Seventh Years, Lesson Five

"Morning Seventh Years!" Misha greeted with his usual bright smile. He realised that this would be the second last time he would teach them, and while maybe it could be an almost sentimental thing, for him, it wasn't. He had only known these students less than a year. No connection. Despite this, he still smiled fondly at these older students. "Today's lesson will be brief, but I assure you, it is worth it." Misha looked at his students. He flicked his wand and the room darkened. Little light shone in, but there was just enough to still be able to see. "What do you do when you're confronted with the darkest of the dark?" Misha asked the class, letting the question hang in the air. He flicked his wand again, and it lit up, Lumos, a simple spell that helped light up the room.

"What if Lumos is simply not enough? Many unlucky individuals have suffocated at the hand of the Lethifold. Others have suffered the Dementor's Kiss. All because they did not know how to protect themselves against the darkest of dark." Misha gave his students a little grin, "While this may be beginning to sound oddly like a Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, I can assure, what I'm about to show you, is a charm." Misha flicked his wand, and the light on it went out, he flicked it again, and the class fell ever darker. He was pretty excited, but managed to calm himself, to be able to speak the charm clearly, "Expecto Patronum"

All of a sudden a stream of silvery blue light flowed out his wand, within seconds materializing itself into the shape of an osprey, a large bird, with a wing span that seemed like it would've been bigger in a larger room. The patronus flew in the air, almost gliding through the air. Circling the students several times before disappearing, and plunging the room that had been solely lit by Misha's patronus once again went dark. With a flick of his wand, the usual light reentered the room. He was smiling at his students. "The Patronus Charm will repel Dementors and Lethifolds alike. It will take you all a great while to get the hang of it and may take even longer for it to get a shape, but I assure you, this charm is one that you should be happy to have in your arsenal. This charm is very much happiness in essence. With that in mind, your homework for next week is to think of a memory that makes you happy so happy that if it were real it could light up a dark room."

RP the lesson. Attendance post is fine.
It was so close to the end of the term that Cassius Styx could hardly get himself out of bed to go to class, but he managed to get up, get dressed, ensure his hair looked good, got his perfect badge on, and left the dorm room. Cass had a quiet walk, with his thoughts racing. From one question to another. A part of him did not know what he wanted to do. He could not become a famous Quidditch player. He could not stand flying. He could fight, so maybe he could open a gym. That sounded nice. He dismissed this thought as he made it to the classroom door.

Cass walked in the Charms classroom and sat down. Professor Haden let them know that today would be a brief one. He wondered why, but that thought did not last long. Professor Haden was talking about the Patronus charm. And then he demonstrated it. His was a large bird so it made him wonder what his would be. Cass would have to think of the happiest memory he could think of, someting that filled him to the brim. That would be hard. He got up and left though.
Terror Zhefarovich hoped that today would go by quickly. He did not want to do much today. He was feeling lazier and lazier as the weeks went on. He got ready in his room, and briefly watched Cassius leave. Terror hated to be early. He would be right on time, if not a little bit late. Terror put on his robes with the badge pinned to the chest. He still wondered how he managed to earn this, but he would not bother to question anymore. He did not really care. He took his bag and left the dorm room to head to the class. Terror walked in the Charms classroom and found his seat amongst his peers. They were going over the Patronus charm. The moment that word "dark" came up, he certainly knew. Terror watched the demonstration, and nodded along with the information on how the charm worked. Terror thought that he might be able to conjure it. And the homework was given. He gathered everything he had and left the Charms classroom.

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