Open Sharing Looks Like Caring

Gwen Goodwin

🌸Two-Faced | Calculating | Model 🌸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (René)
Straight 10 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/2043 (18)
Gwen had a plan for this year, she wanted to be more popular. She was pretty, sweet, and nice. She should have a lot more friends than she currently did. Gwen knew she was lucky with Molly, who seemed to do everything she asked without question, but it would be nice to have a few more friends in her year or above. A few first years wouldn't hurt either, Gwen knew she could probably help them get used to the castle. Surely, they would want to help her in return? Over break, Gwen had dug into her make-up case and found all the old nail polish she didn't want to wear anymore. Some of it was childish and a few were just in colors she no longer liked. Gwen had them stalled out on one of the tables in the student lounge, along with a few bracelets she had made when she was bored over break. Next to the things she had placed a sign: "Free! Grab whatever you like! ❤️" Satisfied, Gwen sat down and looked around, certain someone would come over to talk to her and take something. It was the easiest trick in the book, people liked getting free stuff. It had the added side effect of letting Gwen get rid of some old junk as well.
Lysander had come to the student lounge just to hang out, maybe play a game or two of exploding snap depending on who was around. He hadn't expected to come across a small girl with a bunch of little bits and bobs to give away. He looked at the table curiously for a moment, before spotting the nail polish she had on display, and decided to come over to have a better look. One of them might have made for a cute little gift for Kas, though he wasn't sure his friend would wear half the colours he could see on the table. "Hey. Wow, freebies! I can just take one of these?" He asked, picking out one of the darkest colours he could find to hold up.​
Rosie was exploring the castle, there were a lot of places that she wanted to see and experience. Of course one of the first places she'd gone was to the library to see her dad, and to be able to tell him all about her first few days at the school. The girl had then gone into the room adjecent to the library and in there seemed to be a girl with some bracelets, that appeared to be free, and a much older boy in front her. Rosie moved to the stall and began looking at the bracelets, she found she liked and then glanced at the others. "Can I take a second one for my sister?" Rosie wasn't sure the girl would let her, but it never hurt to ask, and if not, she'd just go get her sister so she could get one.
Jenna walked she hoped get some cute nails and she walked closer. ''Hi, i hear you can do some nail polish?'' She asked and hoped that she will be help her to and looked what else here is.
While Gwen had hoped her little idea might attract some attention of older students, she was still a little started to have a seventh year approach her table. Of course she knew who Lysander Summer was, who didn't? He was a professor's kid, Quidditch captain and a prefect. Gwen actually felt a little shy as she looked up at him, something she didn't experience often. "Yes, you can. I don't need them anymore." She said, smiling slightly. Then a young girl approached, a girl Gwen was fairly sure was a first year. She grabbed a bracelet and then asked if she could take another for her sister. Gwen put on her sweetest smile. "Of course!" She told her. "I just made those when I was bored, feel free to grab two." Another older girl then joined and Gwen smiled at her next. "Sure, you can grab any color you like."
''Can you please make for me purple collor, i can give some money to.'' Jenna asked and hoped that she make for her some purple collor. It would be perfect collor for today.
Gwen looked at the Hufflepuff girl and shook her head "I wasn't going to do nails, but you can pick a bottle and keep it." She told her, handing the girl a purple bottle of nail polish. She wasn't going to sit here and do people's nails for them, that sounded dreadfully boring.
Rosie gave the girl a wide smile, "Thank you!" she said excitedly. She started looking at each of the bracelets that the girl had made and was trying her best to find one that Aurora would like. "What's your name?" the gryffindor decided to ask, if she was going to be taking two, and giving one to her sister she might as well know the name of the girl who'd made them. She was selecting in the end a pink and red bracelet.
Valeria was doing a lot of exploring of this new castle she was in. She hadn't been to places quite big as this in her life. She'd been to palaces and castles before but of course there was a difference between visiting and living. In her exploring she'd come to learn that the student lounge was a relatively centralised place, where lots of students hung out. And she spotted as she walked in that day a girl who'd made nail varnish and had bracelets. "These are so cute," she complimented with a wide smile, she was already looking at them, picking a few up to look more closely at their colours, eventually settling on one that had more blues, she loved pinks and purples but she felt it might be nice to have a little house pride.
Gwen looked at the younger girl who had asked for the extra bracelet and gave her a charming smile. "I'm Gwen." She said, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "You?" She asked, as if she was interested. Then an unfamiliar girl came up to her table, she looked older but Gwen didn't think she had ever seen her before. After a quick glance, Gwen realized this girl was someone she should get to know. "You think? Thanks!" She said brightly. "You have a cool style, I don't think I've ever seen you around before." Gwen said admiringly. "Are you a fourth year?" She added, guessing a bit higher than she actually thought, as it was an easy form of flattery.
Rosie glanced at the girl, "Rosie, good to meet you Gwen, I'll see you about!" she told her excitedly, since there were other people around Rosie didn't want to take up too much of her time. She wouldn't really need to since hs ehad the bracelets. and Rosie knew that Aurora was going to love it.
Valeria nodded with a brither smile. "Yeah girl, so cute!" she replied. Her smile grew as the younger girl complimented her. "Thanks! I love fashion," She gave a little shake of her head, "No, I'm a third year, just transfered in. What year are you?" she told her proudly. "Did you make all of the these nail polishes too?" she picked one up, holding it to her eyeline so that she could see the colours better.
Gwen waved at Rosie as she left, but was a lot more interested in talking to the older girl. She smiled when the girl said she loved fashion. "Me too." She admitted with a glance at the bracelets. She told her she was a third year, which Gwen had guessed, and that she had just transferred in. "Oh cool, where from?" She asked, curious if she had come from a cool school. Gwen laughed a bit when she asked about the nail polishes. "Oh, no. I just bought too many to ever use up, so I figured I might as well give them away."
Valeria grinned excitedly, "I can tell," she told her, this girl had a good sense of fashion she could see it. Val had to imagine that anyone who had a good fashion sense had an interest in it too. "Oh no where, I was homeschool, but a variety of tutors. It was really boring," She looked between the different nail polishes and laughed lightly. "Can I try a couple? I tend to want to see what they look like before I get one?" Valeria was half glancing around for a chair so that she could sit down next to this girl and try some of them.
Gwen smiled at the compliment the girl gave her, glancing down at her own outfit modestly. She nodded as the girl said she had been homeschooled, privately thinking that was probably super boring. Valeria confirmed that immediately, and Gwen smiled slightly. "Sure," she said, pulling a chair back for her to sit. "You can try whatever you like, it's not like they are new."
Valeria was able to sit down next to the girl. She was pretty pleased that the girl had pulled up the chair for her. She looked at the different nail polishes, picking them up and looking at them in the light. She opened a pink looking nail polishes and began applying it to one of her nails. "This colour is so cute! I can't believe you'd want to get rid of it." She replied, as she gentle blew on her finger to dry the nail polish quicker.
Gwen smiled, feeling very pleased the older girl wanted to sit with her. This plan had definitely worked better than she had ever expected. "Take it! It's yours." She said brightly as the girl gushed over the color. "I prefer lighter colors these days, you know?" She added, showing off her pastel pink nails.

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