Open Slug Vomiting - Not Fun

Ajaccio Skey

ajax ; wanderlust; travel photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 10 1/2" Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
3/2038 (23)
Duelling hadn't been something that Ajaccio had thought he might do or really enjoy, but in the end, he had signed up and with two whole duels under his belt he had really enjoyed them. One he had won, and the other, well, the other he was still feeling the effects of. Decidedly vomiting up slugs was not a fun spell to hit by as Ajax stopped in the corridor towards the hospital wing to vomit up another slug. Though. the slugs were decidedly more slimy than he knew vomit tended to be, it just seemed to mean they stuck in his throat a little too long. It was decidedly not fun. He coughed as last of that slug fell into the bucket. He headed into the hospital wing and with his bucket of slugs, he found himself a bed to sit on. Despite how gross this was, it didn't stop how fun the duels had been. Everything about it had been fun. Fighting Lysander had been engaging and he'd really appreciated how long the fight had gone on for. Like all the flourishy things and he could get the jumping over the spell out of his mind. However, all of the negative thoughts were rudely interrupt as his whole body heaved and he vomited out another slug. Next duel he wouldn't like himself get hit with such a spell.
It was all fun and games until somebody was vomiting up slugs. Ajaccio hadn't looked so good on the way out, but he'd been immediately forgotten in favour of Lysander celebrating his victory. Once the highs of winning had died down and he'd gotten his award, Lysander left the chamber to go and find his duelling partner. He felt bad. It was one thing to shout out the spells, knowing what they'd do, but it was another when the spells actually managed to hit and he got to see it first hand. He pushed the door to the Hospital Wing open and stepped inside, glancing around momentarily. He hadn't been there much, outside of the occasional checkup after getting hit by a bludger. Finding Ajax wasn't too difficult an endeavour. He was the only student heaving, and Sander walked on over to sit next to his bed, a safe distance away. "Heeeey." He smiled apologetically. It looked rough, but at least they were slimy? "Have you named them all yet?" He joked, turning his eyes toward the barrel of slugs he was filling.​
Ajaccio knew that he was certainly not going to be able to eat honey for a little while, the feeling of it in his throat would be all too similar. He finished vomiting up another and took a few deep breaths. He looked around the hospital wing and then spotted Lysander just as approached, Ajax noted that he wasn’t getting too close and really he could not blame him. Ajaccio smiled at him, and then looked at the bucket of slugs, which was definitely a mistake as heaved heavily and another slug was vomited out. He knew he probably looked rather green but he was still able to smile at Lysander, ”Yeah, this one’s mucus, then this one is slime and that one is honey, I like honey,” he joked pointing to different slugs in the bucket, even though he wasn’t really showing which ones to Lysander, he thought it would be rather gross to show him them. ”I can’t get the image of you jumping over my spell out of my head. That was so cool!” he gushed, his throat clearly rough but there was his usual smile on his expression. Even if he felt truly awful at that point in time, he could admit that the duel had been fun. Before he could say any more however, his body heaved and after a few harsh coughs another slug was vomited into the bucket. ”I’ll never eat slugs again,”
Lysander laughed as Ajaccio listed off all of the slug's names. They weren't bad, but mostly, he was glad his friend seemed cheerful enough in his situation. Lysander didn't know if he would have felt the same way after throwing up so many slugs. His smile broadened when his friend complimented his jump during the duel. "I know, it was so close!" He said, unable to believe it had worked himself. He hadn't put too much thought into what he was doing. and was almost certain he'd land with backwards-knees. The boy stopped and pulled a face, watching Ajax heave up another slug. It was gross, but also a little bit funny, only because it wasn't happening to him. He reached forward to give the Ravenclaw a firm pat on the back. He was no expert healer, but that's what people seemed to do when someone was coughing or throwing up. "You could call that one 'ooze'." He suggested with a chuckle. "I'm sorry I hit you with that spell. I'll use a different jinx next time." He continued. If there was an ext time. He hoped he'd be able to duel against Ajax again in the future. It had been the most fun round he'd had. "You were a really good dueler! The way you beat Kasim was pretty awesome." At least Kasim had probably recovered from the laughter and petrification by now, so he'd been pretty lucky by comparison. After watching their duel, Lysander knew he'd have some competition with Ajax, and he wasn't disappointed.​
Ajaccio nodded in agreement, fighting against Lysander had been fun. The first duel he’d been in had been fun but just not to the same extent and he’d been concerned about his partner, certain that he was pushing it a bit much. Being too harsh, though that was what dueling was. Ajaccio appreciated the small gesture from Lysander, understanding entirely that he didn’t do more. This wasn’t exactly nice. He laughed lightly at the name, coughing a little as he laughed. His throat felt gross, certainly it felt like ooze coated it. ”Don’t apologise Sander,” he told him with a shake of his head. ”it’s just a spell, I’ll get something from the nurse and it’ll pass,” he told him. Ajax knew he was probably apologising more for which spell it had been less about actually hitting him with a spell, and though it was gross, Ajaccio knew it was just the nature of duelling and magic would help resolve it. It would be fine. Magic and magical healing would make him a whole lot better more quickly. ”Thanks, you and Star had a good duel too. I didn’t get to duel in the first round, so it just made me real excited to have a go,” the ravenclaw said with a smile. ”You are really good, I’ll just have to work harder and next time I’ll win,” he joked with him. He had been uncertain if he’d do it again once he’d done it once but Ajax knew he would. It had been too fun for him to not.
Claire was glad the Quidditch Games were over. There were so many hurted children after the game against Beauxbatons. She had to take care of the French kids as well and some reminded her of her own school period. The woman had watched the game from the side in case someone was hurt and there was always. But the game had been so terrible to watch. Claire didn't always liked the sport because she felt for the children who were hit by the beater. But it wasn't to her what would happen in that sport. It was just her opinion and she tried her best to care for the people who came in the Hospital Wing. She actually liked it at Hogwarts NZ and and wanted to treat the kids as much as she could.

When she spotted a boy on a bed she walked over to him another boy was sitting next to him and they talked. One boy from Gryffindor and the other from Ravenclaw who seemed to be the patient clearly. A bucket and the woman knew already what the case was. She had dealt with this more. The jinx was terrible the woman thought, but the duelling things were going on and she figured that would be the case. Claire walked over to the two boys and didn't want to interrupt their conversation but smiled. '' Hello boys. As much as I don't want to interrupt your conversation. I think you would like the slugs to stop.'' Claire than said to the boy as she noticed another slug into the bucket. She looked in her pockets to see if she got something of candy still. They had some Treacle Fudge at the other plants and storage she knew. She only felt some candy in her pocket. Something for the boys later on when she was done with her work. Claire had no children of her own but liked caring for others. '' What happend darling?'' She than asked the Ravenclaw boy. Ofcourse she saw the slugs but why and how she was curious.

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