Okay, I'll start something when time allows, and then I'll PM it to you, Steph.
Deme && Sara
<i></i> Actually, I'd prefer to start it, for the simple fact that Deme would not actually go to Sara for a conversation, he'd probably attempt to not be noticed by her or something, so it'd make more sense if I start it. I'll PM it to you once it's up, after holidays.
<COLOR color="darkgreen">Abel && Killua
<i></i><FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="darkgreen"> Sure, they can be buddies. Who would you like to start it? I can start it once everyone's back if you want.
That is quite correct, Steph, seven years to meet. I'll start it when classes start upecause that will be when I'm on top of everything, it won't be too long so yeah.
Okay don't worry, I'll start it when I start all fo the others.
So yeah guys, I have another first year here, so yeah.
Kieran Adam Boneheart
Slytherin First Year
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So this is my brand new, freshly sorted character, Kieran. Kieran is a big sweetie, he is very giving and kind, but he is also an extremely ambitious boy that will not let others hold him back. Kieran has an older twin sister, Kelsey (Hufflepuff) and is devastated that they were seperated, because he believed that they were exactly the same, because they are twins. Kieran is naive about a lot of things, one of them being violence, so he is basically a pacifest because violence would scare him, unless it's Quidditch. Kieran is a Quidditch fanatic, and he is fully accepting of the violence in Quidditch because he does see it as such. Kieran is a bubbly and playful boy, he loves to run around and have fun, just like any other eleven year old. Even though he is a very childish and playful boy, Kieran is extremely hardworking and will always put in one hundred percent in whatever he does, simply because he wants to excel and be better at everything than anyone else. Kieran has a soft spot for twins because he is one himself, and finds it comforting to be surrounded by other twins because he feels that they know what it's like. Kieran, being the younger of the two, has always had to wait to do things, and even in sorting he had to wait until ofter his sister was finished to be sorted, so sometimes he can get frustrated with having to wait, because he's had enough of it and doesn't wish to wait anymore for things.
Kieran loves being around people and loves playing all sorts of games, but he is also very stubborn and doesn't like being told what to do. He is protective of his sister, and gets upset when people tease her, or him. Kieran is brutally honest, because he doesn't know how to lie, so he would innocently tell the whole truth, even if it hurt the person. Kieran is a friendly person, and finds it easy to befriend people, because even if they are the cruelest person he's ever met, he'd try his best to befriend them, becoming what they wanted him to be so he could be their friend. Kieran is a little upset right now because he was seperated from his twin, so he is questioning whether he and Kelsey are really as close as he thought they were, because now that they're seperated, he fears that they won't be best friends again and will drift apart. This is because Kieran has slightly attachment issues, and doesn't like being 'abandoned' by people he knows.
What I would like for Kieran is just general stuff, so friends, maybe some enemies and prehaps a mentor of sorts? They don't have to be a Slytherin, but it would be preferred. So yeah.
I know I am trying to limit my RP's here and focus on study but I cant help myself with this one. Andy and Chayton
Andy and Chayton should meet (if he gets approved transfer, in which he will be seventh year). although there are some obvious differences between them I think that they actually have some odd similarities. as chay is a little awkward around people as he was picked on at his last school for his size so so having someone faint because of it would not be good for his self esteem. also they do have a slightly similar background so i could see that being interesting.
Mia! I understand, and don't worry, the roleplay between Chayton and Andy probably won't last too long, since Chayton's even bigger than Madlyn.
Anyway, I find it quite interesting as well, they're similar, but that won't really matter to Andy (he's a little bit difficult) since Chayton is shy and all that, it would be interesting because their both shy and awkward around people, so maybe a small margin of understanding might be made, but I think we both know what the end result will be if these two meet. So, I'm up for it whenever you have time.
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