Slytherin Practice Y47 S1

Lennox Addison

Only Child, Spoiled, Ballet Dancer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Lennox knew that the team did not have a lot of time before their first game. The first couple weeks of school had just flown by. She hoped that they would do well enough, especially after she had to bite the bullet and ask for help from a co captain. The idea still made Lennox furious, but hopefully this anger could be thrown into the practice today. She collected all the items that would be needed, having a younger student carry them onto the field for her. One of the bonuses of being a prefect. Once the field was set up, Lennox waited for the rest of the team to arrive, impatiently crossing her arms until they had all arrived.

She clapped her hands together once to get everyone's attention. "So we don't have long before our first game. I know we have some new members. I expect a lot from all of you, new and returning members alike." She began not wanting to give a big speech. The time was better spent practicing. "We will not waste this time. Chasers work together and focus on scoring. Everyone else you know your jobs. Let's make this the year we win" she finished.

Lennox waited a moment for everyone to mount their brooms before she released the snitch and bludgers. She tossed the quaffle into the air for another chaser to grab it before mounting her own broom and joining the practice.
Sayuri took the air as soon as she was allowed to. Her eyes tried to follow the snitch but she lost sight quickly.
Alana grabbed her broom and as soon as Lennox was finished with her introduction she took to the air and began looking around for bludgers to hit.
Enoch flew up into the air and caught the quaffle as it was tossed up, now immediately heading to the hoops.
Sayuri has not seen the snitch since it was let go.
Alana managed to find a bludger which she struck with her club but she didn't see where it went or who it hit.
Vanity tried to chase after the other bludger to hit it, but missed.
Enoch approached the hoops rapidly and tossed the quaffle and managed to sink it in.
Vanity hit a bludger but it didn't hit anyone.
Sayuri is looking for the snitch
There was just something so nouveau riche about the captain that rubbed Ignatius the wrong way. That was the comment his mother had made, at least, and it sounded right to him even if he wasn't entirely sure what it meant. At any rate, he went up into the air and started hunting for the snitch, ignoring everything else around him.
Sayuri is flying around the pitch in search of the snitch.
Alana failed to find a bludger to hit.
Sunny was new to Quidditch and new to the team. She took up her beaters bat and kicked off into the air looking for bludgers.
Sayuri did not find the snitch.
When no one else went for the quaffle, Enoch dove forward and caught it.
The snitch had gotten away quite quickly, and Ignatius squinted as he tried to look for it.
As soon as Enoch was close, he attempted to score and was disappointed when he missed.
Ignatius was equally disappointed with not catching the snitch.
Sayuri thought she’d seen the snitch and flew after it but it was gone.
Enoch grabbed the quaffle as it was tossed back out, when it seemed that no one else was going for it.
Sayuri did not catch the snitch
Alana couldn't find a bludger.
Enoch approached the hoops and then tossed the ball and missed.
Alana couldn't see any bludgers.

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