Site Poll Y22

I read Cyndi's post before voting.

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Dear HNZers,

It has been quite a while since we reached out to the community in the form of a site poll, and we felt that it was high time to remedy that! ^_^ Your voice is truly what makes HNZ what it is. Whether you only participate in roleplays, spend more time on the OOC activities, or do both, we'd really like you to take a moment and let us know what you think about the site. Give us the good, the bad, and the ugly (though we hope there isn't too much ugly ;) ). Previous site polls have always given the staff a lot to consider and has helped us to form new ideas and policies for conducting site affairs, and we are confident that this one will prove just as informative to us. :)

Before you begin, please take the time to read through the following instructions:
-You may only vote once per roleplayer. You're only one person so you should only have one vote ;) . If you vote once per account, you'll skew the results.
-Please be honest in your voting.
-If you feel that you need to elaborate on why you voted a certain way, we encourage you to add information by posting in this topic. However, if you don't feel comfortable posting additional thoughts, you are always free to PM me or Donna with regard to this poll.
-Do not fill out all the questions then click submit on the last one. If you do, we'll only know what you think about the last question. Make sure that you are hitting submit after each question so your voice can be heard ^_^ .

Happy voting!

(on behalf of the HNZ site staff)
I'm the guy who didn't read your post before voting, Cyndi. :emzies:
Nicolas King said:
I'm the guy who didn't read your post before voting, Cyndi. :emzies:
I did vote that i didn't feel comfortable Pming the staff, but it's not because you guys are mean or anything. It's just something that makes me anxious to do I guess, and I'm always so afraid that I'm bothering you, or that my question is stupid and has been answered everywhere else. I really just get intimidated.
I get that. Before I became site staff, I dreaded receiving messages from and sending messages to site staff. I promise that we don't bite though! :)

Also, I knew that I might have forgotten some updates! To the person who voted that I forgot their favorite update: What did I forget?! D:

And...I hope that people who are answering 'other' will post or PM to let us know what they mean. :)
What if I told you I voted for some of the "other" options without clarifying, too? :r
Agreed, Cole. The only one that might bite is Donna. :r :wub:
Anyway, I went on ahead and voted, and my least favorite aspect of this poll was the very last question. Do you know how difficult it was for me to pick my favorite three? I had a top 5, and that was miserable of me to not pick them!
Hadan Winters said:
Agreed, Cole. The only one that might bite is Donna. :r :wub:


Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
And...I hope that people who are answering 'other' will post or PM to let us know what they mean. :)
:r :r

Guys don't punk out!
I also want to note i marked "other" on the whole 'least favorite aspect' because there wasn't an option for not having one. Which I don't. I honestly couldn't think of anything other than saying goodbye to people who leave - or anything that is about my life outside of HNZ not giving me enough time to be on here xD
I marked other for that as well. I couldn't particularly think of anything that I disliked xD
I may have accidentally picked the "I can't pick just one thing" option for Least Favourite Aspect.. I promise I didn't mean it though :r
Even if you had done it on purpose, it would've been ok. You're entitled to an opinion. :r
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Even if you had done it on purpose, it would've been ok. You're entitled to an opinion. :r
Well in that case.. :r
Kidding. xD
I put other for my least favourite becuase my least favourite part about HNZ is when I take on too much for myself, give myself terrible anxiety about it all, and end up hiding from the site for a few weeks/months/year. But I don't think you guys can fix that :p
Brodie Fudge said:
I put other for my least favourite becuase my least favourite part about HNZ is when I take on too much for myself, give myself terrible anxiety about it all, and end up hiding from the site for a few weeks/months/year. But I don't think you guys can fix that :p
Sure we can. We can ban you when you take on too much. :r
Kidding! :wub:
[ol][li]I chose "other" for Least Favorite Aspect cause I don't really have anything to put as such.. :erm: HNZ is awesome and I love it. No arguments.</LI>
[li]In the "I would like to the site to have more" part, I chose more activity in one area, particularly because I would absolutely love to see more activity in clubs cause I think they are loads of fun with lots of RP opportunities and they should have more than just the yearly sign-ups and stuff. The meetings are loads of fun but in the future, I think we can do better than that (like the duelling tournament!).. :)
[li]As for the graphics area, well yeah, I've wanted to be a part of it, but I'm a little shy to post stuff there especially since I'm not as good (yet) as a couple others (ESPECIALLY with blends and backgrounds).. xD Though if I actually get to learning those stuff (which I've been trying but failing) then yeah, I'd give it a shot, but most of the time I just work with a few graphics st00f. xD
<LI>[li]And I don't know if I've ever been involved with the IC superlatives or I just can't remember, but it looks really cool.. xD[/li][/ol]

That's mostly what I can remember that I was supposed to say.. xD
Ai Edogawa said:
[[*]In the "I would like to the site to have more" part, I chose more activity in one area, particularly because I would absolutely love to see more activity in clubs cause I think they are loads of fun with lots of RP opportunities and they should have more than just the yearly sign-ups and stuff. The meetings are loads of fun but in the future, I think we can do better than that (like the duelling tournament!).. :)
I'd love to see more activity in this area too. It would help create some 'site-wide' plots which everyone is saying they want, and it wouldn't put the whole effort of creating/developing/implementing site-wide plots solely on the staff. It would be able to be more of a collaborative effort between the staff and other site members, which is what it should be. Then, everyone can have fun! :D
1. I never PM a site staff because I live with one already. :p :D :marga:

2. My favorite aspect in HNZ are the lessons, because I am not a sociable person. :doh:

3. My least favorite aspect is role-playing, because when I get role-plays I am always forgetting about them, and yeah, I am insecure about the long role-plays, and my role-plays are like only four lines to five lines and very complicated. :unsure:

4. I wasn't here for the birthday celebration because, I was inactive at that time. :unsure:

5. I thought the election plot was... I voted other, because I didn't know it was happening at that time... Yeah, I need to lurk more and know something, or little things, or anything about what's going on in my surroundings. (There might be a fire in HNZ, and I don't know something about it. ;) )

6. I don't know what IC supelatives are. I only know the OOC superlatives. :p
Princess Cheney said:
3. My least favorite aspect is role-playing, because when I get role-plays I am always forgetting about them, and yeah, I am insecure about the long role-plays, and my role-plays are like only four lines to five lines and very complicated. :unsure:
I can understand this being an least favourite aspect. I admittedly forget about topics all of the time :p but I'd argue that you should never feel insecure about long role-plays. One of the best things about HNZ, for me, is that there is no minimum word requirement, or maximum. You don't need to be an amazing writer or have perfect english to take part and have fun.
It's a platform where you can grow with time, improve. That people don't need to be amazing to be able to RP. A role-play doesn't need to be more than 4 or 5 lines to be good. In the same way an RP that is upwards of 500 words might not necessary be good. Length doesn't equal quality.
So, yeah, I can understand why it would be, however, just keep at it, keep plotting, and having topics, start open ones is always good, and with time improvement will come, the kind of improvement you might be looking for. It might be a little daunting at times, but if anyone gives you grief, you send them my way. Hopefully you'll feel less insecure about it all in time.
And to help keep track of topics, there is the track topics link, and you can get a notification on a reply, be it your own or another person. That's how I keep up with mine. ^_^
Princess Cheney said:
3. My least favorite aspect is role-playing, because when I get role-plays I am always forgetting about them, and yeah, I am insecure about the long role-plays, and my role-plays are like only four lines to five lines and very complicated. :unsure:
I know exactly how you feel. :hug: You just have to remember you are rping for you. It's supposed to be fun. Personally I prefer small rp's. It feels like you can get more done because you aren't worrying about taking an hour to write a reply. :)
And do not put much limit to who you RP with... Meaning, don't just RP with me... xD I'm pretty sure there's tons of folks willing to RP with ya.. ;)
Thanks for the comments so far.

So, I've noticed that quite a few of you have indicated your interest in being involved with the graphics area. Is someone willing to share in what way you'd like to be involved and/or what prevents you from currently being involved?
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
So, I've noticed that quite a few of you have indicated your interest in being involved with the graphics area. Is someone willing to share in what way you'd like to be involved and/or what prevents you from currently being involved?
I put that I would like to be involved because making graphics is a fun hobby, that's also useful outside of hnz ^_^

The only thing that prevents me from being involved is the amount of time and inspiration I have, which is obviously a personal thing that doesn't indicate any faults with the current system for requesting graphics. In fact, the current graphics request 'system' is pretty great in my opinion, because it gives everyone an equal opportunity to begin making graphics if they so desire :woot:
Thanks for the feedback. :)

Anyone else want to chime in (about this or anything else)? While I have seen a lot of "other" being chosen in the poll which is a perfectly valid response, it is also a bit useless if we aren't being told what you mean when you put "other." This is your opportunity to give us feedback!
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