So long, Farewell.

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Rue Undersee

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly 9" Essence of Veela Hair
Firstly, I can't believe Beth is leaving, but the reason why she is leaving is so true, and even though I have been a little inactive lately, I have decided that I would rather leave for good too than have lurking accounts with no real plots. I was never really dedicated to my characters - Rue being an exception - and so hopefully it wont interrupt any RP's I have. Which are few.

Nobody here particularly ever got to know me at first - Which made me sad :( And so I never became an awesome member of HNZ, like Kaitlyn and Patty and Beth and countless other people did.

So this is so long, and I am leaving you guys now, after an interesting time at HNZ. If anyone knows any of my accounts they think they would like, then PM me and I'll check my inbox over a few days.

I think I need to do more things in my life, and even though not a lot of my time was spent on HNZ, I feel it will help me get in touch with more of my old friends and such.
It's sad to be leaving, and I'll pop back in the future and tease you all.
Sorry for any unfinished graphics requests - But I'm sure someone else will fill them for you.

So, I will be joining Beth in the list of quitters, but luckily she will still be my friend in real life :D

Thank you for any help all of you gave me, you were all supportive even when I was a complete ninny for not knowing what to do xD
It's been a pleasure to be here.. But now is my time to leave.


Claire ♥

Do I smeall or something, because too many people are leaving? :cry: Anywho it's a shame to see you leave Claire and even though I didn't get to know you too well you were an awesome people...just for being part in HNZ :r

I hope you drop in every so often and say hi or something :)

See ya around,

- Pat :hug:
Good luck with everything. Pop in from time to time to say hi!


People are leaving left and right now, it was nice having you around and you were doing so well with improving on your graphics skills! I wish you good luck with everyone and hope you pop on every once and awhile to say hi to all of us.

See you around...
- Jessye
It's always sad to see someone leave the site, but RL has and always will come first.
With that said, best of luck in the future.

Take care,
I greeted you in Spam, not sure if you saw it.
I don't agree with the first bit of your post ( ;) ) but regardless, you will be missed.
See you around, I hope! :)

Claire! :hug:

:( Will miss you. I'll always consider you a friend. I remember helping increase the number of glomps that you had gotten so you could get a bigger number in to your siggy. xD Giving you multiple glomps in one post. I'll be looking forward to you popping in every now and then.
D'awww. Just saw this now :(

I ish sad you're leaving, hope life treats you well, and, pleeease come back and visit every-so-often?
:hug: Olivia x
It's sad to see you leave, but good luck in your future endeavors :D

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