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Samual Kaster

Father of 2 | Retired Auror
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Hey everyone, thanks for checking this out!
So with the new school year starting and that, I have a new wave of roleplay inspiration to use up with my current Hogwarts attendees. There are seven lovely (well, most are lovely) boys here looking for something to do. Also, I must admit that I can sometimes be a little slow to reply to tpics, it's a flaw of mine, but I don't forget about topics, (because I have a list :cool: ) and if I take a little while to reply, just shoot me a PM, I really don't mind a little prodding to get motivated, so don't be shy about it, but I'm just telling you now, I can be a little slow with replies. Anyway, without further adieu;​


Samual 'Sammy' Kaster
Gryffindor fifth year.​

So this here is Sammy Kaster, the younger brother of Tamalia Kaster (You know, that girl that really needs to be ran over by a train?), and he's a lovely boy, he has a very sweet personality and an innocent outlook of the world. He sees things through the eyes of a child and is always on the hunt for fun things to do. Sam is emotionally unstable, which means that his emotions are erratic and often blown up out of proportion, so when he's happy, he is really happy, when he's upset, he's really upset, and when he's lonely, he's really lonely, there is no inbetween emotion for this boy. Sammy is a very affectionate person and sometimes doesn't really think about how affectionate to people he is, he doesn't see the problem with hugging random people he doesn't know and has been known to just hug people because he can. His sweet personality makes him an easy person to get along with, especially with younger people, as some older people might find him too childish to withstand. Samual's sweetheart personality enables him to be a good listener, and comforter, as he genuinely cares about people and how they're holding up, no matter who they are, or what they've done.

Samual is very loyal to people and it is very difficult to break his trust. Being as trustworthy as he is, this means that he can be lead on and quite gullible. Another downfall for this curly-haired cherub would be the fact that he is extremely understanding and forgiving, since he doesn't know how to hold a grudge. So if someone hurt him in any way, and then apologised, he would forgive them and give them a second chance, then a third one, and then a fourth one. If someone told him a farfetched story as to why they had to hurt him, he would more than likely take their lie at face-value and drop the subject, allowing things to go smoothly again.

When backed into a corner, Samual does one of three things, he either tries to run and avoid a fight, cry and just give up, or retaliates and gets a little sarcastic and somewhat violent (I use this word very loosely, the worst he would do is push, shove and slap.) until he was able to run. Violence and insensitivity are not naturally in this Gryffindors nature, so the last option is very rare and only ever lasts for a few minutes. Sammy is easily overcome by people and is quite a pushover because he doesn't like violence, but is not quite a pacifist.

Samual needs some friends I suppose, he's easy to get along with because if he doesn't like the person, he will hold his tongue and still be polite and nice to them. Bullies are always welcome with this character because he is quite weak and is an easy target for bullying, because he makes it so easy! And there's also a boatload of stuff to hold against him. In the love department, Sammy doesn't really need any more of that as he's all set for drama and relationship problems, but if you've got a super interesting idea, PM it to me and we'll see if we can't work something out.

Next up:

Drew Handler
Hufflepuff fifth year.​

This is Drew Handler and he is a very quiet and shy boy. Drew is the sort of person that prefers to sit quietly and watch the world go by, rather than actually contribute to it. Drew is quite a logical person and likes to think of things from a logical point of view so he doesn't get emotionally attached to anything, therefore helping him remain the same. Drew is a pacifist and deplores all kinds of violence and will not tolerate any of it, so if he was in a violent situation, he would simply leave it and be done. Being a pacifist, this means that if he is bullied, he doesn't do anything about it and just takes it, while his stubborn attitude just reinforces his pacifist beliefs and values. Drew will not allow himself to be changed or manipulated because he is too stubborn for that, this means he is not a pushover and will voice his opinions when he feels that it is needed.

Drew is a muggle-born, therefore there are still things that he doesn't know, because he has never really spent enough time with people to actually ask them about everything he doesn't understand. Being a rather shy and somewhat socially awkward person, Drew doesn't have many friends and doesn't usually go searching for them, because he's worried that he'll just look stupid and then get embarrassed. Drew can get on with most people, as long as they are not cruel to him, then he will be willing to be their friend, as he believes that what someone does is their own business and he won't try to change people, but if he effects him, then it becomes his business.

What I would like for Drew is at least one stable friend, so one that he could roleplay with several times and not just once. I know this can be quite a call for some people, so if you want to roleplay with him, but don't think you can do many roleplays, that's quite alright. I'm just saying, if you have someone that could be a stable friend, and think you can do it, then I'm all ears. With bullies, I suppose I can allow a few, but not too many because Drew is not fun to bully, when I say that, I mean that he doesn't cry or show that he's affected by it, because he's a bottler. With lovers, Drew is in need, but we'll have to talk it out, so if you've got a lovely lady that could potentially be more than just a friend, or a totally crazy plot that you want to try out, PM me on Samual.


Justin Kuya
Slytherin Fifth Year.​

Justin is one of those people that really need to be pushed off a cliff; he is rude, arrogant, stubborn, impulsive, antagonising, sexist and just a real pain in the butt. Justin honestly believes that he is better than others and is not afraid to point it out when he feels that it is needed. He believes that when he befriends someone (if anyone manages to not kill him) they become his person and that’s it, they are expected to be there with him and to be his friend, he will not tolerate 'his people' going off with other people and gets quite annoyed by it. Justin is a difficult person, he doesn't like getting too friendly with people, and he doesn't like being restricted because he likes his freedom. He can be a little bit OCD and doesn't take very well to changes he doesn't approve of; this causes him to be a very difficult and infuriating friend, which is how he likes it.

Justin refuses to be understanding to people, and often just gives them a cold shoulder. When in the situation where someone is upset, Justin will simply make it his mission to make them more upset and enjoy himself whilst doing it, unless he knows and likes the person, then he will try to be somewhat nice, but will ultimately fail because he is horrible at understanding the emotions of people because he knows how to keep his emotions in order. When it comes to relationships, Justin is untrustworthy and stubborn, if he grows bored with the person, he will drop them and just walk away, not caring about whether they're heartbroken, or okay with the split. He is not one for long term, or long distance relationships because he is lazy and would expect the other person to make the effort to contact him, since he is fine with not talking or seeing someone for years and then going back to how things were originally, mainly because Justin has little-to no sense of time.

Justin is nearly impossible to upset because he doesn't allow himself to feel upset, though certain comments can break down his cold wall, because even though he likes to think that he's tough, heartless and unbreakable, it boils down to his raising and expectations of himself. Justin is ambitious and will not allow anything to stand in his way if he wants to do something. If caught in a bad mood, he can be distance and rude, even a little arrogant and self centred. Justin knows his talents; he knows his limits and is forever pushing the envelope to get reactions from others. He likes to put people on the spot, to test them and to see how they would act if he does or doesn't do something the way they expected.

For Justin, I'd like him to have some more interaction with people in general, not necessarily people that he will befriend, or become enemies with, just some roleplays with this guy, because I do like him. If you think it's possible for your character to befriend him, by all means feel free to tell me and we'll see, if you want him to annoy, upset or bully someone, then we'll probably have to talk about it more because if Justin targets someone, then they'll probably be roleplaying more than once. With love interests, that's already covered, but if you want a fling or your character to be heartbroken or something, then Justin could work.

Can't forget:

Andy Hydran
Ravenclaw Fifth Year.​

Fainter, timid, and probably more scared than a two year old girl a House of Horrors. Andy Hydran is my Ravenclaw fifth year, that found it within himself to not die from heart-failure yet. He's jumpy, and is easily freaked and scared, making him a target for many. Andy can easily be seen as entertainment for the mean and nasty, some people just don't like him because he's down right odd and there doesn't seemed to be a stitch of normality in him. Andy is prone to sudden attacks of worry and is nearly always shaking like a leaf in the wind, he is easily scared, and is a very difficult person to get along with, because he doesn't like people in general as he finds something about everyone that rubs him the wrong way. Andy is quite a stubborn person, though mainly only to himself, most of the time he will want to do something, but will finally decide to not tdo it because some outside influence will effect his final decision. Andy is a studious person, mainly because he finds it easier to bury himself in books and knowledge, rather than deal with the outside world. He is happiest alone, even though he does feel lonely sometimes, he'd never willingly approach someone for a conversation, because he dislikes all forms of communication.

Though he has been given a lot of advice in his life, Andy is one of those people that doesn't listen to others, because they'd rather deal with everything themselves, because of this trait, Andy's unable to fully express himself and be a person, so to speak. This all plays a part in his current state of mind and is something that will have to be slowly chipped away at. There are a few select things Andy likes, which are birds, one of the few things that doesn't cause him to have a panic attack. But basicaly everything else has the power to make Andy worry, since he is a natural worry-wart and it is basically a natural state of mind for him.

Andy doesn't really need anything, just roleplay I suppose. Andy is a character that cannot have friends, because he's unable to see people as friends, he can tolerate some people, but that's about it. If you've got a character that would like to have some fun and see how long it takes them to make Andy faint, be my guest (it might turn into a sport. :r ), because things like that are in character, and do not negatively effect his developement in anyway. Love life? Yeah... no. this boy is destined to fly solo for a very long time. So all I really want is just a few roleplays, they can just be one offs, they don't really need to go anywhere because Andy doesn't keep in contact with people a lot. So yeah.


Jeremiah 'Miah' Raven
Gryffindor Second Year​

Calling upon Jeremiah Raven. Miah is a very well spoken, and somewhat blun person. He doesn't see the point in 'beating around the bush' and just tells it like it is, if he dislikes someone, he'll say it straight out, if he finds someone curious, then he'll begin to question them, wanting to know more about them. Miah has a serious vibe about him, even though he longs to just let loose and have fun like normal kids, he can't find it within himself to fully let himself go and just have fun. Being raised in a pure-blood supremacist household, Jeremiah knows very little about muggles and has only met a few muggle-borns. This being said, Jeremiah is not supremacist, he's more curious and confused about the whole 'blood status' thing, because he honestly has no idea why muggle-borns are weaker than himself, as he is someone that relies on facts and figures to come to a conclusion. Defying his family is something Miah does not to lightly, he will converse with people of a 'lesser' status, but he does it very carefully, and is always worrying about what his family would do if they ever knew. This causes Miah to try and keep people at arms length, because he's not sure how to make friends when he was raised to be independant.

Miah is quite stubborn and rebellious, he sometimes goes out of his way to not follow rules and he loves to explore his surroundings. With that being said, he can grow scared and worried when in an unknown area, that is filled with strangers. Tense situations make him uncomfortable and if the need arises, he can step up to the plate and can be quite a brave little cookie. Most of all, Miah is a kind and generous boy, though he can jump to conclusions and does not always think things through, deep down he is very kind and he tries his best to keep everyone happy, even if it means that he can't be happy. When angry, Jeremiah can be a different person. He will pull out all stops to upset, or insult the person that has angred him, he can be cut-throat when angry and doesn't follow boundaries that are set because he doesn't see why he should hold back when someone has taking the time to insult or upset him as he is a very tolerant person. Miah does not get angry easily, and will more than likely leave before allowing himself to be angried or pestered for too long.

For Miah, I'd like some more roleplays with people he already knows, or with some people of his own house, and maybe some people in his year? I don't roleplay nearly as much as I would like to with this kid, so I would like some more friends, or even some enemies for him.

Demetrius 'Deme' Aurelious
Ravenclaw Second Year​

Deme is not your typical Ravenclaw, he likes getting into a little bit of a trouble and loves going on adventures. Even though adventures are high on Deme's list of fun things, he is more of an indoors person and doesn't like running around because he'd rather relax and just rest. Deme has trust issues, this stems from the fact that he was adopted by a New Zealand family and was taken from his homeland, Russia. Sometimes he doesn't understand what people mean when they talk to him, and he can be considered a very shy and timid boy. Deme has a hot-head, and can throw temper tantrums when things don't go his way, he has erractic emotions, and sometimes can be completely controlled by them, something that confuses him. Deme is not a very studious person, he's more lazy when it comes to knowledge, even though he holds information very well. Deme can't help but think that he doesn't suit Ravenclaw, because he doesn't seem to be like everyone else in the house, he doesn't think he's intelligent enough to be in Ravenclaw, and sometimes wonders whether there was a mistake.

Deme is quite calculating, he thinks about things before he reacts and often is lost in thought. He contemplates other peoples actions, and often asks a lot of questions so he can gain more knowledge. When people take an interest in him, Deme can't help but question their motives, he doesn't understand why people would want to talk to him, a side effect from his trust issues. Deme is quiet, and prefers to do things on his own, though when he does feel lonely, he can be a very sociable and happy person. Deme has a very small amount of friends because of the fact that he is quiet and doesn't often talk to people. Deme is a tolerant person that allows a lot of things to slide, because he doesn't really get angry at people in general.

For Deme, I would like some friends for him, he is an easily influenced person and I would like to develope him a little more. People from his house that can sort of mentor him maybe? Since he's a little lost at the moment. I would like maybe a best friend, preferably male and around his age, just so he can learn to rely on someone and realise that it's not that he can trust people.


Abel Smith

Slytherin First Year​

This is Abel. Abel is my newest character, and I have not been able to roleplay with him much and develope his character as much as I would have liked to. Anyway, Abel is a very sweet boy, he is kind and caring and likes meeting new people and having fun. Abel is someone that easily becomes lonely, and when he's lonely, he's more likely to be excitable and confident around others. Abel is mostly a very happy boy, he is rarely upset, and he enjoys having fun and running around, always being full of energy and happiness. Abel comes from a pure-blood supremacist family, and being raised in that enviroment, and watching his brother be thrown out of the family after dating a girl that wasn't a pure-blood, Abel is prejudice and will often refuse to communicate to people if they are muggle-born and he finds out, out of fear that he will be disowned by his family as well. Because Abel is not favoured by many of his family members, he seeks to be liked by most people he meets, simply because he doesn't like being alone and needs to be with someone at all times. Abel is a hardworking boy tht tries his best in everything he is faced with, because he does not believe in being second best. Abel believes that he has to prove himself to his family, and his peers, which is also why he is a very hardworking person. Abel is ambitious, and knows what he wants, and does a lot to make sure that he gets what he wants, he doesn't settle for second best and is always looking to improve himself.

Abel is somewhat of a peace-keeper, he doesn't like fighting, or arguing with people, and has been known to cry on occasion if someone keeps at him for long periods of time. Abel prefers to live happily and have fun with people, not hurt their feelings and fight with them, this applies to even muggle-borns, Abel is not an agressive person and will just treat them negatively and totally ignore their existence, but he wouldn't start a fight with them, so I guess you could say that Abel is a pacifist. Abel enjoys the outdoors and dislikes being locked up indoors, he can often be found outside, running around, climbing trees and just being a normal eleven year old boy.

For Abel, I'd like some friends for him, because he's a cutie. I'd prefer for these friends to maybe be in Slytherin? Just so he can mix with individuals in his own house and form some alliences and friendships within his own house. I would also love for him to have one or two friends that are not in Slytherin, or maybe he could just meet some people that can be put off by the fact that he's in Slytherin? I would also like him to meet one or two muggle-borns, just so I can have a chance to roleplay the other side of his personality.

Okay guys, that's about it really. I'm open to anything, and yeah, thanks for taking the time to check this out, kudos to you. Hope to be roleplaying with you really soon. I'd prefer most of these roleplays to be held at the start of the new year, I'm just putting this up now because I know I'll forget later, and I have time right now to do it.

<FONT font="Georgia"><COLOR color="#CC0099">~Tenilee​
Hey! I have Charlee that I can offer to be friends with your first year Abel.

Charlee is officially a Slytherin first year. She is a very talkative, loud, and competitive person. She has a thrist for knowledge that is quite strong. She likes to be at the top and in the spot light, but as she gets older that will slowly start to fade. Charlee is born into a wizarding family (though not pureblood). She is more than willing to make friends with those who seem nice and intelligent.
I don't know if they'd end up as friends or what, but we could try RPing Abel and Delancey. She's a muggle born Gryffindor first year and she doesn't have any preconceived notions about people from any of the houses. She's competitive, adventurous, has a ton of energy, and can be kinda shameless. She doesn't really believe in being lonely because she'll just go out and make her own fun, even if she has to do it all alone. She's a pint-sized power-ball. It might be an interesting foil to Abel's nature.
Jeremiah & Indiana

Indiana is a very young and carefree type of girl. She has recently been placed in Gryffindor as per her wishes to be in the same house as her sister. She is a proud type, and loves the fact that she has a muggle father and when living with him is basically a muggle herself. Indi has been brought up to believe that all types of people are equal and deserve the same treatment. She is also proud of her Native American Status holding it above being an American. I could see them running into each other in the Common Room at some point and exploring more into the other way of looking at things. Prehaps she could help him see that muggles aren't so bad while he can show her that like the way she was brought respecting the choices and views of the family is important to him. She is alot like Georgiana in many ways when she first started school, however she is her own person and Georgiana has taught her from some of the mistakes she made so Indiana won't be making those. Like Kayden she isn't ever full of herself and tries to view herself as others do to see what they think of her.
Naww, thanks guys. :hug: Anyway, down to business:</COLOR></FONT>
Abel && Charlee
I quite like this pairing, Abel can be pleasent and talkative, but sometimes he appreciates someone else doing all the talking so he can just listen and absorb information, and he'd happily be loud and joyous with her, since that's in his nature. Her competitive and attention seeking nature might be a small problem, because Abel has the thought that he needs to prove himself to his demanding family, so he wants to be better at everything, so they could have some confliction there, which could possibly turn them into friendly rivals? Anyway, don't worry about the blood status issue, because Abel's cousin is a 'Mixed blood'. As long as Charlee is not a muggle-born, they should get on pretty well, so her blood status is not the issue here.

Overall, I see them knowing eachother, and probably becoming decent friends, maybe close friends. We would have to see how the roleplay goes.
Abel && Delancey
Now this could be very interesting. I see Abel being quite fond of Delancey, her large amounts of energy and enthusiam would keep him entertained and having fun, her competitive side could cause a problem, but as long as she's not too overbaring with it, that shouldn't be a problem. Her blood status is what makes me want to get these two together, because I can see them meeting, getting along famously, and then she can either mention her blood status, or say something of the sort, and then he's whole demeanor can change and his not so sweet side can be shown. It is something I'd love to happen, so I can play around with all forms of Abel's personality, but if you have any objections, we can just tip-toe around the blood statuses. It could open up some future roleplays though, since I do have a few thoughts and plans in store for Abel, I'd be nice if he could end up befriending someone he would originally loathe, but that's years off.

So what do you think? Abel and Delancey hit it off, but then her blood status be revealed and Abel give her the cold shoulder?
Jeremiah && Indiana
Steph! :hug:
Hmm, I do agree, I see them running into eachother in the common room, but I think she may confuse Miah, more than make him curious. At first I think they might get off on the wrong foot, since Miah can be very blunt, and sometimes doesn't really listen to everything someone has to say when he already has an opinion on them. Indiana being carefree would startle him slightly, because he's not exactly carefree, and is more conservative than most twelve year olds. Also, her proud personality would get him a little annoyed, that is, if she openly admits that she is proud of her muggle heritage and her Native American status, since Miah is Italian, he has no knowledge of Native Americans, and this lack of understanding would get him annoyed, and he would question her on the topic, which could cause her to become annoyed, especially if he had just finished accidently insulting her (since Miah doesn't really try to insult people, but he just winds up doing it anyway.) So I see them holding somesort of confusing distain for each other, that could morph into acceptance, especially since Indiana would possibly notice that Miah seems to be totally confused by her. I have plots in store that will help Miah become more accepting of others, and I'd like Indiana to help me with that. If you've got no objections, then i think this could work.

So yeah, what do you think about that? ^_^
Jeremider Straven
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black"> :lol: I totally fangirled for a few seconds when I saw your post Melly. :wub:
So I'm totally up for it, since we left things between Miah and Ryder a little... let's say: awkward after the Yule Ball. They need to meet again, it's just too epic to forget. So what would you like to happen? Anything special you have in mind?
Samsey. Also Nuff said :r
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black"> :tut: I hope people don't start just smoshing two names together and expecting me to understand what they want. xD

I love this idea, since they've met before and were totally awesome (well, they will be anyway) so I'd love for them to meet again and spread adorabubbleness throughout the world. So where would you like them to meet, huh? We'll have to think of something because they're in different years, and houses, and my brain has melted right now, so I'm stunned for ideas. Also, while we're on the subject of roleplaying together, how about a little Samzel? :r
That is some awesomesauceness waiting to happen. I would love this. Where and when?

<FONT font="Georgia">SAMSEY
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Enough of that I think. I'd say they should meet somewhere that Sammy would find exciting, like I don't know... the Gardens mayhaps?
I'm glad you're so excited about Samzel, warms my heart when I think about these two. Anyway, since Haze is a Ravenclaw, she should hang out in libraries more often, and Sammy's a nerd (how else do you think he keeps his grades up?), so I could see him going to the library and brightening Haze's day, well trying to anyway, we must work her out of her fuddy-duddy shell and make her more awesome, and I think Sammy's just the random Gryffindor to do so.
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black"> Yeah, Samual practically lives in the Hogwarts Garden, so it's plausible that they'd meet there, since Kelsey also loves the outdoors.
Samual Kaster said:
Jeremiah && Indiana
Steph! :hug:
Hmm, I do agree, I see them running into eachother in the common room, but I think she may confuse Miah, more than make him curious. At first I think they might get off on the wrong foot, since Miah can be very blunt, and sometimes doesn't really listen to everything someone has to say when he already has an opinion on them. Indiana being carefree would startle him slightly, because he's not exactly carefree, and is more conservative than most twelve year olds. Also, her proud personality would get him a little annoyed, that is, if she openly admits that she is proud of her muggle heritage and her Native American status, since Miah is Italian, he has no knowledge of Native Americans, and this lack of understanding would get him annoyed, and he would question her on the topic, which could cause her to become annoyed, especially if he had just finished accidently insulting her (since Miah doesn't really try to insult people, but he just winds up doing it anyway.) So I see them holding somesort of confusing distain for each other, that could morph into acceptance, especially since Indiana would possibly notice that Miah seems to be totally confused by her. I have plots in store that will help Miah become more accepting of others, and I'd like Indiana to help me with that. If you've got no objections, then i think this could work.

So yeah, what do you think about that? ^_^

Indiana and Miah

Haha I don't know if you followed any of the plots between Georgiana and Jeremy Thorn(Cyndi's character) but they had a similar stance all through school of each upsetting each other! They never really worked it out because of their differences, but I think once Indiana has it in her mind to make him accept her she won't stop until they get close and become friends. I think the whole opposites attract will be something that explains any friendship that comes from their meetings. But I'm down with your suggestions! (I totally just tried to be hipster over a computer, yup did not work)
I like it a lot. Let's do it. She'd be hurt by his...well, she'd see it as betrayal and it would hurt her, but she would refuse to let it dampen her spirits. I can even see her flaunting herself when he's around, showing him what he's missing out on by judging people that way. She wouldn't talk badly about him or do anything to him, she'd just be herself and use her personality as proof positive that she's worth knowing. It'd be a good experience for her, though, being hurt by his views on blood purity because she's never had to deal with that before. She's totally oblivious to blood divisions and just goes about her merry little way all spastic and carefree. I think the experience with Abel would help her grow up a bit.

What do you think of a scenario (or a few of them) where she defends him? If you think he's the type who might get picked on or bullied, I can easily see her defending him if she witnesses it happening and teaching the bullies a lesson, even if she then just flounces away without so much as a word to Abel (that she'd have the self-control not to talk would be something of a miracle, but it'd be about something more at that point). I could also see her helping him up (if he'd been pushed down or something), asking if he's ok, then making some sarcastic comment about her touching him and how he must hate that, her being a muggle born, then skipping away.
Jeremiah && Indiana
Actually, I have read them, I often go about reading half a million topics instead of actually replying, or working like a should be. :r Anyway:

I think it would take Miah a little while to get used to her, and for her to get used to him, but eventually I see them sort of getting cranky at eachother, not to the extent where they actually fight, but maybe a heated moment where they just voice all of their opinions of each other, and kind of realise that they are just being really stupid and then try and clean up their act, and maybe eventually become pretty good friends. I suggest this because it would help in my developement of Miah, but if you don't like this idea, then let me know!
Abel && Delancey
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black">I like the thought of her just flauting the fact that she's a muggle-born in his face, because this would upset him a little, since not only had he enjoyed her company, only to find out that she was a muggle-born, but she isn't even trying to be civil and hide that fact from him, so he'd be extremely shocked and probably very worried because he'd try to hide any sort of association with her from his family members that attend Hogwarts New Zealand, so it could start some family drama, which is something I've been considering. Anyway I'm not sure on the bully part, because we'd have to find a bully ( *wink wink* everyone. :r ) but if worst came to worst, I think I might be able to bug someone about it and get a bully, or just bully him myself. It would be possible that he'd be bullied, because people don't really know his family, and he's a sweetheart, all my other sweethearts are bullied, so why not this one? xD So I like the thought of her backing him up, because hat would really annoy him. Perfect.
Tenilee!! How about Killua for Abel? I'm looking for some friends/enemies for my kiddie!

Killua Freecss, from a family of assassins. Don't worry he won't kill anybody until he has an absolutely irritating reason to do so, which I doubt will be given to him... He has a very cold personality due to his upbringing and he normally looks at people with cold eyes, although, he doesn't mean any harm most of the time. But, if he becomes friends and real close with someone, he is really kind to that person and that person alone.
Okay, so I was thinking maybe during the holidays, they meet up in a muggle library and like, Hazel can be, idk, being all ninja coz she is studying magic books in the middle of a muggle library? Idk, what do you think?
Right, so Rosebush it is. So we wait for classes to start and then its a go?
And flaunt it she would! She wouldn't have any desire to keep it to herself, and is likely to just blurt it out in normal conversation, somehow. She might even be oblivious to whatever reaction he has, at first, until he makes his feelings more obvious. She'll eventually be more intuitive about people, but right now her overbrimming energy kinda blinds her to their reactions.

She also may end up being friends (potentially best friends) with another muggle born, Claire Adkins. We've discussed it and will see what happens, so it's like double muggle for the price of one, there, even if it's just her merry muggle pride further accented by meeting others she likes.
Abel && Killua
Marga! :hug: Wonderful to roleplay with you again.

Okay, now there are a few things you mentioned about Killua that I find extremely awesome. The fact that he has a cold personality and appears cold to others will automatically give him kudos in Abel's eyes, because the Smith family is a very dark and cold family, and Abel has grown up around all of that, so he would feel a little more comfortable with Killua, because even though their surface personalities are very different, Killua's cold personality would remind Abel of family and home, two things he cares very deeply for. Since Killua is not a muggle-born, I see a wonderful friendship forming, that is, if Killua can handle Abel's sweet personality, and his cold behaviour towards muggle-borns.
Yup, I'll start something then.
Abel && Delancy
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black">

Yes, I know Claire Adkins, Cole and I have been planning to get them to meet. Anywho, I think Delancy would be able to unknowningly teach Abel one or two things about muggle-borns, though I'm not entirely sure if the impression would be an overlly good one, but who cares. ( :lol: ) They can meet sometime when classes start, yes? Or would you like something a little earlier, like during the holidays while shopping for school supplies?
Deme Aurelious said:
Jeremiah && Indiana
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black">Actually, I have read them, I often go about reading half a million topics instead of actually replying, or working like a should be. :r Anyway:

I think it would take Miah a little while to get used to her, and for her to get used to him, but eventually I see them sort of getting cranky at eachother, not to the extent where they actually fight, but maybe a heated moment where they just voice all of their opinions of each other, and kind of realise that they are just being really stupid and then try and clean up their act, and maybe eventually become pretty good friends. I suggest this because it would help in my developement of Miah, but if you don't like this idea, then let me know!​
Indiana & Jeremiah

I think it's fine. Not everyone is best of friends when they first meet. Like my best friend and I right now, we met in elementary school and had are fair share of fights.

They can have differences at the beginning, prehaps her bugging him with plenty of questions about why his parents believe the things they do and such and him getting annoyed with her. And then their heated moment which afterwards it may be alittle awkward and such like you said :)
I think at school sounds like a plan. She'll be pretty wrapped up in her life with her grandma before school starts.

Kind of an irrelevant side note...I'm considering making a character for her grandma instead of just ghost writing her like I am now. Not sure she'd have any interaction, though, or what to do with her beyond RP her with Delancey and any people she meets, since she's a muggle artist/interior designer, albeit a young, attractive one (39).
Sara And Deme

I noticed that you mentioned mentors for Deme :r
The fact that he likes adventures and is a bit of a troublemaker would maybe be a reason she starts to become fond of him? Especially since Sara's all depressed because people are afraid of her since she became a prefect. He very like her really, since she has her legendary temper (which has kind of toned down now..) She'll maybe try and convince him that he does belong among the Ravens?
Let me know what you think.
Jeremiah && Indiana
</i><FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black">That's wonderful, and you are correct, I hated my bestfriends guts when we were seven. I like the thought of her questioning his family, that would really infuriate him because he doesn't exactly understand why they're like that, so it would also get him to think about it himself, which would help in future plots. I suppose they could meet sometime in the Gryffindor Common Room?

You're fine. :hug:

Abel && Delancy
</i>Okay, they'll meet at school, I'll start something when appropriate and PM you the link.

Deme && Sara
</i> Maia! :hug:
I love this idea, I think Deme would be a little ancy around her at first, not just because she's a prefect, but because he doesn't know her, so he'd naturally be a little skeptic of her motives, but he'd probably warm up to her eventually if she kept at it. I was really hoping for a mentor for this kiddie, because he is lost and does need guidance, and the only Ravenclaw I have is Andy and... yeah, I think we both to the problems of Andy being a mentor. :p

Abel and Killua

Kil won't mind if Abel's too sweet. He'd probably just get curious on why Abel's attitude was like that.. And he definitely won't mind if Abel is cold to muggle-borns after all, he himself is cold to most people... So, are we up for friendship, Tenilee? :r xD
Abel && Killua
</i><FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black"> That's great, this is great, I see a good friendship between these two it would be an interesting friendship, but their similarities would probably cause them to be quite close, since Killua is loyal and Abel can be quite loyal, I see them being able to eventually trust eachother. What say you?
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