate that no cushioning charm had time to be shouted and both her right leg and right arm had smashed on impact but she had managed to prevent a goal. A month spent in the hospital wing with pints of skele-gro being consumed finally did the job and she had returned to Gryffindor under a heroes welcome. This however was not a time where she would be considered a hero, infact her parents had looked on her as if she were the villain of the piece. They had expounded on their generosity, gushed about the hours of planning and stress they had endured as a result until finally Sakura for the first time in her life slammed her palms down on the table and insisted she be heard.

Two hours later, tear stained faced and worn down to a nub she had said goodbye to her parents. There would be no wedding! At least not a Yuletide wedding at any rate, Sakura now had carte blanche over everything and she wanted to do her wedding her way! She knew Nicolas would readily agree with any plans she made simply to make her happy especially over all the grief she had encountered of late. Her parents were going to cancel everything, postpone other things such as the flowers. They could still be used but with a few changes made of course. The cake could be transfigured easily enough and she was allowed to keep both her mothers wedding gown and her grandmothers wedding gown as the material from both could easily be used to make a third dress. The guest list was also to be handled by them, she would widdle down the list considerably for her own plans.

That had been what felt like forever ago now, today as she returned to her flat exhausted from her day she felt elated. One more week, just one and she would be Mrs Nicolas King. A name she loved as dearly as her own. Throwing herself down on her small sofa she kicked off her shoes and threw her arms over her face to block the waning sunlight from dazzling her. Nicolas would be here soon, she had long ago given him a key. It had made much more sense than to have him knocking at her door constantly for entry as if he were a guest. He lost the privilege of being a guest when he put the most awesome engagement ring ever on her finger. She could not help but smile as she lay there.
"Sakura King" she murmured dreamily to herself as she reached out an arm and picked up a cushion cuddling it too her and sighing, "Sakura King."
she repeated loving the sound more with each utterance.
Nicolas had known for some time how stressed Sakura was becoming about their upcoming wedding. Or, more specifically, her parents continual attempts to make the wedding day something other than what she wanted it to be. He had thought, however, that no matter how stressed she got they would surely be married on schedule. Whether it be in the secret of the night or in the witness of ten thousand of their "closest friends and family", he was sure of it. He tried to support Sakura as much as he could, thusly, confident that they would make it to the decided day, and time, or just give up and do it all earlier. It stood to reason, then, that when Sakura admitted to him she couldn't keep up the façade, or even deal with any more, that Nicolas King was shattered. She assured him that she still wanted the wedding as much as ever, if not more, but the wait would surely kill Nicolas now.

Being the man he was, however, Nicolas hid this away. He absolutely refused to recognize it for himself, and certainly not for Sakura. She needn't feel worse than she already did, and the day was to be as much hers as it was his, if not more. Surely, then, if she would be too focused on keeping up some act rather than marrying the man she had agreed to, it made sense that things be fixed, reconciled, and brought back in to line before anything continued.

Soon enough Sakura arranged a meeting with her parents to tell them what she had already broke to her fiancé. Nicolas was unable to make the meeting, but he suspected that had been intentional on Sakura's part for his sake, so he made no attempt to join her. He could certainly respect that she would want to deal with her parents on her own, and in truth she would likely be better at it without him than with him. In the past several months Nicolas' work load had been nearly doubled with the elections for Minister for Magic commencing, and he felt confident that while Sakura was generally open with him in sharing her troubles, that she was holding some things back from him. Having him with her at her parents was likely one such things.

The time since had given the couple time to rejuvenate, and begin to plan again. With the wedding approaching and becoming nearer than it ever had been, Nicolas' anxiousness was resurfacing for the world to witness, and it wasn't helping his position at the ministry any. People were certainly starting to question his 'appropriateness for the position he held' and he knew at least one potential ministry candidate would have him replaced, should h be voted in to the office. Fortunately, his jovial attitude toward the upcoming wedding clouded most of his worries about the permanence of his position. He loved his job, but Sakura came before it - and he definitely didn't require it. So, he had come to care very little for the opinions of those at the ministry and sought only to keep on top of his personal life while still still do his job as best he could.

Nicolas approached the door of Sakura's flat and withdrew the key she had given to him. It felt strange, having the key, when the flat was really quite temporary and he had given her no such thing in return, nor had he been able to. Levens hall was enchanted beyond any need, it seemed, and the only way Sakura would be given free access (without trying to muddle about in a lot of spells, many of which Nicolas still wasn't quite sure of) would be for her to marry him. Adjusting his robes slightly now, Nicolas ran his hand through his hair, trying to make himself look vaguely presentable after another long day at work, before he turned the key in the lock and opened the door to Sakura's flat.
She could hear the footsteps stop outside the door, the brief pause before the key turned in the door and as he opened it she had already left the sofa to greet him. Sometimes she laughed at this, what had been the point of giving him a key if she was going to be at the door for him anyhow? With a smile she greeted him, her arms were about his neck and her mouth touching his to welcome him to her. The kiss was brief but filled with so much emotion that it felt as if the very soul had moved from her to reside in him. Releasing him she waved her hand to close the door behind him as she took his hand and led him to the sitting room. The world always seemed better when he was around, her tiny drab flat always seemed brighter and more homey for his presence. It had pained her greatly to postpone their wedding as she had done but it had made sense to her at the time. She would have been too frazzled, too bitter walking up the aisle when she should have been gliding up delirious with love and happiness. The wedding she had planned was not a big fanfare as her parents had orchestrated, it was small and intimate with close friends and family invited and a few people from the ministry who they had known for quite some time now.

There was one detail they had to cover of course, a particular invitation that she had been loathe to send but that they would have to discuss. It remained nestled on her mantlepiece so that when she guided him to the sofa and sat with her long slender limbs bunched beneath her, an arm draped across the back of the chair in order to easily run her fingers through his hair, the one place to look would be of course to that spot. She had not wanted to think about it but knew she could not put it off any longer, no matter how happy she was now this was the only fly left in the ointment. Inhaling slowly as if preparing a speech she glanced to the fireplace and the invitation written for Cecily Zhefarovich, Nicolas' ex-girlfriend. Was it right that he would want her at his wedding? It had bothered Sakura deeply and nothing had eased her on this matter yet. Glancing from the envelope to Nicolas she knew she loved him with every ounce of her being and as wonderful as he had been about all of the wedding shenanigans, this was the only thing he had really asked for and yet she could not bring herself to do it. What would he say when he saw the envelope still perched there when all others had been sent?

"How was your day?" hoping it had been good as she was certain he would get angry with her, frustrated that his one request had gone undone, Sakura bit her lower lip. A clear indication that something was troubling her.
Nicolas couldn't withhold the smile that came to his face as he slipped the key back in to his pocket and was immediately greeted by the sight of Sakura. His worries of the day, the elections, and anxiousness for their wedding all seemed to be lifted from him as arms encircled his neck and his own hands held Sakura by the waist, his mouth finding hers in that brief moment, and without a word being spoken he was reassured once again that he was at home there. Perhaps not at the location, but without question with the person.

Allowing himself to be lead in silence to what Sakura called her sitting room. He payed no notice of the card on the mantel, even as he sat down in the early moments of their silent intimacy. Nicolas thought nothing at all of his request for Cecily to attend his wedding, he viewed her only as a close friend. In fact, the guest list for his side had been so thin that he felt almost silly for making the one request, but he figured somebody should be witness to the occasion for him, and be joyous with him, and not just with Sakura. His immediate family was no more, his friends from school largely estranged, and many of his later friendships had become distant, or had been killed themselves. It seemed almost pitiful, really, how very alone in the world Nicolas could easily be viewed as, especially prior to having met Sakura. However, Nicolas had never felt alone, and he certainly didn't now. He wasn't amiss that he only had one invitation to give out for his own wedding, he had been perfectly contented with the idea of eloping with Sakura, though he understood her reasonings for not wanting such a union.

As Sakura's eyes drifted from him to the fireplace and the mantel over top of it, Nicolas' followed, puzzled at her change in manner, the spell of being with her again having been broken he could now see that something was out of place. Something was bothering her that she had hidden from him successfully for those moments of delirious joy. As Sakura's gaze returned to him, Nicolas smiled in a small reassuring manner, his mind's cogs turning furiously in an effort to perhaps discover, by some hint, what it was that was causing her anxiety now. Could it be another letter from her mother? He had thought that had been sorted, but it was possible that she would persist further. That would explain the envelope on the mantel, though how it could yet be sealed and causing Sakura whatever uneasiness was still beyond him.

"What's wrong?" Nicolas' inquiry came, having given up entirely on trying to answer that question for himself. He had heard Sakura's question, but chosen to ignore it all the same. How his day was was, to him, entirely inconsequential, especially when compared to whatever it was on Sakura's mind. A gentle hand moved to hold Sakura's within it as he stared toward her warmly, genuine concern in his visage as he paused all thought and simply sought to listen to his fiancé.
Sakura moves uncomfortably beside him and frowns a little when the man she adores and would do anything for, asks her the very question she had dreaded. It would seem that though she always thought that she would do 'anything' for him there was one matter where she put her foot down. She was stubborn and had not believed she could be a jealous woman until the suggestion to invite Cecily had turned up. Sakura had been all smiles and politeness but inside she had been crumbling. Why on earth would any man want his ex to attend their wedding? Awful thoughts had crept in to her consciousness, did he hope this woman would raise her hand at the opportune time to announce she knew plenty of reasons why Sakura and Nicolas should not be wed. Would she announce that Nicolas had never stopped loving her or she him? Sakura knew that Nicolas loved her and her mother had reassured her that these type of doubts manifested themselves always within the weeks before any wedding. 'Cold feet' it was known as. Any excuse latched on too inorder to quell the nerves building inside. Yet, Sakura did not understand this at all. She loved him and wanted to marry him, so then why was she creating 'excuses' why was she building her own barriers? Why was she having cold feet? So many questions plagued her and soon she had come to realise that she was not as confident as she had always presumed herself to be.

This was such a monumental step, she was still young; how many women her age truly found their one true love and married? She had spent many restless nights considering her friends and realised she would be the first to marry. Did this now bother her? She looked at Nicolas sitting beside her and knew it did not, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and she wanted that to begin as soon as possible. They had already had enough upsets. Standing up slowly she removed the enveloped from the fireplace mantel and heaving a soft sigh turned to face him. Handing him the envelope she wondered how angry he would be at her and waited for the inevitable. Sakura had never been on the receiving end of Nicolas' anger and sometimes wondered if he got angry at all! This time however, she was certain that he would blow up at her. How could she explain that she was jealous of a relationship that was long over, of a woman who had held his heart for so long. Of a person he had shared so much history with, had so many memories webbed together.
"I never sent this invitation" she told him, biting her lower lip and bracing herself for whatever was to come.
Nicolas observed with bated breath as Sakura stood up from the couch and approached the envelope on the mantel. 'So it is that.' Nicolas thought to himself, relatively proud of his deduction though becoming more confused by the second. The same thoughts rushed back to him. A letter from her parents, perhaps? Though he still couldn't fathom how such a letter, unopened, could make her so uneasy - timid, almost. He accepted the letter with a hesitant smile and looked at the name on it. Cecily Zhefarovich (Zdablooptybloop).

This development confused him even more than the last. Perhaps the invitation had been returned to its sender? Cecily and Nicolas hadn't spoken in some time and it was possible, though unlikely, that she had no desire to attend his wedding. Or perhaps the owl simply hadn't known where to find the person to whom he had been commissioned - in which case it could simply be sent to Hogwarts, which he had heard Cecily recently returned to. Neither of these instances, however, accounted for Sakura's overall behaviour and mood in the moment.

As the words escaped her lips, all of Nicolas' rationalizations and attempts to sort out why it was that Sakura was so uneasy fell to waste. She simply hadn't sent it. It was obvious now, that she was uneasy of how he would react to that fact. It was a decent worry, in truth. How would he react to the fact that the woman he loved had denied him the one thing he had honestly request about their wedding (other than it be theirs)? Worries flooded his mind at the same time as the thought did. Why had Sakura not sent the invitation? Did she, for whatever reason, not trust him? Was there something he was unaware of? The questions were endless and after a moment of bending his mind to hear them all he pushed them away. Asking himself a thousand questions he couldn't answer in the slightest wouldn't help him at all, and he knew that. There was only one person who could answer them - who he would have to ask.

Trying to keep all worry, or merlin-forbid judgment, from his voice as he spoke, Nicolas asked Sakura what her reasoning had been, trusting that she had some, and that her worry, and indeed his own worries, were entirely unnecessary.
She saw the changes of expression on his face and hated herself for doing this to him and yet knew he deserved a decent reason. Wringing her hands she turned her back to him and stood before the fire place as if seeking encouragement from the empty grate.
"I didn't send it Nicolas ..." it sounded so stupid now, so foolish that at first she couldn't even say the words out loud. Twirling slowly about to face him, guilt and shame for her behaviour was riddled on her face.
"I was jealous, am jealous. Of her and everything she represents to you. The memories that you built together... you had so many years together that the short time we've been with one another is barely a pebble in the ocean in comparison."

She twisted her hands again nervously starting to pace the room as her explanation continued, though she knew herself it was the worst explanation she had ever given for none of it would most likely make sense to him.
"I hear myself saying this and I know you'll think I am foolish. Mom and Isabella say it's prewedding nerves, jitters, cold feet and it might be but I've never felt this level of jealousy before in all my life" Sakura looked at him then, she had only had one other relationship besides Nicolas and she had only been 14 then, they had of course eventually broken up and over time he had begun dating again while she had been under the illusion that they would get back together. Besides being jealous of brilliant snatches, saves and such in quidditch that had been Sakura's first proper brush with the green curse of envy and now ever since Nicolas had asked her to include Cecily, she had felt it again. Cutting away at her like the sectumsempra curse. Trying to explain this to Nicolas was like trying to explain the intricate workings of a motorcar, she had not a clue how to do it.

Her eyes seemed to say it all for her however until she found her tongue again.
"I know you must hate me for doing this, you only asked this one thing and I couldn't do it for you" she turned again to start up the pacing that threatened to wear a hole in the already thread bare rug, "I'm sorry. It doesn't bode well for our married life does it? I hate feeling like this. I hate being envious of a woman who is not part of your life anymore..." here she could not help but glance at him to almost make sure that Cecily really wasn't part of his life, "I hate it and all rationality tell me I shouldn't be because I trust you but... still I am."
Helplessly she looked at him, wrapping her arms about her waist as if this might protect her from whatever he deservedly lashed out at her now.
Nicolas listened calmly as Sakura walked through her reasoning and a fair amount more. He watched the torment she was putting herself through, the obvious indications of her worry and dismay at the situation in general, then, finally, as she stopped her moving, stopped her talking, he stood up and moved toward her.

He was undoubtedly upset with Sakura. He has only asked one thing, been absurdly patient with her parents, the antics they went about and the stress he could see they were causing his fiancée, and otherwise bent over backwards to ensure that things went just perfectly, that Sakura felt safe and could be relaxed, and that they could surely spend the rest of their lives together. Of course, he hadn't minded doing any of those things. In fact, he liked being able to help Sakura and calm her down from the anxieties of her own life, just as she so oft' did for him. Somehow, though, her own jealousy took precedence over his one simple request?

Wrapping his arms around Sakura's waist, Nicolas looked down at her lovingly, choosing what he thought should be the most effective way to address his concern, hopefully have Cecily be invited, and calm Sakura's anxieties. "You know I could never hate you no matter what you do." Nicolas began, moving one hand to her cheek and holding it gently to look in to her eyes. "What Cecily and I had was nothing at all compared to you and I. What we have now is nothing more than a friendship. I proposed to you, Sakura. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't even remember thinking about proposing to Cecily, and I certainly never did it." Nicolas continued on, hopping these words might quell some of Sakura's fears before, in a moment's silence, he dropped his hand back to her side and, after a deep inhalation, having chosen what he hoped to be the best words to convey his wishes, pressed on.

"Currently, at our wedding, nobody in attendance will be there for me except for you. You're enough for me. I can live with only you. I offered it to be only you and I, but I would like, if there are more people there, for one other person to be there for me. I've no family. I cut ties with most of my friends from school days when my parents died, and my friends here have mostly moved on to other things or been killed themselves." Here, Nicolas paused. He hated thinking about how it seemed every day that came, came in the realization that the past had removed itself further from him. He had no ties to his past at all, it appeared to him. They'd all been taken from him, and this idea haunted him in the thought of Sakura. Would the death that seemed to follow in his wake harm her? Or the family he hoped to have with her? Closing his eyes a moment and pushing these thoughts from him, Nicolas spoke in a softer voice. "Cecily is my option. She's my friend, and that's it. My request is for a friend at our wedding."
Nicolas stood up and walked towards her, his arms claimed her and yet she still managed to feel duly chastised as he looked down at her no matter how adoringly he gazed upon her. She felt awful and the hand that tenderly touched her cheek to keep her from looking away, felt through her guilty conscience like the long arm of the law. She had done him wrong and she knew it but hearing his reassurances was the one thing she needed. Perhaps she should have spoken to him about it sooner and none of this would have happened. Perhaps she should have mentioned her fears as soon as the seed of them had been planted but hindsight is after all a wonderous gift and Sakura was under no allusion as to the depth of her magic.

She offered him a tender smile, feeling like such a fool. She completely understood his reasons and wanted him to have someone of course at his own wedding. Wanted him to have a whole pew or row of pews of someone's but he didn't have that luxury, he had one. One someone who he had specially requested for and Sakura had let him down. With his hands now at her sides she leaned closer and wrapped her arms about his neck, laying her head on his shoulder and allowing a relieved sigh to escape her.
"I'm sorry" her voice was so timid, stripped of any arrogance she may once have held, stripped of self assurance and whatever confidence she had left his words now consoled.
"You really are getting the raw end of the stick here aren't you?" she asked him, gazing over his shoulder and staring off into the distance. "I'll owl it to her immediately."

Sakura moved herself so she was standing straight this time and gazed up lovingly into his own face before placing a hand against his cheek, almost mirroring his movements from moments before.
"I love you so much" she hoped she didn't sound needy and pathetic and could not understand why the Gryffindor in her simply didn't come to her aid in this and give her some back bone.
Nicolas was contented that Sakura could see what he saw and was sorry for her choice and endeavour to rectify the situation, even this close to their wedding date when it was quite possible that Cecily would be entirely enable to attend. Sakura, however, was forgiven immediately in Nicolas' mind and her oft smiles made him feel somehow lighter. His uneasiness about what had been troubling her, and his upset at the situation, lifted away from him entirely with such a small signal.

Feeling Sakura's body move closer to his own continued to calm the man, and excite him at the same time for their wedding and the life to follow it. "I wouldn't say that, dear. I get to marry you, so aside from being quite possibly the most fortunate man in the world, Verney will be there for me as well. He's... something." Nicolas jested with this final point, never having been particularly close to the house elf. Verney was often annoyed by Nicolas' absences and general lack of interest in Levens' gardens, but otherwise Verney's and Nicolas' relationship was on the more amiable side of house elf and master.

As Nicolas felt the warmth of Sakura's hands on his cheeks he, too, smiled. Only moments ago she had been so anxious and uneasy, almost fearful he had thought, and he had been confused, worries himself, then upset and now it was all gone. Simple, loving, calmness enveloped them both as they stood in each other's arms. If this wasn't an indication of how their future would be, King certainly didn't have any ideas of what could be. "And I, you." Nicolas confirmed before leaning down toward Sakura, his love, his intended, and kissing her tenderly, confirming his words of only moments earlier.
She could not help but relax more into his embrace with every word he spoke. He had a way to reassure her of everything and yet she had spent the past few weeks fretting about such a silly thing as a wedding invitation. At the mention of Verney she beamed affectionately. The house elf had already won a place in her heart and she could not wait to return to Levens Hall not only to see the wonderful gardens but to spend more time in them with Verney. She was always amazed at how he knew every plant, shrub and herb in that garden. When it had been planted, what had been gifted to the family over the years and what had been gifted by the family. It was a remarkable garden not just for its aesthetic beauty but for its purpose as well, practically everything there had a reason. It was either needed in for certain potions or pastes and salves or for cooking.

Feeling Nicolas's arms illicit their usual calm on her she smiled as he declared his own love though he had no need for she was certain of it anyhow. It was getting harder and harder to stand or sit in an embrace with him for any length of time, Sakura felt her nerves tighten as that familiar ache to be closer to him assailed her and moving from his embrace sat once again on the sofa. Pushing some hair back from her face she hoped the slight blush that tinged her cheeks was not overly noticeable. She would find it hard to announce the fact that she was more than ready to consummate their relationship but they had promised one another that they would wait for their wedding night and as it was she who had effectively pushed that date back, then she had no one to blame but herself for feeling as frustrated as she did now.
"How was your day?" she asked patting the sofa beside her before grimacing, "did you want a drink? If you want we can eat out, I don't fancy attempting another home cooked meal tonight."
She would never be a goddess in the kitchen but at least she had owned up to that failing a long time ago.
Nicolas could not help but to feel great relief and joy as the situation between himself and Sakura returned to its equilibrium once more. They understood each other perfectly well, and everything appeared to be back on track. Nicolas noted a significant change in the tension between Sakura and himself as he held her in the moment. From defences up, to entirely relaxed, and then to something entirely different - a tension which had been felt on a similar evening, before Sakura had her own flat. Nicolas, generally a man of control, had experienced some difficulty in denying himself (and, indeed, Sakura) the pleasures that they both longed for.

Understanding as his fiancée moved from his embrace, Nicolas moved to the place on the couch beside her as she offered and made no comment to the hue of her cheeks. There wasn't any need for such a comment. With the question of how his day had gone, Nicolas simply sighed. There was always more work to do than could be done, it seemed, and he had attempted to do it all anyway. 'Frustrating' would have likely been the only appropriate answer, frustration at work, followed by happiness to spend time with his intended, followed by concern for her, then anger, then relief. The whole of his day had been largely uneventful; the last several minutes - a roller coaster. "My day? Excellent, now." Nicolas determined to day with a smile.

"What do you want to do?" Nicolas asked Sakura as the offer of a drink, or going out for dinner, was made. Nicolas could have a fire whiskey either way - and after his day, he intended to. The need for a house elf, however, seemed self-evident and in the moment Nicolas became thankful for Verney, otherwise his married life with Sakura would likely largely consist of dinners out and 'sammichs.'

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