Closed Some Friendly Practice

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
[if you have a character who is friends with chloë/juniper, plays quidditch and would like to join let me know!]

In a (not so) unexpected turn of events Chloë only just found herself back at school after the break yet was already making her way to the quidditch pitch. Official Gryffindor practice hadn't started yet but she wanted to get as much practice in as she could. She thoroughly enjoyed quidditch, still more than happy that she had impulsively decided to try out in her second year. By now that was about one and a half years ago, which meant she had been part of the team for an acceptable amount of time already. What made things even better was that she got to play on a team with quite a few of her friends. Everything was better with friends. She had friends on other house teams as well though and thinking about it made her realize how much she would enjoy playing with them every now and then rather than just play against them in their official competition. Chloë had mentioned it to Juniper and the girls had decided to meet up on the pitch and get some practice in. That way they'd get a chance to hang out and, sort of, play together. With her broom in her right hand and an old quaffle safely locked under her left arm she had made her way to the pitch, looking around to see whether Juniper had gotten there before her or not. When she didn't spot her friend yet she mounted her broom and pushed off into the air, wondering if she could get a lap or two in before her friend arrived.
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Juniper had felt a little down after their loss to Gryffindor last semester. She really needed to get better at knocking the seekers out. Otherwise, she was worried Minnie and Lars might kick her off the team next year. Making her way down to the pitch to meet with Chloe, she hopped on her broom and flew up behind the girl, quickly whizzing past and then circling around to meet her. "How's it going?" she asked cheerily, blowing a bubble with her gum.
Chloë had meant to warm up for a bit, but she had only managed to get around one and a half warmup laps in when someone flew past her. "That was some solid broomwork!" She laughed when Juniper circled around to face her, happy it hadn't taken too long for her friend to arrive. She hadn't ever really practiced without a full team and she wasn't quite sure how they would make it work, but at the very least they got to hang out some more which was already a positive. "Pretty good!" She smiled. "So, you enjoying quidditch so far?" Chloë asked, wondering if Juniper was having as much fun on her team as she was having on her own.

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