Closed Small Spaces

Linden chuckled at Casper's reply. How many times in the past had he been accused of using pretty words, saying things that sounded nice but were interpreted as hollow no matter how sincere he had meant them. he smile as cas kissed him and leaned forward to kiss him back. cupping his face in his hands as he did.
they moved apart each thinkingtheir own thoughts Linden was thinking about cas and how glad he is to heave him home and how he was looking forward to cuddling up to him the question about fixing somewhere up or getting somewhere ready to move in. he automatically pictures them in an old farmhouse "defiantly somewhere to fix up, it would be fun. I am sure dad and uncle chay would help. and you can be in charge of decorating, darling. I am sure with you and them and magic on our side it would be lovely," he said. Giving in to the idea of a house and how fun it would be doing it up with his husband, dad and uncle. we don't have to decide right now what we want. we can have a look in the morning, see what's around and get some ideas." he said. Even though some ideas were already making their way into his thoughts.
As Cas sighed and admitted to missing him, he leaned towards him, putting a hand around him. "shh, i know. he whispered in his ear. "I've got you, baby, and will always be as close as you want me; you just have to say, " he said.
Cas listened to Linden talk, nodding along. It was good to have a support system. "I know my brothers will help, too- any of our family would, if we asked them to," He agreed. They had a lot of people in their lives- it had taken growing up more to realize how full his life really was. He chuckled. "I'm sure we'll find it quickly enough- neither one of us seems to slow down once we've got something in our mind," He agreed. He sipped his drink, leaning a little towards Linden. He shut his eyes, letting himself just really press against the touch, feeling worn out all over again. "Don't be silly," He countered with a small smile. "You should know by now I always want you close. Even if I can be a brat and get caught up in my head."
Linden nodded casper was right. his brothers would be happy to help too. he always thought of his family first but caspers side of the family were just as likely to help. you are right. talking of your brothers. what is going on between willow and bas? they were looking very cosy when i went over to his place the other day to see if you were there?' he said.
He nodded slightly as cas said that they would find somewhere quickly as they both worked hard once they had something in mind "yes, but i am also happy to wait a while until we find the right place" he said.
as cas leaned closer towards him he shifted slightly holding him tighter. before kissing him on the top of his head. "I know, is this close enough?" he asked kissing the top of his head. "and no your not, or maybe we both are." he could feel cas practically drooping against him. "but right now i think we need to get you upstairs and to bed for proper" he said. not wantingto let go of cas but also knowing that they both needed to sleep and once they get upstairs he could hold him again and it would be more comfortable and less awkward than at the dining table.
Casper chuckled at Lindens question. "Heck if I know," He countered. "Basil is so casual about his love life, but I don't think I'd want to know if they were just casually hooking up or something." He shrugged. Who Basil slept with really wasn't any of Caspers business. He was content against Linden, and couldn't help but hum at every little touch before chuckling again, tiredly, at Lindens words. "Why? We could just stay here," He shifted to try and slide an arm over Lindens waist. "We can totally sleep without falling over."
Linden shrugged as cas dismissed his comment about ther siblings. even if cas wasn't he was curuius about them. though maybe he would raise it with someone other than cas next time.
he shook his head slightly at caspers comment. feeling him wrrap himself tighter around him. "I know you can fall asleep standing at your easel, so sitting at the dining table would be a piece of cake. but i would rather sleep in bed with my husband who I have missed the last few nights." he said. kissing caspers cheek then loosening his grip slightly so that they could move up to the bedroom.
Cas sighed dramatically but stood anyway. "Come on then," He complained, "Let's go get cleaned up first." He shuffled off to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and brushing his hair again before heading back out. "So, bed?" He asked, stopping to look for Linden at the end of the later. He stretched, ready to fall into bed and pass back out for at least another day.
Linden knew that cas wasnt really upset about going to bed. they would both be far more comfortable there than here. even if it was a bit of an effort in the interim. he followed cas into the bathroom brushed his teeth then leaned against the foot of the bed so he could see caspers reflection brushing his hair. Lin smiled as cas as he emerged, looking tired, dopey, and adorable. "Yes, bed", he said, taking off his shirt and pants before slipping under the covers "Are you coming to join me, baby? you look dead on your feet" he asked
Cas yawned as Linden spoke, turning and shuffling over. He fell into bed before Linden could even finish speaking. He stretched before he wiggled his way under the covers, yawning again and nestling in against Linden, hiding his face in the mans neck. "Undead, there's a good idea," He mused, a bit of inspiration flickering under his tired. Unthinkingly he sat up, rubbing at his eyes. "Reds and purples and mushrooms," He shifted like he meant to get out of bed. "I could make that look amazing,"
Linden put his arms around cas as he curled up against him. yes alive and well rested he mumbled as his heavy eyes closing he could almost feel himself drifting off.
A few moments later Casperssudden movement made him jump almost causing him to bite his tongue. "I am sure you could. you can make anything look amazing. but first you owe your husband at least one good nights sleep together before you get caught up in your next project. he said reaching up in the dark to stroke caspers hair.
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Casper paused as Linden spoke, his fingers brushing in his hair. Cas leant into the touch. She shut her eyes, humming softly. He gave a little smile and turned, letting the thought slip away. "Okay," He agreed. There was no one else that could derail one of his spirals like Linden could. He shifted down again, peppering kisses over Lindens face in apology as he settled back in.
Linden felt cas relax under his touch and lie back down. well not quite back down. he felt caspers breath first smelling like mint from his toothpaste. and then kisses mapping out every inch of his face. he propped himself up so that they were level as he kissed cas back. one hand cupping Caspers cheek the other getting tangled in his hair. "I love you, Baby" he whispered into the space of breath between them before he closed it again the need of sleep becoming less and less of a priority.

The next day, linden woke up at, gudging by the light coming into the place, about lunch time. He felt happy warm and comfortable with casper still asleep in his arms. he lay there not wanting to move in case he woke the man up instead he kissed cas lightly on top of his hair and then watched the shaddows from the tree outside play across the ceiling.
Casper fell asleep a bit later than he'd been expecting, but when he did finally pass out, curled against Linden, he was out like a light. He slept hard, barely moving. He was sore when he did finally come back around. He stretched out his hurting muscles, refusing to open his eyes even as the sunlight painted them a dull red. He grumbled, shifting a bit and finding his way curled a bit more against Linden again. He yawned, feeling Lapis jump onto the bed and tread over his legs, and he knew it meant that his baby was demanding food. He sighed, not wanting to move. He couldn't pull the mental fortitude together to cast any spells, either. He buried his face in Lindens neck, sighing again. "No," he whined, trying to hide from the day.
Linden felt a stir come from beside him, followed by a distinct cat weight joining them on the bed and lying across their entwined feet. he felt cas move nestling in closer to him, hiding his face from the light. "it's okay. we can stay here, and you can catch up on all the sleep you need to" he whispered pulling the coveres up closer around them and moving his grip slightly so he could stroke caspers hair in the way he knew casper liked. Cas wasnt the only one wanting to put off the day, he also didnt want to move and break the spell they had right there.
Casper yawned, humming happily and rubbing his nose over Lindens neck. "Okay," He murmured, half dozing. He didn't want to get up. Lapis, though, wasn't willing to let them. The cat walked up Caspers side, eliciting a groan out of him. Lapis sat on his shoulder, batting at his face without a noise. Casper whined, reaching up awkwardly to try and rub at Lapis' side to appease the cat. Lapis still wasn't having it, smacking his cheek again. "Nooo," He whined, even as he was rousing a bit more.
Linden wanted to stay curled up in bed with casper all morning enjoying each others company and discussing what they were wanting for their new house, as if discussing it would make their dream house real. but apparently that wasnt goign to be the case and someone else had other plans for them.
Lapas had moved from their feet and had situated himself between caspers shoulder and his arm and was batting casper in the cace with his paws while, in a way that was too acurate to be coincidence, was getting his tail between his mouth and nose. "Lapis, cant you just shooand give us ten more minutes" he groaned moving his armto dislodge the cat from underneith. "come on, it isnt long, i will be up in ten to feed you" he said not for the first time wishing that the cat had a few more brain cells and was able to be trained like bjorn.
he nestled his chin against cas. "if i get up to give him breakfast, would you like me to get you anything?" he asked. seing as if he was up maybe a coffee in bed would be nice as a second choice.
Casper whined, hiding against Linden as best he could- Lapis was smart enough to keep pestering him. He sighed, peeking his eyes open at his husband. "A nicer cat?" He complained. Lapis mewled softly at the insult, smacking Caspers ear. He tried to wiggle away from their cranky child, groaning. "Should we get more sleep or dare for some breakfast? Order some takeout?" He managed, fighting to stay sleepy even as he woke up a bit more. Stubborn cats. He sighed, sitting up. Lapis jumped onto Lindens chest in protest.
Linden held close as his husband curled into him. it reminded him of how he used to hold him when they had first started dating, how he had wanted to coccoon him and protect him from the world. of course they had both grown a lot since then and cas was a lot more sure of himself and less in need of protecting, but he still liked to hold cas like that sometimes. he kissed him lightly on the side of the head as that was the best place he could reach. without moving. "as far as cats go i think you have a pretty good one already" he said moving slightly to try and scoop the cat away from cas. "if we are actually going to be looking at a bigger place we should probably cut back on the take outs, at least until we know what we are looking at financially. how about i feed him, get us some coffee, and would you like some egggs?" he said, although he was reluctant. to let go of Cas, as if reading his mind he felt a cat-sized weight land somewhere on his chest stopping him from moving anywhere.
Casper chuckled, voice husky. "Lapis has apparently decided that you get to stay in bed." He countered, leaning over to try and steal a kiss. "I think I'm going to make some breakfast instead. My treat," He countered. He stretched, getting out of bed and feeling a bit sore. He threw on a hoodie and some relatively clean pants before padding towards the kitchen barefoot. First order of business, feed the damn cat. Lapis took his sweet time to come down and get his breakfast, having left time for Cas to start coffee and get started on some omelettes.
linden lifted his head off the pillow as much as he could to kiss cas back. as he leaned in. feeling slightly bad for leaving cas to make breakfast when it had been his mistake that had messed up caspers art, but they did have a rule about if the cat was on you, and usually cas was the one that benifited from the rule. He didnt feel too guilty as he got to watch cas get up and out on one of his hoodies half asleep with his hair all tossled from sleep. He was so glad to have a husband like cas.
He watched casper leave and gave lapis a stroke behind the ears. "you picked the wrong dad to jump on, it should be cas still in bed not me" he muttered to the cat. he wasut sure id Lapis had heard him or just heard the food being poured into the bowl but he jumped up and off the bed following where cas he vanished off to. he then got up put on an old but clean tshirt that he was sure had once upon a time been caspers, and pair of shorts he sometimes slept in before making his way down to the kitchen. "what can i do to help, handsome." he said coming in from behind and putting his arm around caspers waist and planting a kiss on his cheek before letting go and looking for something to pick up and help with either coffee or prepping the eggs or vegetables.
Casper hummed happily when Linden appeared, tilting his head to offer a better position for cheek kisses. "Mm, morning," He offered again with a sly grin. He peeked to Linden, staring a moment or three too long before going back to what he was doing. "I dunno, you seem to have a pretty good handle on what you wanna do," He offered. "Between the two of us I'm sure we can cobble something together."

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