Slytherin Practice Y47 S1

Sayuri sighs and flies around looking for the snitch again
Sayuri really should have known better than to get distracted as she saw the bludger too late and was hit once again, her arm taking the brunt of the hit.
"Oof, sorry!" Sunny called to Sayuri then flew off in search of more bludgers.
Sayuri gives the beater a nod as she flies by. Her arm hurts like hell but it was her own fault. She focuses on finding the snitch, now looking out for bludgers.
Vanity tried to hit Sunny again but it hit someone else again. Vanity scowled at @Enoch Goldewyn like it was his fault the bludger hit him instead.

((ooc: she genuinely keeps hitting people she didn't intend lol))
Enoch caught the ball as it was tossed back out into play, and just as he was hit with a bludger.
Sunny noticed a bludger come close to her that then hit the chaser, fortunately she hadn't been in the way.
Enoch attempted to score and missed entirely.
Sayuri doesn’t spot the snitch
When no one else went for the quaffle Enoch flew forward and grabbed it.
Vanity grunted when the bludger hit her. She was going to kill Sunny later.
Sunny moved away from Vanity and her path blocked by other players, anything to make it difficult to hit a bludger back.
Enoch was able to send the quaffle through the hoop and was pretty pleased with himself.
Sayuri moved a little slower as she was still adjusting to the pain.
Sayuri can't see the snitch
When it appeared like no one else was going for the quaffle, enoch flew to catch it.
Sunny hadn't heard much from Ignitus recently and thought she should wake him up with a bludger. But again it veered off and hit Vanity. What were the chances?! "You're a magnet for bludgers today!" She said, sounding a little more cheerful than she should.

@Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity bristled angrily. "SHUT UP!" She yelled at Sunny, flying at her with her bat threateningly.
Merlin’s beard, Vanity looked downright terrifying. Sunny quickly veered upward, gaining altitude. "Yikes, a bit touchy, aren’t we?" she called down, trying to stay a safe distance from Vanity’s bat
Enoch approached the hoops and entirely missed.

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