Seventh Years: Lesson Six

Professor Kalif Styx was not feeling nostalgic or even remotely sad that this would be the last time he would teach this set of students. He never became attached to anyone or anything, which might have been a good reason why he was a professor. It would be a little rough if he were to feel the same pointless feeling of sadness each time a graduation class walked the stage to receive their diplomas. The layout of the room was the same as the previous weeks. One side for the study guide, the other side for practicing. "I am sure you all have been looking forward to this for a while. This is your final Transfiguration class until your NEWT next semester." He was sure that his wife would have been happy and enthusiastic, but they were completely different, so much so that he didn't offer even an ounce of encouragement for the seventh years.

Styx tapped the sheets of parchment next to him to send them to their owners, after he had graded them accordingly. Then the next blank ones for the final study guide. "This is your last study guide. Rather than just leave after turning it in, I ask you to remain behind as I grade it so that you will have it in your possession immediately for studying. Once you have it back, you may leave, or you may practice conjuring and vanishing spells." Styx walked over to his desk and sat down so that he could start grading the study guides to hand back to the seventh years. As per usual, he kept a close eye on them all.

Assignment: RP the lesson. Study Guide is worth 5 EC points.

Year 5 & 6 Study Guide said:
1. Where do items go when they are vanished?
2. What is the spell to vanish an item?
3. Does it require more or less concentration to vanish a vertebrate than an invertebrate?
4. Should you use the vanishing spell on a person? Why or why not?
5. What is splinching?
6. What does it mean to conjure?
7. What is the spell to conjure water?
8. What does Orchideous do?
9. Explain how you would go about changing the color of your eyebrows.
10. What spell conjures a flock of birds?
Lennox was just ready for classes to be over for the time being. The last week had been nothing but lectures on NEWTs and reviews. Lennox was tired of it to be honest. She was sick of people wasting her time. She had enough to deal with without incompetent people as well adding to her work load. The Slytherin girl entered the Transfiguration room. Again, she was the first to arrive. How bothersome. She rolled her eyes to herself for allowing herself to be early. Now she would have to wait again, one of Lennox's least favourite things in the world.

She took her seat in the front row, again taking out her note taking items. She knew what to expect. She was ready to get it over with. The Slytherin girl waited, her arms crossed, until the rest of her classmates had arrived. Within moments, they had. The lesson began. Lennox uncrossed her arms and picked up her quill as the study guides were conjured. This one was the easiest yet. The information was still rather fresh.

Lennox worked through the study guide, answering all the questions, adding a little more than she probably needed to. She wanted it to be perfect, no surprise there. Once she had finished, Lennox walked up to turn it into the professor. He had to grade it there. Lennox waited, resisting the urge to tap her food. She just stood there as the professor graded and returned her assignment. "Thank you" she said with a rather monotonous voice before returning to her seat. She collected her things before leaving the classroom, happy that only a NEWT stood in her way now.
Emmanuel felt a twinge of sadness as he sat down in the transfiguration classroom, knowing that this would be the last one he would have to do. The boy took out his notes and books, but the professor quickly told them that they would be doing, which was unsurprisingly more study guides. He took the one the professor handed to him and then filled it out, not struggling in the slightest in making sure he was getting down an answer for everything. Emmanuel finished it off and then handed it into the professor.
The final lesson of the semester for Transfiguration brought no surprises, there was no pomp to the occasion which he hadn’t really expected from his grandfather, still it was sad knowing it was the last time he’d ever enter the man’s classroom, but at least he’d likely see him again once he left school. Rory review the sheet from the previous lesson checking what got wrong so he could make sure to study it more and then got to work on the new study guide. Once it was complete he handed it in and made his way out of the classroom for the final time.
Chaos Zhefarovich the Second sat in his seat, his posture relaxed but his mind alert as he listened to Professor Styx. The final Transfiguration class until the NEWTs. This was it. The room was set up in the now-familiar layout, with one side dedicated to completing the study guide and the other for practicing spells. Chaos's gaze flicked over to the practice area, a small smirk playing on his lips as he thought of the spells he'd be refining today. He watched as Styx tapped the stack of parchments, sending the graded study guides to their rightful owners. Chaos caught his own and immediately glanced over his answers, noting where he had been marked down and where he'd excelled. Transfiguration had always been a challenging subject, but he had a knack for it, particularly the practical elements. Receiving the final study guide, Chaos took a deep breath and began working through the questions. His quill moved swiftly across the page. Once he was done, he looked over everything, and went to place it on Styx's desk. Once he got his sheet back, he decided to practice elsewhere. So he got up and left. He felt ready for the NEWTs.

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